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Yes, he attracted the unparalleled deal with him and eased his pressure.

After all, his pressure on She Shui Long is very big.

It’s obviously a lot easier for him to have no chance to fully restore the power of the ghost.

Although the ring of eternal is strong, but his men are also strong like clouds, you can definitely find opportunities to win the Millennium.

Mu Qianxi is their weakness, once Mu Qianxi is controlled by him.

Then the unparalleled moon and the eternal ring are destined to be subject to him.

The bottom of the water dragon flashed a cold light, and the other party was really a big courage.

Even dare to attack the master in front of him is simply sinful.

"It's really alive!"

"Rumble!" The enemy is very strong, and the water dragon and the attack of a lifetime are stronger.

These people want to hurt Mu Qian, it is a luxury.

The powerful first faces of Zuntang are also extremely bad. The guards around this little girl are so powerful, it is incredible.

"Hey!" Some of these people were injured by the water dragons and swept on the spot.

"Hey!" Yu Yuezun was also injured by Musou.

After he became the master of the ghost world, he said that after he returned, this world is welcoming him.

Welcome him, naturally give them a gift.

Therefore, the entire ghost world gave some strength to Mu Wushuang, helping Mudu to return to the power of the peak.

Unparalleled ghosts, born together with the ghost world, this is completely different from the ghost of the moon.

The consciousness of this world has a strong closeness to the unparalleled ghosts. Once the ghosts were under the hands of the unparalleled ghosts, they reached the peak.

Therefore, this battle has been defeated, and the strength of Mudu is becoming stronger and stronger, while the strength of Yuyue Zun is getting weaker and weaker.


This is the strength of the ghost.

Yu Yuezun said: "There is no match, you have left the ghost world for many years. This ghost world has been controlled by me for so many years. Do you think you can control this when you come back?"

He bit his tongue and the blood filled his mouth.

He shouted: "Come out! My strongest two contracted beasts, three ghosts!"

For a time, three extremely terrifying dragons appeared above the sky.

This dragon has an extremely complex atmosphere, with magic, ghosts, and death, and their appearances cover the sky. The horrible breath is suffocating, and the face of Musou is extremely ugly. "No wonder this world doesn't like you. You have extracted the ghosts of the ghost world to cultivate such ghosts. Even the use of death." For a long time, my ghost world has not been the same as the **** of death. You are difficult.

Do you not know? ""so what? As long as I can get everything I want, strength, and achieve my purpose, what about the power of this world? When I let the ghost world be at the top of the world, suppressing the realm of the gods, the ghost world will definitely reach a stronger position than you did at that time. "quiet

Moon respects.

"Give me a kill!" The ghosts gave a command, and three incomparably powerful three-headed ghosts rushed toward Musou, which is an incomparably powerful enemy.

Mu Qiandao said: "Water Dragon, a lifetime, to help the little uncle!"

A pair of four, Mu Wushuang can not defeat these things, helpers are a must.

Mu Qianxi also swept out, she sacrificed the Aion!

"Booming!" A burst of fierce bang came out.

Such horrible things appeared, except for those who swear to follow the secluded and respectable people, all others have run.

Because staying in this dangerous battlefield, there is only one dead end.

There are fewer and fewer people on the battlefield, and the fight is getting more intense.

There was a loud noise like a thunder in the air, and everything in the ghost world could be heard clearly.

This is a battle between the ups and downs of the ghost world. This battle will also determine who is the master of the ghost world.

Three ghosts and dragons, the water dragon dealt with one, and one for the whole life, and Mu Qianxi used the dark to suppress another one!

"Hey!" The power of the Aion's absolute suppression of the beasts makes the ghost of the ghosts extremely incomparable.

Yu Yuezun said: "Mu Qianxi, you are really amazing again and again, there are so many good things on the body, this tower..." You Yue is sitting in the distance and watching the tiger, the humanity around him: "I thought that this ghost must be running out of water. I didn't expect him to hide such three big things. This will definitely cause trouble for the unparalleled ghosts! Their troubles are big, then we can just save Point force

gas! ”

"Yeah! These three dragons and fathers are very deep, I don't even know." The moonlight is very faint and looks at the three dragons.

"You must first solve the problem of Mu Qian!" Ghosts and a ghostly dragon combination, Mu Qianxi and his own little uncle.

In the two-to-one battle, the strength of the two sides is very different.

After all, the strength of a nine-order Lingzong of Mu Qianxi, can't be equal to that of the ghost dragon?

However, because Mu Qian’s soul is strong enough, the Eternal Tower was used, and the ghost dragon was actually held back.

Let his own little uncle not be attacked by the ghostly dragon, concentrate on dealing with the secluded moon and respect one person, so that the secluded moon lord will suffer badly, and at the same time let the glory of the moon cherish the hatred of thousands of miles.

Obviously so weak, but this kind of inconvenience, Yu Yuezun is hateful and itch.

With one order, the three-headed ghost dragon turned into three.

Two of them entangled the Aion, and the other rushed to Mu Qian.

This dragon, with the gas of death, is a dragon of death.

Ghosts are very confident, and if they are entangled in this dragon, they will definitely die.

In the face of this ghost attack, the Black Wing Shield gave it to the stall.

"Booming!" A loud noise came out.

Mu Mushuang’s face changed greatly, and the ghost singer let the singular ghost attack Mu Qian, absolutely angering him.

"you wanna die!"

The ghost between heaven and earth was absorbed by Musou, and his cultivation at this time was already equal to the ghost.

It’s just flat, and Mudu is sure to let Yuyue Zun suffer.

This time, Musou is unparalleled, but he must solve the problem of the sorrowful sorrow, to kill the dragon that attacked the nephew.

"Yuyue Zun, you can get out of the way!" Mu Wushuang's eyes are not a trace of temperature.

He burst into an unbeatable power in an instant, and the thick ghosts skyrocketed and rolled toward the glory.

The power of destroying the earth is the result of the unparalleled anger.

If you want to blame, you will blame yourself and touch the unchanging scales.

The sacred moon slammed into a hole, and this attack made him feel that death was very close to him. His face changed greatly. At this moment, he chose to avoid his edge, run away, and hurry!

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