Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2481: Hold the threat

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At this time in the melee, Mu Qianxi hides his breath.

Her purpose is to approach the phoenix that wants to catch her without the sea. As long as she wins the phoenix without the sea, at least some of the people in the prison will be controlled and relieve their pressure.

Mu Qianyu continued to display teleportation, she has already approached Phoenix without sea.

"Hey!" Numerous needles flew out, and there was nothing to see in the sea, but some of the superiors around him were not straw bags.

"His Royal Highness, be careful!"

"His Highness, hurry to escape."


With their escort, Mu Qian’s needle did not hurt the phoenix without the sea, but also exposed himself.

Huang Wuhai’s eyes stared at Mu Qianxi, saying: “She is on the other side, giving me the opportunity to catch people.”

The power of the upper lord broke out, and countless figures quickly swept to Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qian said: "Ziwei, greedy wolf, seven kills, they handed it to you."

These are some of the superiors, but why not admire the thousand miles. Mu Qiang’s people who protect her, but they are much stronger than Phoenix.

"Hey!" They played against each other, and Mu Qianji approached Phoenix without the sea. At this time, the superiors around him were led by Ziwei, and there was no superior to protect him.

Phoenix has no seaway: "I want to deal with me personally, you are too arrogant, I am the Lord."

"But you hurt very badly!" Mu Qianhui replied.

"Even if I am seriously injured, I only have one breath, and it is more than enough to win you!" He waved a powerful artifact and swept to Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi also took out the Yanlong soul sword, "Boom!" A loud noise came out.

A lower-ranking lord of a wounded person, Mu Qian, who wants to hurt the body to a higher level, is simply infatuated with the Internet. Once and for all, the attack has no effect, and the phoenix without the sea is also dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? In the end, Phoenix found a monster woman in the night!" Phoenix has no eyes.

"A little farther away from our Highness!" When the phoenix was unable to do anything, his loyal and loyal lord's guards rushed to Mu Qian.

"Hey!" He hit the target, but did not stop Mu Qian.

"burning the sky!"

"The water dragon is coming!"

"Wind, broken star!"

"Hey!" The attack on the road fell on the body of the phoenix without the sea. The silver light flashed, and the large acupuncture points of the phoenix without the sea were sealed.

"Hey!" At this time, Huang Wuhai's face was pale as paper, and a blood spouted and fell to the ground. "His Highness!" Some of the people in the Dark Prison changed their faces. They wanted to save their Highness. As a result, their house was lifted from the ground by Mu Qian, and Mu Qian took a potion to him. On the neck: "You should not act rashly, otherwise you will wait for this waste.

Engraving poisoning! ”

This is the only son of their monarch. If something goes wrong, their monarchs will not kill them.

"Hurry up and let us down!" Someone roared.

"You said that when you let go, let him be. Who are you? I listen to you by what." Mu Qian faint.


The people in the dark prison did not dare to act rashly, but the people of Shuluo Prison and the Raksha Prison were not threatened. Why did the life and death of the slain son of the dark prison monarch have a relationship with them?

"We stopped, we left immediately! You let us go." One of the lords of the dark prison spoke.

"Just like this, I am not very satisfied? Your allies must also stop." Mu Qianxi told them.

"We can't manage them!"

The sharp needle tip smashed the skin of the phoenix without the sea, and Ms. Qian said: "Then you talked with the Shura monarch and the Raksha Monarch, if they don't cooperate, I will give you a few more shots. Poison! I am not scaring you."

"Stop... Stop, all stop!" At this time, Phoenix was not scared.

However, the Shura monarch and the Raksha Prison were very enjoyable with the purple singer, and there was an empty tube to the death of the little monk.

"Hey!" Purple was attacked seriously by the two monarchs at this time. She saw the practice of Mu Qianxi and laughed.

"I said that the two of you really don't care about the life and death of the firewood! If the monarch of the dark prison knows that your two great monarchs are still letting his son die, what do you think he will think? Are you not afraid that they are at war? Is the dark prison monarch licking your knife?"


Phoenix No Seaway: "If I am dead here, my father will never give up, you can't quit! Don't start, save my life and say, we will have a chance to avenge in the future."

This is a threatening drama. Phoenix is ​​not afraid of death, so it is still very cooperative.

Shurajun’s main road: “Despicable and shameless!”

They are angry in their hearts! What does the dark prison monarch let his baby son do on the battlefield? It is simply a mess.

"Don't do it, go back!" The two monarchs ordered.

Ms. Qian said: "Go back a little further!"

"Continue to retreat!"

"Now, you can put the phoenix without the sea!"

Mu Qian said: "A waste, put it away."

"Hey!" Phoenix no sea in the air for a black point to fly out, "Ah!" A burst of fierce voice came out, the phoenix no sea called the miserable.

"His Royal Highness!"

Mu Qianyi quickly dealt with the injury of Zi You, saying: "The situation is very unfavorable for us now, first withdraw!"

Purple quiet nodded: "Good! Waiting for the night to meet, there are them good-looking! Even people are bullying us."

It’s been a month since they entered the battle cage. The entire battle cage has become extremely gloomy, and the ghost of the dead bird is jubilant.

Now all the teams in the major regions of the battle have gathered together. Now the nine-night monarch is chasing the imprisoned monarch, the allies of the six prisons go to support, and the **** strongman goes to the nine-night monarch. .

The power of the imprisoned monarch is not as good as the nine-night monarch, but he cultivated a very powerful method of escape, and after repeated attacks on the assault, he went away and deliberately delayed the time with the nine-night monarch.

By the time he got more and more people gathered on his side, after the Shura monarch and the Raksha Monarch arrived, he stopped the shameless escape. Shura Junjun said: "The prisoner of the dark, you still look at your son! A son of the monarch, the next lord, was actually the woman of the nine-night monarch, a little girl who did not even have the lord to hold it! Originally I Have the opportunity to kill the Purple Respected Lord, because your son is being held hostage, the result is wrong

After a good opportunity. "The prison lord said: "Do not be angry! It is my family's lack of sea capacity, and the strength is not strong for you. But you can understand how to protect him, I am really grateful! ”

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