Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2761: Protoss accomplice

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Even if his risk prediction is accurate, he runs very fast, but he is also destined to be engulfed by this force.

Mu Wushuang’s figure flashed and plunged into the face of Mu Qian’s.

He fights this dragon with the power of one person!

"Hey!" Mu Qiang took a pharmacy needle and flew it out, carrying the potion of life from the air.

Since Ghost Respect has come up with something that has the power of death, then the power of life can naturally be restrained.

"Hey!" This is just a single thing, far worse than the Black King.

With the help of the medicinal products of Mu Qian, it is easy to pack it up.

Next, there are the other two heads.

They are suppressed by the Tower of Darkness, and it is not too easy for Musou to deal with them.

However, I have not waited for Mu Wushuang to take a shot, a blue figure and a white figure have come over.

Water Dragon Road: "There is no match, you go to deal with that one, these two bugs will be handed over to us."

"Boom!" This ghostly dragon is also very angry, they are small bugs, small bugs! It’s so awful that this guy dared to humiliate them like this!

"Good!" Mu Wushuang plundered the ghosts who looked away, and Yu Yuezun wanted to turn into a flash of lightning.

He was a ghostly man, and he never realized that he had a day to escape.

Immediately after the space was distorted, Mu Wushuang appeared in front of him.

He said: "This ghost world is my place. Where do you think you can go?"

"You are nonsense, I am a ghost! I am the ghost of the Supreme." Mu Wushuang seems to step on the painful foot of the secluded moon, the eternal anger of the moon.

His ghostly position is gone!

The last three killers were killed by two, and one and a half of them were completely unpredictable.

He is finished, finished...

As a ghostly supreme, he has never been in such a mood, and he is so scared that he feels that the hand of death is holding his neck.

There is no escape, so you can only let go of your hand, and you will bite your teeth and fight with Mudu!

"Hey!" The strength of the sorrowful sorrowful sorrow is farther than that of Mu Wushuang.

He fought back and forth again and again, facing the unrelenting repression of the secluded moon.

"Hey!" The only one in the air is the double-headed ghost dragon, which was completely solved by the water dragon.

After all, all three are eternal artifacts. It is completely easy to solve a small bug.

Mu Qian said: "Sweep! Take all the ghosts."

Mu Qianxi knows that the clarity of this battle is not the end.

There is still a fierce battle to fight, and she is not sure when the moon will be shot.

Before they can shoot, they can't give the ghosts a chance to hurt people.

So it must be cleaned up!

"Yes! Master!" The water dragon knows the idea of ​​a thousand miles.

In an instant, the ice broke out.

A gust of wind swept across and screamed for a while.

There were two of them, and this time the sweeping operation became extremely smooth.

Now there is only one loner left in You Yue Zun, and his eyes are deeply desperate!

"Hey!" The blood spit out and the face was pale, which was the most embarrassing time of his life.

He has nowhere to go!

He shouted: "The moon is very, the moon is very, you are a little rabbit, and I am rolling out. Do you want to be a ghost? I will give it to you! Come out to save me, save me..."

"Hey!" Mu Qian's wrist moved, and a needle was like lightning.

"Hey!" The needle of the medicine was deeply immersed in the body of the ghost, and the ghost was even more painful.

"Yueyueji, you have to watch the tigers in the mountains. If you have a kind of thing, you will come to play in person! It is not the same thing to hide and hide. You seem to have several decent masters on your side." The soul of the cockroach spreads out and looks to the front!

"Hey!" As the applause is getting closer, the shadow of the moon is approaching them.

Some people around him are some people who are strangers to them. Even ghosts don’t know the origins of these people.

However, he feels that these people are very strong.

"Mu Qianxi, the unparalleled emperor, you are very good! In this battle, I thought that you and my father have a 50% grasp of each other, but did not expect that you won in the end! And also compare Easy." The corner of the moon's mouth smirked a smile.

Mu Qian said: "You are also very good! The ghost world is clearly enemies with the gods, but you can find the pro-environment reinforcements. Fortunately, the ghosts are still not dead in the coffin, otherwise his coffin boards can not be pressed. ""

The legends and breaths of these people are familiar to the millennium, and they are the protoss.

After all, the Protoss did a few times on the prison, and she also saw it.

The ghosts are wide-eyed and unbelievable: "They...they are actually Protoss! Protoss!"

"You are very timid! You dare to collude with the Protoss, you are completely disregarding my ghosts!" Ghosts are true hates for the Protoss!

Jingyue replied: "As long as I can help me achieve my goal, I don't care which kind of helper I find. If you have occupied the ghost position for so long, I am not your opponent, I will not take it. The line of the Protoss! All this is the father of the Lord!"

"You are nonsense, the Protoss is the enemy! It is the enemy, how I taught you since I was a child!" You Yue Zun will be tempted by the strong words of You Yueji.

"Father, don't be angry, now, unless there are other stronger foreign aids, who do you think is the opponent of the eternal artifact!"

"You know it!"

"That is of course, Black Mountain is my site, and everything is under my control." The moon is very calm and self-sufficient. You Yue Zun is not a threat now, and the moon is very much looking at Mu Wushuang: "The unparalleled emperor, the last 18 domain sanctuary we played a tie, robbed the ghosts of the inheritance that time I lost to you." After all, you are the unparalleled ghost, absolutely no one can grab you, this is our third

Second confrontation! ”

"The third confrontation, I will win you! Whether you are my emperor or the unparalleled ghost." Yu Yue is extremely confident.

"Before you lost three times in a row, now I have some strength to recover, you are even more impossible to be my opponent! You are extremely fascinating!" Mudi has a faint way, like the declaration of the previous moon, ridiculous Extremely,

"You are indeed awesome. It is a once-in-a-kind ghost! But if you fight with my father, I am afraid that it has also consumed a lot of power. Moreover, now that you are still hurt, you will lose. Everything I have calculated is There won't be any difference!"

The words of the moon have just fallen, and the surrounding space is twisted and twisted, and the majestic ghosts are swaying.

"This...this..." Yu Yuezun’s eyes widened. Why didn’t he think that his own son had such a cultivation in secret? This is completely beyond their expectations.

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