Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2555: Deep into the tiger's den

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The battles of these thousands of people, such as Mu Qianxi and Rakshasa Purgatory, broke out again. This time, the Millennium and the Floating Life can use spiritual power.

However, the Lord of Rakshasa Purgatory is really too small to see the strength of life, and the strength of life is completely above him! This is what he did not expect at all.

The same is the Lord of Purgatory, this battle of the gods of different bloodshed thorns is too abnormal.

"Hey!" Countless **** thorns pierced his body and nailed him directly to his palace.

"Adult!" Seeing that their masters were so miserable, some prisoners were also scared.

"Hey!" The Lord of the Raksha Purgatory spurted a blood, and he was not willing to stare at the floating life: "I have not lost yet, yet!"

"It hurts me! I want you to die! I want you to die!"

"The rumble!" a burst of loud noise, the gorgeous palace in the air is crumbling

It eventually couldn’t bear too much power and fell from the air.

"The palace has fallen, everyone is going to hurry! Come on!"

"Get out of the way!"

The place where the Lord of the Raksha Purgatory lived to escape the strong enemy was actually destroyed, and he was also scarred.

"Hey!" A burst of air came out, a needle stuck into his ear.

With the help of Mu Qian, the Lord of Rakshasa Purgatory is even worse.

Originally, it consumed most of the spiritual power, and now the spiritual power is losing at a rapid speed!

"It is this!" He found the chief culprit in the acceleration of spiritual loss.

He pulled out a small needle from the back of his ear and smacked it. He squeezed the needle of Mu Qiang.

"Hey!" He didn't listen to the blood, and he complained to Mu Qianxi and his life. He said, "You are very good! You dare to count me, I will let you pay a very heavy price!"

"Oh!" The Lord of the Rakshasa Purgatory finally lost all its power, falling from the sky and smashing into the debris of the bombed cage.

"Hey!" There is no spiritual defense. He is riddled with some fragments and blood flow is not enough!

After all, the Lord of the Big Prison is a powerful person. Even so, this injury is not enough to let him die directly.

"You...you..." Their masters were so miserable, and some of the prisoners were scared.

Those prisoners with low strength made it regret that they did not continue to follow them, but they went to the adults.

It’s too bad to bet on the bet!

Floating life: "You attacked my master just now, the attack is very enjoyable! Now it is my turn to help my master to deal with some of your miscellaneous! Let's die!"

"Booming!" The **** thorns spread, no matter how fast they dodge, but they still could not avoid being bound by these **** thorns.

"Hey!" As soon as he raised his hand, he flew them out and the surrounding area was quiet.

Floating life: "Master, solved."

"I haven't completely solved it yet, wait for someone to come!"

Sure enough, a space crack appeared, and a few black people came out of this Rakshasa Purgatory. This is from the Dark Lord.

"Adults! Adults help! These two people, these two people will be in the Rakshasa Purgatory chaos, you must punish them slyly, they are too lawless." The main voice of the Raksha Purgatory.

Today's Rakshasa Purgatory is a mess, and the two messengers are very unhappy.

They browed slightly and said: "You can use spiritual power, which prisoner are you?" Floating life: "I am the Lord of the Bloody Purgatory. I have always been very curious about the Rakshasa Purgatory, so I came to the door." The Lord of Rakshasa Purgatory is very warm and entertaining us! Even with me, it is a pity that the strength of the Lord of the Rakshasa Purgatory that you chose is too bad.

! ”

The Lord of the Rakshasa Purgatory is so irritated that it is not like this?

What is the study? It is obvious that he came to take the initiative to provoke him to make trouble.

Are they clearly sent by the nine-night monarch? Can you tell me something about it?

"Adult! You must not listen to him nonsense, I..."

Some people said: "Your strength is very weak! Together with the **** purgatory master of the four major prisoners, the nine-night monarch is eyeing us, the Shura prison has fallen, and the Luozha prison must not be lost. It is to choose a suitable candidate and become the Lord of the Rakshasa."

"What?" The Lord of the Rakshasa is unbelievable. These messengers will not avenge them. They will believe their ghosts and even revoke his position.

"They...they are the nine-night monarch! That woman is a thousand-year-old woman, a nine-night monarch..."

His words have not been finished yet. Since Mu Qian and his floating identity have been exposed, they naturally attacked these messengers first.

"Hey!" Some of these messengers were accidentally thrown out.

They angered: "What do you mean by this?"

Mu Qianqi replied: "I don't think you have any ears! You haven't heard what the guy said just now?"

At the beginning, Mu Qiu and Nine Nights took Shura Purgatory, which was a big problem.

The **** purgatory is in the pocket of lifelessness, how did they not think that this **** purgatory master will do it to them?

"Very good! Lord of the blood purgatory, even you followed the monster of the nine-night monarch, betrayed our dark demon prisoner." Their gloomy road.

Floating life: "You are not right! I am following my master, not a nine-night monarch."

"go to hell!"

These messengers are very strong, and they are not weak. Although they are not like nine nights, they are scared by these messengers. However, the powerful fighting power of his **** thorns is enough to cope with these guys.

As for Mu Qiang, who is responsible for the leak, once the floating life has hit an enemy, she will take the opportunity to make up the knife.

"Oh!" Although it took a lot of effort, but Mu Qian and the floating life can be regarded as successful capture of the dark magic prison.

Floating life: "Is there still someone coming in the dark demon prison? If no one comes, we can rest and rest."

Bloody thorns tied people, and Muqian was responsible for poisoning. The two of them cooperated very well. This Razhao Purgatory dared to smash in front of them.

The messengers of these dark magic prisons asked: "You guys... what do you want to do?"

Mu Qianxi said to them: "I heard that your dark demon prisoner got the Aion, don't you know whether it is true or not?"

"This is of course true! Our dark demon prisoner has acquired the eternal artifact, and when he completely controls the eternal artifact, even the nine-night monarch will not be his opponent. By then... the entire prison will be It’s our prisoner who is in the world. Hahaha!”

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi waved his hand and a pharmacy needle plunged into one of their acupoints. They now want to laugh and laugh.

"Daydream is still better to do less!" The dark demon prisoner was rumored by this news, but wanted to know whether it was true or not, only to know the depths of the tiger.

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