Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2484: Prisoner coming

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Numerous mantras appeared in the air, just like a large net, the space around the phoenix and nine nights was forbidden.

Ms. Qian’s face is cold, and she is very clear about what these people are using.

They are helping the strongest dark curse to break through the cage and let the nine nights fall into a land of annihilation.

court death!

Mu Qiang condensed a very powerful soul, all kinds of complicated mantras appeared in the air, and the overbearing soul force rushed in. It was extremely bold and mad, and it collided with the power of the cursers of a dozen curs. together.


The mantras that they condensed were ruthlessly shredded by the souls of Muji, and it was so fierce.

"How is it possible?" Some of the curses took a sigh of relief.

That little girl has such a strong soul force at a young age, and the control of the mantra is far more than they are, even if it is in the mother's womb, it is impossible to be so skilled.

They don't know that they have the curse of Wan Wan, and it is not difficult to master all kinds of curses, because she now has the most powerful treasure in the curse world.

At this point they completely understood that there was no warning to the words of Huang Wuhai, and she was more perverted than she thought. "Little girl, you as a curse will not join us to deal with the phoenix and nine nights, and even if we are still enemies with us, it is too ignorant to die. The old man came to teach you the rules of the cursing family today." Some curses also release their soul power, their souls

Forces like a storm generally swept to Mu Qianxi.

"Hey!" Several people took the opportunity to approach Mu Qianxi and attacked Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang sighs coldly: "Do you only have this little trick? This can't be done."


Mu Qianxi had a fierce confrontation with the cursing people. These old guys were more than the soul of the soul, but they saw that the spiritual level of Mu Qianyi was low, so they wanted to use another means to deal with Mu Qian. .

But the greedy wolves, six of them, have a line of protection around Mu Qianxi, so that they have no chance.

"Damn! These six kides dare to break our good deeds." Some of the cursing people's faces can be drenched with ink.

"Rumble!" On the battlefield of the monarch, there was a violent explosion, and the whole land was shaking. The wide canyon was now split more widely.

"Oh!" The three monarchs are not very good. If there is support from the cursing family, they should be able to win easily.

But all the cursed people were held back by a little girl, and the three of them could stop the attack of the nine-night monarch and could not stop it!

They braved cold sweat on their foreheads, and their bodies were not hurt by the horrible power. They didn't want to become a little bones and then disappeared!

The Shura monarch shouted: "The prisoner of the dark, you can hurry to find a way! Otherwise we will all die."

The imprisoned monarch also vomited blood. One of the most powerful reinforcements could not help now. Even a small **** had not been cleaned up for so long.

He said: "Adult! Adults will help us quickly! If we lose, this prison is the world of Phoenix nine nights, when he will put the adults in your eyes."

In a palace in the void, a black man poured himself a glass of wine.

He said: "There is no end, I should take it, you can stop me."

Nothing in the leisurely tea, there is no meaning.

"You are too young to watch the nine-night temple, and don't look too small to see Mu Qian."

"Do not stop me, if I kill the Phoenix nine nights, you don't feel bad." The shadows tore the space, and then disappeared in front of the boundless.

The space around the nine nights suddenly swayed, and a very terrifying oppression came. This sense of oppression was no less than the power of the nine-night monarch.

A black figure came out of the void, and the gloomy power made people feel trembled, just like the ghosts that climbed up to the deepest part of hell.

The three-dimensional three-dimensional of this ghost is actually a handsome man.

The crowd was shocked. "This is... who is this?"

Mu Qian’s face showed a dignified color. She had never seen this person, but she already guessed the identity of this person.

This is the legendary dark demon prisoner!

The dark demon prisoner looked at the nine nights, helplessly smiled: "I am in retreat, I did not expect you to escape from my dark demon prison. As the only person who escaped from the dark demon prison, I will personally take you Grab it back and then adjust it, nine nights."

Looking at this person for nine nights, the ice blue scorpion did not have a slight fluctuation.

In an instant, the horrible power of darkness broke out, and it was heart-rending. It started directly at nine nights and told the Dark Lord Prisoner with the most aggressive and powerful attack. He wanted to take him back and dream.

The Dark Lord Prisoner chuckled, and waved a handful of black beams to the Phoenix nine nights.

"As always, don't put anyone in the eyes of the nine nights, really let me want to destroy you!" He whispered in a low voice.

"Booming!" The amazing collision of the two amazing forces is like destroying the entire battle cage.

The darkness seems to devour everything, and they hurriedly avoided it.

The Dark Prison Monarch and the Shura Prison Monarch were also stunned. They clearly did not differ in level, but they were able to clearly understand the huge gap between the two.

They are different, but the rules of the prison have limited their power. Otherwise, they will kill them, and they will not destroy them at all.

The Lord of the Rakshasa was shocked: "The dark lord of the rumor is so powerful!"

The secret prisoner said: "Otherwise you think it! That is the dark demon prisoner, who masters the supreme power of all prisons in the prison."

"Dark Demon Prison Lord, let us help you to deal with the Phoenix nine nights." Faced with such a strong, the three monarchs are even more afraid to offer their diligence even if they are afraid of the strength of the two.

The dark demon prisoner’s eyes flashed a cold light, and the dissatisfied said: "I am enjoying my hunting, but I don’t want to break my interest because of some of your miscellaneous fish.

His eyes looked deep and nine nights, this man is very strong, the most interesting prey he has ever seen. I haven't enjoyed this kind of hunting for a long time.

The nine-night ice-blue scorpion sank slightly, and once again slammed into the dark demon prisoner.

Dare to regard him as a prey and find death!

"Hey!" The three monarchs were rushed out by the two of them fighting, and the dark demon prisoners did not want them to intervene. If they dare to intervene, they would be slaughtered. The imprisoned monarch squatted to the murderer who was fighting with the curse. He said: "The dark demon prisoner is powerful and has more than enough to deal with the phoenix and nine nights. We don't need us to help. Then we first put the phoenix nine nights woman, The city owner of the Scarlet City of Thorns has cleaned up and reinvented the morale of the blood prison."

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