Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2556: Report to the night

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Their bodies are stiff and can only be stunned and looked at Mu Qianxi. Mu Qian said: "You come from the dark magic prison. You should know how to go back to the dark magic prison! Take the road! It is not that you are the prisoner." Got the Aion? I just want to see the eternal

tower. ”

"You..." They looked at Mu Qianyu with a stunned look, and did not expect that Mu Qianyi would make such a decision.

"Lead the road, or not take the road!" Mu Qianyi has also deployed a poison, obviously will not make them feel good.

They said: "We lead the way! Lead the way!"

"Then let you take a break first." Mu Qianxi looked at the Lord of the Rakshasa Purgatory.

Being looked at by Mu Qian, he felt trembled and hurriedly slammed down: "I... I will give you the position of the Lord of the Rakshasa Purgatory, don't kill me! I don't want to die."

Mu Qian said: "Floating, go and put the seal of this jailer to collect it!"

"it is good!"

The control of the Rakshasa Purgatory was also taken, and the little prisons in the prison were also packed up. The four strongest prisons now have only one dark prison that is held by the Dark Lord.

That is the biggest, strongest and most dangerous place in all prisons.

Solved here, Mu Qian said: "Lead the way! Everyone!"


Some of these were the messengers who smashed the space and rushed out. They wanted to escape. They said, "My poison is still running! You are too naive."

The floating life and the omnipotent squat into the void, and it is inconvenient for the ambassadors to take action. These will soon be caught up by Mu Qian, and at this time they opened a space crack. .

"We will never be caught by you! The prisoner must come back to avenge us."


"Ah!" When they thought they were safe, they found a deadly blow, and the horrific space storm destroyed everything they had.

Mu Qianxi and Fusheng chasing are very anxious, this space storm naturally wraps them, and Mu Qian said: "Floating!"

Floating biochemistry for the vines wrapped around the arm of Mu Qian, the light blue light wrapped up the envy of Mu Qian, blocking all space storms, and then the powerful space storm can not be protected in the space of the eternal protection Under the damage to her master half points!

Mu Qian said: "This is the case, I have already expected it."

"Hey, there is still something to gain! Because the shadow man has fixed my body, my strength has improved. Now I can determine where the dark magic prison is. Are you wanting to go now, or?" The crystal clear voice came out.

Mu Qian said: "If we are so silent to go to the dark prison, purple is estimated to be mad. The dark magic prison is not Rakshasa Purgatory, I have to go to the nine nights to report."

"Oh! Then I will send the children to the city of God!" Crystal Ying returned.

Crossing the void, I instantly arrived at the city of Yushen, and it appeared in front of the purple.

"Little Beauty!" Mu Qian's appearance, but it is a surprise to Ziyou!

"Is it smooth?" asked Purple.

"We are still in the purgatory of Rakshasa, and I have already determined where the dark magic prison is. The messenger of the dark magic prison also said that the dark demon prisoner did find the Aion. It seems that he deliberately made everyone known. Just wait for the fish to hook up!" Mu Qianxi whispered.

"That little beauty you can't go any more! Going to the trap is completely in his possession!" Purple is somewhat fortunate, Xiaomei is still rational, and did not find the position of the dark magic prison directly ran over.

Ms. Qian said: "I also know the danger of this time, so there is no rash action! I am here to give you a greeting. The prison, the **** thorny city will trouble you, I will report it to the nine nights. And then do the plan."

In this way, I ran straight away. I didn’t know that she had nothing to do in the prison for nine nights.

Once the matter is exposed, the nine-night penalty is not something she can stand, so it is better to explain it in the morning.

Purple secluded road: "Little beauty, the night will definitely not agree!"

Ms. Qian said: "Crystal Ying! Let's go to hell!"

"it is good!"

The power of Crystal Ying did indeed improve a lot because of the repair of the shadow. Soon she went to the door of the infernal, and the biochemistry appeared for the body, pushing the door away.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the door to the prison opened.

Floating life: "The last time I came in, this time my body can finally come to a legendary infernal."

"Is this infernal? It's desolate!" Float looked at the infernal road.

The door was opened and naturally alerted the guardian of the first floor. He is now fine. After all, there is no abyss of the abyss, and it will be boring for tens of thousands of years.

"Hey adults, you are here." The guardian of the first floor has now become a dogleg.

No way, the two powerful big men of the infernal are particularly important to the adults, but they are more valued than the terrible strong man of the nine nights.

Mu Qianqi asked: "What about nine nights?"

"Nine-night adults have just finished learning with the Yuan Daren, and now they are resting on the seventh floor." Really, every time the two adults learn from each other, he is somewhat afraid that the infernal will be completely destroyed. ”

Nine nights hurt someone to heal, but Yuan only had a dry eye. Finally, Mu Qian told the nine-night thing about going to the dark prison.

"No matter what, it's a clue! In order to find the Tower of Eternity, I have to try it." Mu Qianxi said to him.

Nine nights brows slightly, holding Mu Qianxi disappeared on the seventh floor, and then stepped out of the prison.

Even if he goes to the Dark Devil, he will go with him.

Just when he just went out, Mu Qian said: "Nine nights..."

Sure enough, as soon as he left the prison, there was no barrier to infernality, and the nine-night body had some conditions.

This time, nine nights are prepared, naturally it will not let it succeed in an instant, but it will last for a short time.

Mu Qianxi pulled back the nine nights. She said to the nine nights: "Nine nights, you must listen to me."

Back to the infernal, the situation is much better, nine nights said: "No problem! I can leave now."

"You can leave, I am not allowed to leave! The first layer of guardians, this infernal has no way to give me the seal of death to live in the door, do not let people go out!" Mu Qianyi on the first layer of the Guardian Road .

The guardian of the first floor was cold and sweaty again and again, she was groaning in her heart, yelling at adults, you are doing big things! Who wants to keep his sweetheart in jail?

Even if he puts himself in danger for nine nights, he is absolutely unwilling to admire the trap of a thousand people jumping into the dark magic prison, and Mu Qianxi does not want to risk a slight night.

Nine nights hold people tightly, don't let go, either take him or stay with him. The two people are deadlocked like this, and Mu Qian is helpless and authentic: "Crystal Ying, let's go!"

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