Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2538: Too unwilling

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"Booming!" A burst of loud noise came out.

Mu Qianxi is a little surprised. He knows that he knows everything?

This guy recognizes the eternal artifact at a glance, which is very similar to the older brother.

For the use of flames?

"Look clearly! The powerful soul is used to understand everything about me, you will find something."

"Hey!" A burst of loud noise came out.

"Jiu Yan broke!" In an instant, the magical skills changed, and Mu Qianyi attacked again.

She seems to have some understanding, but this kind of comprehension can't be said, but it was forced out by this individual attack.


Mu Qianxi was injured, the injury was not fatal, but she was very angry with Crystal Ying.

"Which is your old man? Even if you are an old person, you can't bully my master." There was a loud noise in the space, and Crystal Ying really wanted to stuff him into the crack of space.

The other side faintly said: "She wants to be stronger, isn't it? I can't help much, I can only do this."

Crystal Ying can not refute this words, Mu Qianhui replied: "Crystal Ying, don't worry! I don't care!"

"Come back!"

The power of the fire element continues to burst into madness, and Mu Qianjun continues to fight with this person.

She did not know how many times she had played, and then the other party suddenly stopped.

"Hey!" He didn't dodge, didn't block, and he was so hard that he had a thousand hits.

Of course, he didn't have anything at all.

"It's almost, then you have to understand by yourself. When you have enough rest, come back to me with the last game! If you win, you can leave." After that, he disappeared in the same way. before.

He is like a shadow, giving a feeling of nothingness, but he attacks her hot feeling of flame and let her know that it is all true.

"In the last game, what the **** is he doing? How do you fight?" Mu Qianxi is very clear about the strength gap between him, so knowing that this is impossible?

This person may be similar to the strength of the nine nights, perhaps stronger, such an opponent will be better to deal with.

Crystal is a thousand words: "Hey, I will help you! We don't need to be afraid of him."

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Good! No matter what the result is? The fight is to fight, but you can't shrink from the beginning."

In addition to the flame, this space is a flame, there is no other thing, and the thousands of remedies are restored.

Mu Qianzhen recovered quickly, so he will soon start the second battle.

The familiar figure appeared in front of Mu Qianxi. He said: "This time, you attack me with water elements! With the fire element, you can't beat me."

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumped, and the water element does not necessarily win!

However, this can only be the case.

For example, the probability of winning with the fire element spirit is one in ten thousand, and the water element is good for two thousandths!

The element of water erupted and was in love with the fire element of this world.

Mu Qiang’s preemptive attack, the other side only avoids not actively attacking.

"Hey!" So, once and for all, Mu Qianyi still had several tricks with him.

When the spiritual power of Mu Qianxi was about to be exhausted, the other party was hit, not only was hit, but also covered by the water element, and was frozen.

"I seem to have lost!" He looked up at Muhal's slow opening.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched. “Don't lose? Can you pretend to lose a little bit of heart! You have put the water down to your home, okay?”

Anyone with a long eye can see that this guy is pretending to admit defeat.

When her water element spirit hit, his power disappeared and became an ordinary person without spiritual power.

If her attack can't even be dealt with by an ordinary person, she doesn't know how many times she has been killed by her opponent.

"I don't admit defeat, don't you want me to make all the strength?"

Mu Qianxi saw that the person's appearance was still so vague, but she saw a pair of fiery red eyes, which contained a very terrifying flame power.

This kind of power gives Mu Qian a strange feeling that he is a fire, and the fire is himself.

If this guy makes all the power, she estimates that it will last for half a second under his hand!

Mu Qian said: "I want to go out, you admit defeat is just as I wish, I do not look for abuse to let you use all the power to fight with me. Unless my family also shot nine nights."

"Scratch!" The ice sealed his ice and shattered in front of Mu Qian.

"I have a rule, someone who can beat me, I will help her a little! Only in this prison." He said to Mu Qian.

"I am also a winner?" Among the people who fought with her, this battle was definitely the least worrying one of the opponents she had seen.

Even if it is nine nights, it is not calm to let go of her water!

"Of course! I lost, this is the truth." He replied.

"Not everyone else, do you do the same? How many people do you want to do?" Mu Qianyan screamed.

He replied: "People who find me here and beat me, only you."

Mu Qian lived and asked, "Why?"

She is not familiar with him, and she does not know who he is?

"Look at the face of Crystal Ying, look at the face of the water dragon, oh! There is Ah stop! Even if he is a lifetime, he has no face at all." The other party replied.

It is the old man, the crystal of Ying.

Crystal Ying looked at him. She couldn’t remember which is the old man. This means that it is not the same as the Mozu.

With a wave of his hand, a flame formed a door in front of Mu Qian, and he said: "You can leave through this door, let's go!"

"If you are in trouble in the infernal, you can call my name, I can help you once."

Mu Qianxi looked back and said to him: "What is your name, what is it?"

"My name is black." His voice was low and he spit out the four words.

"Shadow, why haven't I heard this name, you won't lie to our family!" Crystal Ying suspected him.

Although I have been sleeping for a long time, it is still not complete, but there is no memory loss.

"This is my name, it has always been." The black shadow replied.

Mu Qiandao said: "Crystal Ying, let's go!"

She didn't know who he was, and Crystal Ying didn't know it, but the person was mysterious from beginning to end, but it made him feel dangerous and even gave him a close feeling.

He has never lost anyone, but he is so casual about her ability to admit defeat to her, she is strict with her, and the last battle is extravagant. This person gives him a very special feeling that he will not be an enemy.

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