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Wang Hao is the owner of the **** thorny city, and many of the blood prisoners are also scared.

Mu Qian said: "Get up!"

Mu Qianyu said these three words, confirming everyone's conjecture, she is indeed the city owner of the **** thorny city, such as fake replacement.

Mu Qianqi raised his eyebrows: "The prisoner of the dark, do you think that you can dig this corner?"

The face of the dark prison monarch became iron and blue. "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. It must be that you are deceiving."

Nine nights do not want to talk nonsense with him, but directly ordered: "kill!"

With one order, the audience was awe-inspiring, and there were countless strong men in the air, flying into the canyon.

Although the number of blood prisoners is small, it is the first to launch an attack, directly on the strongest attack.

The horrible warfare shrouded the whole world, and the nine-night figure disappeared. It directly attacked the secret prisoner, and the dark power of terror could crush the whole space.

Before the dark prison monarch can escape, but now is a decisive battle, can not be so unrelenting.

"What are you doing? Go together!" He said to the Lord of Shura and the Lord of Rakshasa.

"Hey!" The two great monarchs came together, and the three-on-one pair went on for nine nights.

The inexhaustible and powerful army has turned into a layer of dark clouds in the air, and the number is extremely large, and a sound of earth-shattering sounds has come.

At this time, Mu Qianxi was not in a hurry to shoot, there was a soul change in the air, and a thousand glimpses, the ghost of the dead bird came quite fast.

However, she found that this time it was not the ghost of the Nether, but the soul of the black armies who were in the Flame Thunder.

"How come you? Is the guy still solved?" Mu Qianxi communicated with them.

"It has been solved. Thanks to the adults for letting us be free and let us take revenge. We feel that there is a big battle on this side, and you are in the middle of it, so you want to help the adults with their own meager strength." Their leader.

Mu Qianhui replied: "The battle on this side, you do not need to shoot, blood prison is definitely not lost!" They are somewhat disappointed, and Mu Qianyi said: "But there is indeed a need for your help, and soon the death of Nether Birds will appear, absorb the souls of those who died in battle, and then make their emperors strong. I need you to destroy them when the Nether Birds are hunting, such as

what? ”

She feels that after the decisive battle, the Nethered Death Bird is likely to have enough power. Why is this feeling?

Because she knows that there is no way to find it, it is calculated.

Now I can find some helpers, and destroying some of the Nethered Death Birds can also weaken their power slightly. Even the chance of completely stopping is impossible, because this battle must be impossible.

"We are very happy to help you for the adults." They got the order of Mu Qian, and they were scattered everywhere.

The strength of these souls is good, and it is enough to deal with the Nethered Bird of Death.

Mu Qianxi, the lord of the **** thorny city, the prince of the **** monarch, the weak strength is not worth mentioning, it is too simple to deal with.

Even if she did not enter the battle circle, it was very eye-catching and became a living target in the other six prisons.

Some people want to cross the canyon, close to Mu Qianxi, grab Mu Qian, or kill her, to combat the morale of the blood prison.

However, they did not have the opportunity to be close to Mu Qian, and all those who had such ideas were obliterated by God.

They also clearly recognized one thing. This is not a living target, but a trap. The nine-night monarch arranged a mysterious strongman to protect this woman.

No melee, they are prepared to use a long-range attack to attack Mu Qian.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Numerous roads broke through, and Mu Qian’s soul spread.

These sharp arrows are difficult to pay attention to regardless of the angle of the shot, but they are not as good as a thousand.

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi easily avoided their sneak attack.

They thought that she did not participate in the war because it was protected by the nine-night monarch. In fact, it was not the time for Mu Qianxi to wait for her shot.

Phoenix No Seaway: "Father! That woman is a pervert, a monster! Must kill him, kill him..."

"Hey!" Phoenix Wuhai now remembers revenge, and the presence of Mu Qianxi makes him feel scared.

He distracted the imprisoned monarch, so that the imprisoned monarch was wounded nine nights.

There is a black hole above the arm, and all flesh and blood disappear.

He uses the power to suppress the horrible darkness of the spread, otherwise his arms will all become white bones.

It is not the first time that he has played against the nine-night monarch. He naturally knows the power of nine nights.

The monarch of the dark prison said: "You are also a monster. It is not surprising that the woman you see is a monster! So the sacred and powerful blood combination, but the birth of a dark and destructive power of the nine nights Really interesting? What do you say?"

He smiled stunnedly. "The last time I was able to make you wandering, nine deaths, this time I can certainly, nine nights!"

"You adults, you should take it."

Numerous black figures were swept out, and they were covered with horrible curses.

The curse of the curse is suffocating, and the nine-night ice-blue scorpion has no temperature.

"You can only cooperate with these bugs?"

"Bug, nine nights, you don't want to look too small for me to wait." These curses are sinister.

Dare to come to the prison to deal with nine nights, these guys are top-notch in the ability of the cursing family.

They don't need to cast a new spell on His Highness, but only the strongest dark curse that is suppressed in his body is enough to break through the imprisonment, so they win.

The strongest dark curse is the most perfect work of their curse family since ancient times.

They have to look at it, when will the nine-night sire suppress it?

"Night!" The appearance of some of these curses made the purple secluded somewhat worried.

Mu Qianxi said: "Greeting wolf, purple micro, seven kills, give me a way, who dares to block me, kill innocent!"

After these curses appeared, Mu Qiang, who had no action, plunged to the side of the nine nights.

As early as I found a sorcerer around Huang Wuhai, she knew that this time there was a curse around the monarch, and the strength was much stronger than the one of the garbage curses around Phoenix.

I want to use the same method to calculate the second time of nine nights, she is absolutely not allowed!

The greedy wolves are very strong, and those who try to take a shot at the end of the murder have no chance.

Huang Wuhai looked at the purple figure and approached him. "This woman is a pervert. She is also a curse. The curse that protects me is killed and seriously injured by her."

"When did the curse family appear a small traitor!"

"How can I compare with that waste?" These curses are very arrogant. They don't care about the words of Phoenix.

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