Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3010: Holding gold thighs

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The little moon replied: "You said why I promised? Someone is willing to buy me at such a high price. I am also very curious. I didn't think I was so expensive. With such a rich owner, it is definitely delicious." Drinking spicy is much more refreshing than trying to absorb the heavens and the earth."

Wanlun Yuehuo is very cool now, and the place is the most wonderful for it.

It hates the fact that many million years have not met a good master, otherwise it has long been the strongest sacred place between heaven and earth.

Looking at the small moon, the voluntary sales are still very satisfying, everyone is mad at the corner of the mouth.

What is the world? Even Sheng Zhi knows the thighs of the rich.

"When you are a million-wheeler, if you fall into the hands of a thoughtful person, even if you are a holy plant, it will be very dangerous." They think that this holy plant is strong, although rare, it is too simple to think about it!

"Nonsense, my future master must be a kind and brave, unparalleled big beauty." Wan Luoyue Huo Cao Dao.

Clouds and mouths madly pumped this to stop the 10,000-year-old fire grass here to whisper, flicking the exchange of these people.

Mu Qianxi quickly got this good news and went directly to the trading center.

"I heard that the Twilight Mercenary Group found the holy plant." As soon as she came in, she opened the door directly to see the mountain road.

Everyone looked at it with a brush, and was very curious about which big local tyrant was released?

It was a bit strange when I saw that I was a young woman.

"It's her! I know her, she is the head of the Ghost Night Mercenary."

"So money is just a one-star mercenary group, what do you do? She won't have no money to pay the rewards!"

Someone present was known to Mu Qian, and some people did not know.

"Mu girl is good, let's go upstairs." Someone greeted them.


The task is indeed a sky-high task. Mu Qiann has paid for the money without even blinking his eyes. All the fees have been deducted into the pockets of Yunxiao.

At this time, the excited palms were sweating. He completed the handover ceremony of the highest-priced mission of the world of mercenaries, and saw a huge amount of Xuanjing that he had never seen in his life.

The 10,000-year-old fire grass that was sold out was excited: "I will mix with you later."

Everyone watched the head of the Yunxiao leave, and then the beautiful purple woman walked down, a young girl who was not like a human being and behind her.

The transaction was really completed, and she immediately took out all the bounty.

Many people looked at Mo Qiang, and some people boldly went up and said: "This girl, if you are interested in forming a mercenary group, you can actually consider our mercenary group. Our mercenary group is in two stars. It is very good, much better than that one star. As long as there is enough support and resources, it will become a Samsung mercenary group."

"Our Samsung mercenaries have greater potential and we are willing to let you be the head of the team, as long as you can provide us with financial help."

So free to pay the high price commission, it can be seen that the money of this girl's family is not piled up.

The arrogant guys of Shengzhi know that they are holding their thighs. Where can they not go to the mercenaries when they come to the rain?

This is a golden gold lord!

Ms. Qian said: "You, sorry! I have not accepted the idea of ​​the mercenary group outside the Ghost Night Mercenary, but we have very few Ghost Night Mercenaries. We welcome qualified Lone Rangers to register."

They don't know why she will stand alone for a one-star mercenary group. Even if the head of the team has money, the one-star mercenary group is too weak. Those who have joined the mercenary group will not withdraw from their mercenary group to join a star. Mercenary group.

After Mu Qianxi left, the rumors about her spread in the mercenary world.

The Twilight Mercenary Corps successfully completed the task of pressing the Yuan Mercenary Corps on top of the highest mission value, and the gold master who issued the mission turned out to be the owner of the one-star mercenary group Ghost Night Mercenary.

No one knows how much the head of the company has. Anyway, I saw that the one-star mercenary group of the Ghost Night Mercenary Group has been more moisturized than Samsung, and the useful medicine is very good. People are moving.

Don't think that a one-star mercenary group will be better. The requirements of the Ghost Night Mercenary are extremely high, because not only strength is enough.

There is a need for perseverance, character, and potential. What is more important is character and loyalty. In any case, you cannot betray your partner and be responsible to your partner.

The people who signed up for the sea, even if most of them are for the benefit, but Lin Yuan also selected a lot of good seedlings, the ghost night mercenary group daily poison must grow.

"Head of leader..." Lin Yuan went to look for Mu Qian, and he wanted to stop.

"What are you talking about?"

"Our mercenary group partners are very reliable, but there are not enough strong people, the average strength is too weak."

"Then it would be nice to find a few masters to pull the average."

Lin Yuan secretly, the master is not willing to join the one-star mercenary group, and the best treatment is not achieved.

"Do not worry! People come to think of ways, find a few people, we first return to the city to pick up the task, and then advance to the second star as soon as possible." Without formal registration, their ghost night mercenary group can not perform the task.

"Yes." Lin Yuandao.

The news that they left the camp was spread, and some people knew that she should officially register.

"The Twilight Mercenary Corps went to the task early, no one was protecting them. A rich aristocratic lady wanted to play as a mercenary in the chaotic Xilian Mountains. There is also a mysterious world in his hands for thousands of years. The first appearance of the sacred plant, destined to be torn by the **** is not left." I learned this news, the head of the servant army of the Yuan dynasty warfare.

"Head, don't we act?" someone asked.

"I have sent so many people in the past to be rejected by them. If they can't do it at the camp, they will kill them all the time! As for now! Let the little fish and shrimps go to the noisy, we are like this. The king naturally wants to make the final shot. Anyway, some small mercenary groups will even grab the treasures of the sage and the woman, and will eventually fall into the hands of our servants."

"The head of the team is talking!"

Mu Qianxi and Lin Yuan, they are on the road, her mouth slightly screamed, "I know that I have some itching, so I took the initiative to send it to the door, very good."

"Hey!" Numerous figures came and came out with two mercenary groups.

One is the yellow snake mercenary group that was taught before, and the other is a team of Samsung mercenary groups, holding the thighs of the Samsung mercenary group, and the head of the yellow snake is full of confidence.

He smiled and said: "This is why you are dead, the hatred between women and us, we must calculate it today! I must make you die."

Mu Qianxi did not put him in his eyes. He said: "The one of the eunuchs, you should be able to solve it. In addition, the Samsung Mercenary Corps, I am enough!"

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