Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2499: No way to lie to me

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The beautiful lotus petals illuminate this chaotic broken void, and the life is amazed: "That is the eternal guardian, Jiuzhong Hongmenlian, so beautiful! I did not expect that I had a chance to see."

"A petal is so beautiful, if it is complete, if it is complete, how amazing it is!" he sighed.

Nethered Death Bird King: "Dark Demon Prisoner, you lied to me! Only three times, but you said, but now this woman has blocked my four attacks."

This is also something that is beyond the expectations of the Dark Lord Prisoner. The Dark Demon Prisoner gnawed his teeth: "Nothing lie to me! He actually lied to me."

Mu Qiandao said: "Is there any strangeness to lie to you? Do you not forget, who is the leader of the endless? Who is his loyal person? Working with a prophet, it is also a matter of being pitted." !"

"Boom!" Daddy, nine nights and fiercely attacked the Nethered Death Bird King, to crush them one by one, clean up!

The power of this piece of debris became weak, and Mu Qiang held the pieces of crystal Ying in his hand.

After nine nights, she returned to her side again, and she took care of her tightly and took her to attack the two men.

Because the consequences of a momentary mistake are very serious, in the face of a powerful nine nights, at this time they can only be pressed.

In fact, there is no lie to the dark demon prisoner. Mu Qiang’s body is only three pieces of eternal guardian, and can only be blocked three times.

The nine-night body also has a piece of eternal guardian. This point, no end of the world, certainly deep, this is also something that the dark demon prisoner did not think of.

Because of the existence of this piece of debris, Mu Qian can use four times of absolute defense, so that the dark demon prisoner counts wrong.

It is no wonder that no one is afraid that his master will be planted in his hands, and then he will be taken to the Dark Devils prison for torture and humiliation. It turns out that he had calculated him before he started.

Not only did he want to admire the insulting woman who disappeared in front of his master, but also wanted to destroy him, a person who had threatened his master and had sinned against his master.

The dark demon prisoner has no pain in his heart. He was deceived. Then he does not know how many times the absolute defense can be used by this woman. The situation is very unfavorable for them!

The Death Bird King is very angry, and human beings are simply insidious, deceitful, shameless and shameful.

It said: "You block me, I need to devour a soul."

"Good! I will cooperate with you." The Dark Demon Prisoner is very clear. This time, the Confrontation wants to win. He can only choose to cooperate with the Nethered Death Bird King. Otherwise, he will definitely be killed by the Phoenix Night.

The dark demon prisoner was wrapped up in the phoenix nine nights, the power of darkness mixed with magic, and the power of terror broke through the phoenix nine nights.

In the air, there was a very white bird with a sorrowful temper, and the imprisoned monarch and the Rakshamon monarch were scared at this time.

They trembled: "The Nether Death Bird King, don't kill us! Don't..."

"Rain! Adult!"

Are they begging for mercy, useful?


The imprisoned monarchs spurred the last force to the monarch of the Rakshasa, and a dagger pierced the heart of the Rakshamon monarch.


The blood spilled, and the Raksha Monarch looked at him with shock.

Allies, this time is used to betray. If you don’t do this, it is very likely that he will die.

The lord of the dark prison: "The Nether Death Bird King, this person I have already killed, please enjoy! This kind of goods, you are not qualified to let you personally, I will come."

"Oh! This is human." The sorcerer of the Nethered Death Bird.

"Look at what you are obedient, let me go."

It unknowingly swallowed the soul of the Lord of the Rakshamon. With a soul supply of the monarch, the wound on it was much better.

After all, a monarch, but this is the most powerful strength of the prison.

It fanned its wings and once again rushed to the nine nights and Mu Qian.

"Booming!" The battle between the two sides was in full swing, and the nine-night atmosphere became more and more dangerous.

Broken void, in addition to the power of darkness, the power of death, there is another power, that is the power of the curse.

"Not good!" It was hard to recover a little bit of strength and the purple face was getting more and more dignified.

He said: "Floating, hurry to recover! If there is any accident, you take the little beauty, I drag the night."

The floating life: "This is the breath, this one of your master is really miserable!"

"What is bad luck, I think it is strong in the night, so..."

"They are dead!" Ziyou made a verdict on the fate of the dark demon prisoner and the ghost of the dead bird.

The night's curse broke out completely, but it was devastating, and no one could stop it. Now he is on the verge of danger.

"you you……"

This power makes the Dark Lord Prisoner shudder.

When he was in the dark demon prison for the first nine nights, he did not curse, and he could not use the spiritual power. He thought that he would not be able to metamorphosis even if he was abnormal again.

There is no limit to telling him how powerful the ninth night is.

At this time, he listened to the plan of infinity, and tried his best to let the curse in the body of the Phoenix nine night break through his imprisonment. This is a disaster for him.

"Booming!" The power of nine nights made them fear, and the Nethered Death King and the Dark Lord Prison were blasted out.

The Nethered Death Bird King, which was first cleaned up in nine nights, "Hey!" A fight, the wings of the Nethered Death Bird King have disappeared.

"Damn!" The eyes of the Nethered Death Bird King are very fierce.

So powerful, why is it so powerful.

At this time, the nine nights also pushed Mu Qianxi out, and the convenience of pushing to the place is the direction of the Aion.

Mu Qianqi stood in the air and looked at the nine nights that were shrouded in extremely powerful strength. She bit her teeth and solved the Nethered Death Bird King first, and solved the problem one by one.

Purple secluded road: "Fortunately! There is still some reason in the night, loose the little beauty."

"Hey!" Flying a few needles in the air, Mu Qian said: "You can recover soon!"

The needles of the medicines plunged into their skin, and Mu Qianxi was now at the sub-tower of the Aion.

A sub-tower has become three, and the soul of Mu Qianxi has held them back.

Ms. Qian said: "I believe that I am the Lord! You have no second choice."

The soul is overbearing and forcing the three sub-towers to forcibly contract, and some of the sacred beasts and sacred beasts have no time to digest and throw them aside.

The only thing that interests her now is to use this tower to deal with the Nethered Death Bird.

The method is really there!

Two to deal with one, they are still crushed by the phoenix nine nights. The cooperation between the two began to feel that they were winning, and now they have resigned.

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