Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2762: Gift delivery

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This horrible spiritual power is like a gust of wind and rain.

Mu has no double-faced expression: "As a ghost, go to the Protoss to improve the strength, completely digging the grave!"

"How about that? As long as I kill you, become a ghost, the master of the ghost world, I can recover very quickly! Mu Mushuang, I see you are afraid of losing now!" Yu Yueji's eyes are difficult The smug color of disguise.

"Boom!" Mu Wushuang did not want to waste time with him, and quickly packed up the secluded moon.

Compared to the secluded moon, Mu Wushuang is very clear that some of the protoss guys are the most difficult group to deal with.

Some of the Protoss surrounded the envy of the Millennium, and they looked at Mu Qian, or the water dragon.

The water dragon is the identity of the eternal artifact, and it is not surprising that these greedy people are attracted.

"Master!" Xiaoguo is very worried about Mu Qian, but these protoss broke out with extremely strong power, so that no one around them dared to approach.

Mu Qian said: "The fierce dragon, you take the little fruit and the other people in the unparalleled domain immediately leave, immediately stay away from here!"

The fierce dragon said: "Good!"

"But the Millennium Temple!"

"Mu Daren!"

The people in the unparalleled domain and the Ghost Medical Building are extremely worried about Mu Qianxi. They just left. Are they facing strong enemies alone?

The fierce dragon is extremely fierce: "What do you do with human nonsense? Listening to the master is absolutely not wrong. You don't want to go, do you want me to stun you?"

Mu Wushuang also said at this time: "Listen to the children, go!"

They had to leave, and Mu Qian also took those soldiers into the token.

Some of the humanities of the Protoss: "Without some garbage, it has become very close here! We have never liked to solve problems with violence. If you can talk well, I don't want to hurt you."

"What are you talking about?" Mu Qian wants to laugh.

The protoss that I met before did not say anything. They did it with them in nine nights. Today, these protoss are quite plain. "Eternal artifacts deserve more powerful masters, such as our Lord, the Protoss supreme master! Little girl, as long as you are willing to lift the contract with the eternal ring of the gods, I am willing to give you a good future in the Protoss! The talent is very good, there will be better in the Protoss

Opportunity, that's not what this ghost world can compare! "One of the Protoss, the proud and unparalleled way."

As protoss, they start from conscious and think that they are superior.

Everything except the Protoss is the existence of ants.

Ms. Qian said: "Are you stupid? The eternal artifact in the rumor, it is above the miraculous existence, even if it is compared to your rumored master, my home water dragon is probably not weak! I Why do you want to hand over the water dragon to you." "The little girl is young, the ambition is not small! The eternal artifact is very powerful, but it has been silent for so many years. According to my observation, his strength is completely inferior to the peak period, and it is not like the rumor. So powerful and invincible, so before you have fully recovered, you think you can keep a little girl

Can you live with him? ”

"I can't keep it, I will do my best to keep it! Because the water dragon is my very important partner, my most intimate butler, no one is allowed to snatch." Mu Qianshen's eyes are firm.

"In this case, then we can only kill you, and then take the ring of eternal, and give it to us." Their gloomy road.

"Wait!" When he was about to start, Mu Qian suddenly said.

"What's wrong? Now that you are afraid, have you changed your mind?" These protoss are proud.

Mu Qianxi asked: "I just want to ask you a question. Was the black king unblocked?"

"Of course! Such a seal, only our Protoss can be solved!"

"It turned out that you unwrapped the seal! You are very quiet, you have let the Protoss unravel the seal of the Black King, you are crazy!" When the ghost knows this, he was almost fainted by his eyes. The past.

To know that the Black King is really unstoppable, it will definitely harm the entire ghost world.

He has such a son, it is really unfortunate!

"If I don't lead the black king, how do you know the strength of the unparalleled emperor? Only let you know how powerful the unparalleled emperor is, you will be ready for the strongest strength. The best policy to deal with the unparalleled emperor!"

"The only way is that both of you can fight more and more, even the victorious side will consume a lot of spiritual power." Yu Yueji’s mouth evokes a smug smile, and his step-by-step mechanism counts Every step is good for him.

"You...hey..." You Yue Zun was so angry that he could not vomit blood.

Maybe his strength is higher than his son, but on the intrigue he admits that he is not as good as the moon.

He was counted by him and became his stepping stone.

"Rumble!" Yu Yue extremely fierce attack and unparalleled.

He chuckled: "The unparalleled emperor, do you feel that it is very difficult! You defeated my father and paid a price, so I won!"

In an instant, a gust of wind swelled and the world shook!

On the other side of Mu Qianxi, Mu Qianxi is facing the humanity of these protoss: "Oh! Sure enough, you broke the seal, then I have to give you a big gift!"

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi threw something out of the space.

They shattered in the air and combined into a huge black king.

The Black King exudes the power of horror and horror, and rushes toward those protoss.

The black king appeared, so everyone was shocked, this...

"This black king is still alive, and Mu Qian has actually made it alive."

"You take it to me and test my strength, then I will give it to you today, let it entertain you some of the guests who come from the Protoss, can't you?" Mu Qianyi's cold road.

"Booming!" The black king attacked them madly, and the protoss he fought were caught off guard.

The horrible explosion came out, and it was dangerous to take a thousand times in a lifetime.

"It was clear that you had packed up the black king, why did this attack us?" The protoss were incredible.

"No, it attacks us because..."

It is worthy of the Protoss, they are very keen to discover the Black King, and they seem to have something more than they did at the beginning.

"It's a curse!"

"It's been cast, it's no wonder!"

When they unwrapped the seal, they naturally left the atmosphere of the Protoss on the Black King. Mu Qiang used the spell to let the black king lock the breath and let it face the protoss. Everything was extremely successful.

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