Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2535: Joint pursuit

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This human woman, they must be brought back safely and without any mistakes.

"Hey!" This Mozu was wounded by the guardian of the fifth floor in order to protect Mu Qian.

"Give me this guardian." He said in anger.

Numerous Abyssal Demons attacked the Guardian of the fifth floor. For a time, it was a big chaos. Mu Qian was not afraid of being attacked by the Abyss, but the guardian of the fifth layer stared at her.

This guy is a sly master. The one who can control all the abyss of the abyss cares about her, and he tries to attack her.

"How do you believe me with this old man?" Mu Qianxi said helpless.

Her spiritual power was sealed. Fortunately, this abyssal demon is very serious about her task, and she protects her from being attacked by the Abyss.

He said: "You guardians can not attack the practitioners of the Abyssal Demon, you have already violated the rules of your infernal."

"I will be so stupid, I believe in the words of your abyss." The guardian of the fifth floor absolutely does not believe that he has encountered many insidious and deceptive abyss.

Mu Qianxi said helplessly: "Don't waste your tongue, I think you should unlock my spiritual imprisonment and let me recover. So I can't be so vulnerable to him, you can also be much less. Isn't the pressure?"

"You can't think about it!" What if this woman ran away if she really unlocked her spiritual power? It will never be deceived.

The three parties do not believe each other, this battle is inevitable, Mu Qiang can only do their best to dodge, find ways to let them fight a loss, so that she has the opportunity to be free.

"Booming!" A burst of loud noise came out.

The fifth floor was extraordinarily large, and nine nights appeared. It was discovered that a deep abyss could not be found around. He wanted to find a cockroach. If he could not find it here, he had to find the guardian of the fifth floor. He opened the space to the sixth floor.

"Hey!" This side of the war is going on. The guardian of the fifth floor and the one of the abyss of the abyss have really lost both sides. He knows that he can't fight.

He said: "Let's leave first, and then wait for me to get hurt and then find him."

Ms. Qian said: "But I don't want to leave with you!"

"Small blood, hands-on!" In the first few layers, Mu Qianxi did not let the small blood out, this time to escape from this abyssal demon, she let the small blood shot.

The red light flashed, and the blood-red thorns rushed to this abyss.

He was seriously injured, and thought that Mu Qiang did not have the power to fight back. He also relaxed his vigilance. He thought that Mu Qianzhen actually harbored such a killer.

"Hey!" This mob was tightly bound by **** thorns. He said: "You...you..."

"Damn! I care about it."

Mu Qian said: "I still don't hurry to unlock my imprisonment, let me recover my spiritual power, and I heard no."

"Impossible!" He stubbornly did not want to let go of the Millennium.

At this time, the guardian of the fifth floor said: "I didn't expect your abyss to fight in the abyss, just give me a chance, you are all dead."

Mu Qian is full of black lines, this fifth layer of guardians is too difficult, and now she is also a herd of the abyss!

"Hey!" The little blood blocked the attack of this guy, but it also restored the freedom of the abyss.

So Mu Qianxi can be miserable. To face the siege of the fifth floor and a lot of abyss, she is too unlucky!

Mu Qian said: "Small blood, we will retreat quickly!"

Even though Mu Qianxi was sealed with spiritual power, her physical strength is higher than her ability level, and the speed is naturally not slow.

It was just a disguise to let the abyss of the abyss be taken lightly. Now she has to run away. Naturally, she has to do her best to run at the fastest speed.

This thing is troublesome. The guardian of the fifth floor does not believe her at all. She may not be able to beat him with a small blood. Playing him will not necessarily help her open the passage and lead her.

It seems that only wait for nine nights to come down first, and then let the guardians of the fifth floor be cleaned up nine nights to see if he will give way.

The guardian of the fourth layer is fake. If you find the true fourth-level guardian in nine nights, you should be able to go to the fifth floor. I hope that the night will be faster.

"Booming!" There are countless followers, and Mu Qian does not know whether she can be stuck in the nine nights to find her.

Ms. Qian said: "I said that the guardian of the fifth layer is your enemy. What have you been doing with me?"

The Abyss Mozu replied: "I have to catch you."

"The fifth layer guardian, I am really not the abyssal demon, you have to fight with the abyss of the abyss, can you forget me?" Mu Qianxi helpless. "The abyss of the abyss will pretend, you don't think that you pretend to be a beautiful human gimmick, I will be deceived, you are too small to see me! This abyssal demon is so concerned about you, you must have a secret, I Be sure to catch you, by the way, you can threaten some of these abyss

. "The guardian of the fifth floor.

Then there was a strange scene on the fifth floor. The abyss of the abyss was in line with the goal of the guardian of the fifth floor, chasing the millennium.


"This group of bastards!" Little blood is also angry, making a trick to deal with these guys.

However, the number of enemies is too large, and the enemy's strength is too strong. It is also a musty for Mu Qiang. After being kidnapped, it is hard to find a chance to escape. As a result, they are jointly pursued.

"I really thought I was bullied?" Mu Qianxi was angry.

"Hey!" Mu Qian's medicine needle in his hand flew out, and some of the prepared poisons were all made.

This poison can delay the time for Mu Qian, but this period is not strong.

Was taken away by the Abyssal Mozu, estimated to be used by their demons to do what is going on for nine nights?

If you are the guardian of the fifth floor, it will be very miserable if you are caught and locked in the cage.

Both of these results, Mu Qianxi did not accept.

"I fight with them!" Xiaoxue said to Mu Qian.

"Don't, I don't want the last time to happen again, continue to find a way to run!"

"Boom!" A loud noise, a smog of fog blocked their sight, followed by Mu Qianyi at the fastest speed.

"Fast chase!"


The people in the rear are chasing after them, and they have to be chased by them once. Are they really forced to be shackled by this group of guys?

"Hey, are you willing to gamble?" Crystal Ying sounded. Here is the infernal, the power of the crystal clear space can not be used here, otherwise she will be chased by them for so long.

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