Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2498: Find opportunities

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He used the six prisoners and even the Nether Death Birds as a chess piece, but at the moment when he finally attacked the general, she did not know what the endless plan was going to do.

But by the time she knew, it was too late!

Mu Qianqi fists clenched, **** boundless!

After the second strike, the Nethered Death Bird King said: "Damn! The power is reaching the limit, not enough... I need the soul... need some powerful soul!"

The dark demon prisoner stared at the purple and floating, and the result of a cold realization fell on his body.

Once they dare to do the two people, then the rest of the phoenix and nine nights will definitely be unceremonious, will not let them succeed.

Under the defensiveness of Jingying, Mu Qianxi gave the nine nights the time to adjust the interest and suppress the curse in this battle.

Although this time is short, it is absolutely necessary.

The Dark Demon Prisoner does not dare to do it for the nine nights, so use your own people!

The poor prisoners who had been miserable had a very bad premonition. Sure enough, a force shrouded him.

The Dark Lord Prison Lord did not start with him, but took the Shura monarch.

"Ah!" The Shura monarch screamed.

"Dark Demon Prison, you can't do this! We are your allies, allies!" His face was pale and incomparably panic.

The Dark Lord's Prison Lord: "Allies, you are also worthy of the three of you! You can't beat three of them, you can't kill, you have no use."

"I... how can you do this, hateful!" Shura’s prisoner snarled in anger.

It’s not a rare thing to make a skin with a tiger and fall into such a situation!

The Shura domain was on the verge of death, and he tried his best to break through the power, but was easily pinched to death by the Dark Lord.

The disparity in strength between the two sides is too great, and he is destined to be killed by his own alliance.

Even if he died, his soul could not be spared.

The dark demon prisoner said: "The soul of the prison king, I think you can recover a lot if you eat it!"

"Reluctantly make do!" The tone of the Nethered Death Bird King is somewhat disgusting.

For it, the best taste is the soul of Mu Qian and the nine nights of the phoenix, followed by the floating and purple, the three monarchs are completely a defective product, it is actually quite invisible.

"Ah!" He could only watch his soul swallowed up by this ghostly death bird.

Both the Dark Prison Monarch and the Raksha Prison Monarch are extremely bad-faced. You must know that the Dark Lord Prisoner can kill an ally when he does not change his color. When the Nether Death Bird King needs to continue to replenish his strength, he will definitely not talk. Said to kill them.

The Rakshasa main road: "Let's go! Let's go! I don't want to stay with this madman. I am dealing with allies and working with a beast."

"Go! Right, go!" However, their strength did not recover so fast. In this case, it was a dream to run.

Damn it! They cursed in a low voice.

At this point they felt that losing in the hands of the Phoenix nine nights, they were taken away from the big **** they had mastered, and they were stronger than those who died under their own allies.

At this time, their intestines must be remorse, and they should not be against the monsters of the Phoenix nine nights.

After devouring the power of the Shura prisoner, the power of the Nethered Death Bird King has skyrocketed a lot.

The black death feather once again appeared, its gloomy road: "Is there an eternal guardian? If it is incomplete, there must always be a time to exhaust."

"go to hell!"

"Boom!" A loud bang came out, and some of these forces were blocked.

The Dark Demon Prisoner whispered: "Three times, it has been used up, and the Highness of the Nine Nights, this woman has no use anymore! Lose her, we will play well, how!"

Nine nights cold stunned the dark demon prisoner, cold channel: "There is a squat, you will die faster."

He won him enough time, and then gave him to clean up.

When the power of the nine nights swept through, the dark demon prisoner and the Nethered Death Bird King felt an extremely powerful pressure.

It seems that the previous battle did not have any effect on him. It was a big pervert!

The dark demon prisoner said: "I attacked the phoenix nine nights, and you tried every means to kill Mu Qianxi. If the phoenix nine nights saw his woman dying in front of him, he would surely be in a mess, and we would have a chance."

Nethered Death Bird King: "Well! Then I am responsible for sneak attack on a woman who has a destiny soul. I don't believe that there is no loophole in the man's defense!"

"Booming!" The stalemate of the moment, in exchange for a more terrifying war.

It is the imprisoned monarch and the Luosha monarch who breathed a sigh of relief. He can't wait for the two sides to lose both sides, otherwise they will be miserable.

If Phoenix wins nine nights, then the Nethered Death Bird King will definitely devour their soul to restore power.

And if the phoenix loses nine nights, their allies will not necessarily leave their lives. After all, the dark demon prisoner is a heart-wrenching master.

The dark demon prisoner violently attacked the phoenix nine nights and Mu Qianxi, he wanted to relax the protection of Mu Qianxi in the phoenix and nine nights, so that the Nethered Death Bird King can take advantage of it.


I don’t know how many rounds I’ve fought, I really found the opportunity for the Nethered Death Bird King.

A feather of death that gathered all its powers tore the void and rushed toward Mu Qian’s forehead.

In the face of such a situation, the nine nights will either focus on hurting Muqian, or let Mu Qianxi be killed.

Obviously, Phoenix chose the former for nine nights!

The dark demon prisoner showed a smug color in his eyes. He did not expect that the nine-night priest, who had always been ruthless and unintentional, would do so for a woman.

"Boom!" The horrible explosion came out. Purple and floating students saw this scene and were very worried!

"Hey!" A black figure was blasted out, and all his body became a bone.

This one who flies out is naturally a dark demon prisoner. This blow is not good for the dark demon prisoner. At this time his face becomes pale.

"You... Phoenix nine nights, I have read you wrong! It turns out that you are as cold and ruthless as you used to be. You just lied to me. You never thought about protecting that woman, but wanted to blind me to find a chance to attack. I, I was fooled, **** it!" The dark demon prisoner.

"Nine nights can't protect me while hitting you? The dark demon prisoner." When the power of darkness dissipated, the stone flew away, and Muqian stood there safely and innocently. There is a light blue lotus petal in the top of her head. It has a strong space to make the Nether Death Bird King unable to hurt her.

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