Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2536: Nine nights to chase

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Mu Qianqi asked: "Crystal Ying, do you find anything?"

"When you feel it carefully, you will find it." Crystal Ying returned.

Mu Qiang hit the soul, she found something in this sky, there is a small space crack, this space crack is small, but it overflows the power of the very terrible fire element.

Here is the infernal, there is no power of any element, but here there is the power of the fire element, it is no weaker than the flame of the king of the dragon sword.

What is there inside?

Mu Qianqi is very curious, she feels that instead of being caught by them, it is better to go in and explore the secret inside.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Crystal Ying, how come in?"

"As long as you find the crack in the space and rush over, then it will be fine for me."

"Good!" Mu Qiandao said.

The Abyss of the Abyss said to you: "You haven't run, I will take it away, and I won't treat you to abuse you. What are you running?"

The guardian of the fifth floor said: "It seems that this abyss of the abyss really cares about you, very good! I will let you fall into my hands."

Mu Qianxi said to them: "You two dumb forks dream!"

After that, Mu Qianxi rushed to the crack in an accurate and unmistakable way. For a time, a light blue light wrapped up Mu Qianji.

In the meantime, Mu Qianxi disappeared in front of them, leaving only the guardian of the fifth floor and the abyss of the abyss to blink here.

"There is no guardian leading the way, how did she run? You have a new special ability of the Abyss Mozu?" The fifth layer of guardians are vigilant.

The abyss of the abyss said: "Her spiritual power has been mad by me, what means to run? Shuttle space..."

They were puzzling, they were dead, but now they are standing together and thinking hard.

Before they even came up with a result, there was a creepy force that appeared, and the Abyss of the Devil and the Guardian of the fifth layer made a big jump.

The Abyss of the Abyss has widened his eyes. What? How come so fast?

It’s not the person that the Emperor wants to see, it’s not...

The guardian of the fifth floor was also scared. "You...you are, you are coming again, God! You...what are you going to do?"

Nine nights did not look at the guardian of the fifth floor, the pair of ice blue scorpions did not have a slight temperature to look at the abyss of the abyss: "What?"

Sacrifice This abyssal demon is different, but nine nights still remember his breath, it is the abyss of the abyss.

"Hey!" Under the gaze of the nine nights, the abyss of the abyss scared his legs weak, and he stumbled down: "Adults... adults..."

"I... I have never hurt that woman a hair! I just listened to the life of my emperor, grabbed her and led you to see him. I..."

"Hey!" The abyss of the abyss took a sigh of relief, and his legs disappeared without a trace.

"Where are you?" Nine nights cold channel.

"She... she disappeared directly in front of her eyes, I don't know how to run?" The Abyss of the Abyss returned.

"Hey!" The eyes of the nine nights stared at the front. He knew that this little abyssal demon would never dare to lie to him, but he disappeared here.

The crack in the space disappeared after Mu Qianyu left, and even a few nights could not find a trace.

Can disappear here, it must be the credit of Crystal Ying, Crystal Ying sent to a safe place, then...

In order to avoid trouble later, he felt it necessary to solve the one of the devils first.

Nine nights cold channel: "Lead the way, let me see your magic emperor."

Without the legs, this abyss can only be suspended in the air by force. It is very painful. He said: "Good! Small obedience, small must bring you to see our demon. But we are going to the sixth Layer, I need to copy the ability of this guardian, and trouble the adults."

"Wait! Adults, you have to go to the sixth floor, I can lead you! You don't believe in the lie of this abyssal demon." The guardian of the fifth floor was in a hurry.

"Adults, they all blame this guy for the adults, otherwise the adults will not run, and then disappear, and blame him." The abyss of the abyss naturally do not want the fifth layer of guardians better, this does not complain.

"You blame me? It seems as if you didn't chase the little girl, it's obviously you!" The guardian of the fifth floor was also angry. This guy was a wicked person.

and many more……

What did the guardian of the fifth layer think of? He asked: "Adult, what little girl is you bringing to the prison?"

A cold sight swept over, this adult did not answer, he also knew, yeah!

That little girl is not a deep abyss! However, he actually turned him into a deep abbot, and followed this abyss of the demon to pursue her, it is really a rumor!

I hope this adult does not know anything, I don’t know anything?

His prayers are useless. The Abyss of the Abyss immediately complained. "Adult, this is the guardian. Did he actually treat the adults as the abyss of the abyss? Where are the abyss of the abyss, and the guys are not so beautiful, this guy is not at all Long eyes..."

"You shut me up!"

"What happened to me telling the truth?"


Anyway, the two guys revealed each other shortly and complained to each other. No one had any good fortune. They were taught a night by nine nights, and they shivered and shivered. This person is terrible.

Nine nights cold voice: "You'd better pray, don't have anything."

The fifth guardian gave them a way to the sixth floor, and the one that the legs did not have, the abyss of the abyss reluctantly kept up, nine nights cold channel: "Give Benjun to find someone! Speed ​​must be fast!"

"Yes! Yes, we will go right away." In their eyes, nine nights have become the most terrible person in this prison, can not afford to provoke!

As for Mu Qianxi, she entered a dark flame space. This flame is very dangerous. Fortunately, she cultivated the flame hardening method, otherwise she did not have spiritual defense. In the absence of Crystal Ying using absolute defense, she It will definitely be burnt to ash by some of these flames.

When Mu Qiang was bathed in this flame, she asked: "Crystal Ying, how do you go out next?"

"The space around us is very stable, and there is no space crack for the time being." Crystal Yingdao.

"If you can't get out, you can only stay here and practice. I hope that I don't worry too much about me for nine nights." Mu Qianqi whispered.

This flame is very strong, baptism and envy the body of the millennium, so that the body of Mu Qianxi has been greatly improved. In the endless flame, Mu Qianxi actually saw a black figure in front. There is another person in this space!

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