Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2539: Then it’s gone

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Crystal Yingdao: "Good!"

Crystal Ying returned to Mu Qian’s body and stayed outside for a long time. In order to guard against this inexplicable person, now she can finally go, she has to go back to rest.

"Remember, if you are in trouble, let me help! As long as I am in this prison, I will help you."

"I understand to you!"

"If you understand, then don't hold it hard, let's go!"

Mu Qiang stepped into the door and disappeared into the shadow of the shadow.

He stood silent in the door for a long time, the flame filled the space, and finally he disappeared into the flame.

Once again from that flame space, Mu Qianyi returned to the fifth floor.

Her face sank and groaned: "Do you want to go again to find the guardian who is the fifth layer of human beings who does not believe that I am human, that one of the blind guys."

Mu Qianzhen really didn't want to meet the guy. It was hard to avoid being chased after meeting.

She decided to find his position first, then sneak attack to solve him, and then threatened him to lead her.

To deal with this guy, she doesn't want to talk as well as before and solve it with peaceful means.

This fifth layer of the Abyssal Mozu is much less than the previous one. It seems that the guardian of the fifth floor has been cleaned up recently.

When she returned to the fifth floor again, Mu Qiang felt that the feeling of being monitored was back. This guy must be on the other side of the abyss.

Mu Qianxi has not found a chance to attack the guardian of the fifth floor. The guardian of the fifth floor discovered her. He looked at Mu Qian’s astonishment: "It is you...you..."

He rushed toward Mu Qian, and he was so excited that he burst into tears.

God gave him a chance to make up for it. He must cherish it and cherish it.

"I was first discovered by him." Mu Qianyan's face sank, had to run first?

Now that the spiritual power has been restored, the body is running. It is a wind element, and it is a bit of a teleport. It’s a lot faster than the last time. Even if there is no abyss, the guardian of the fifth floor will catch up with her. Not at all easy.

"Wait! Wow, don't run! I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, I shouldn't treat you as an abyss, I sincerely apologize to you, can you stop!" The loud voice, this is his own creation!

Mu Qianqi replied: "You don't want to lie to me. You guys are thieves, do you think you can believe?"

The guardian of the fifth floor is so mad that he vomits blood. "I said it is true, really..."

I believe it is useless now, and Mu Qian does not believe him, so he runs faster.

The guardian of the fifth floor said: "Mu Qianxi, I am an adult, I am really talking! The nine-night adult is looking for you, he is now going to the seventh floor, the devil is a dangerous guy, you Really assured that he went alone to find the devil fighting?"

Mu Qianyu stopped his footsteps: "You actually know that nine nights, are you a disguise of that abyssal demon?"

After all, the mountain exits him as the guardian of the fourth layer. This time it is not difficult to disguise the fifth layer guardian?

"I didn't say a half-say, can you be more sincere?"

"I have been very sincere to me, but you don't believe me! Now talk to me about sincerity, go!" Mu Qianxi did not buy this guy's account at all.

After that, Mu Qianxi ran smoothly. After running away, Mu Qianxi has already determined where the guardian of the fifth floor is?

Locked him with the soul, then she just needs to find the most suitable time to attack him.

"Ah! Oh, it’s gone, it’s hard to find the big man who has disappeared." The fifth guardian snarled.

The blood that is vomiting now is the water that was in the brain before. Why didn't you believe in people at the beginning, why?

When the fifth-level guardian lost his madness, Mu Qianzhen found the opportunity to attack. She said: "Small blood, you start!"

"Invincible, little red, little ink! Attack!"



For a time, the guardian of the fifth floor was suddenly attacked but surrounded by the attack. The **** thorns he knew, wasn't it the alienation of the adults?

She must be that I want to make him out of the air, anyway, he can't die, then it's gone!

Let the adult be happy, she should be happy, then talk to him well, then he can let her believe what he said.

Mu Qianxi found that this cargo was with her in the water, unlike the black shadow, he put the water or put it away, it belongs to that kind of calming water.

Because the fifth-level guardian did not do his best when he played against Mu Qian, he was wrapped in a big scorpion by the **** thorns.

"Hey!" A medicinal needle plunged into his neck, and a thousand faint words: "Now we can talk about it."

"You are not disguised by the Abyss, you are the true guardian of the fifth floor?"

Before he suspected that she was an abyssal demon, now the wind and water are turning, it is his turn to be suspected, the fifth layer of guardians helplessly said: "Yes! I am not a deep awkward demon, how can I be a deep awesome! ”

"What did you say is true? Have you seen nine nights?" Mu Qian asked.

"Right right! We have seen nine nights."

"Give me a warning! Detailed, don't give me something missing?"

"Must be sure! Please don't worry about this adult! I am absolutely telling you everything."

According to what he said, Mu Qianxi believed him for a while, and she also knew that she was looking for her for nine nights.

Fortunately, the last battle of the black shadow was released, otherwise she did not know when it would come out, and must go to the seventh floor and the nine-night round.

Ms. Qian said: "Lead the way! I am going to the sixth floor."

"Good! I will send you to the past, and I will remember to say good things in front of the nine-night adult." His dog's legs.

"You will die! You dare to chase me, don't believe me, I don't say that you are bad for you."

"Hey!" The guardian of the fifth floor just wanted to take the Millennium to the sixth floor. As a result, there were short-eyed Devils who attacked them.

Mu Qianxi took out the Yanlong Sword, and she smiled and said: "These guys are coming! Let me take a little time to try. What is the control of the flames?"

In the face of the shadow, she feels that how bad the control of the flame is, and how bad it is to be hit.

"Booming!" The fire is shining, the spirit is still the same, it is the skill that she used before, but the power is no longer the same.

"burning the sky!"

"Jiu Yan broke!"

"Hey!" The guardian of the fifth floor is also a bit strange. This little girl is too strong. She was almost chased by them and she had no way to go. It was because her spiritual power was sealed!

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