Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3011: Take the body for

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"Hello big tone! I would like to see, how can you be our opponent?" A Samsung mercenary group was so provocative, they were particularly angry.

Lin Yuandao: "Today we have to use our own strength to destroy some of the **** of the Yellow Snake, and we must not shame the head of the group."


"I still want to destroy us. Today, a woman is self-sufficient. I can see who can help you." The yellow snake yin measured.

He did not know that today's Ghost Night Mercenary Corps is no more than a few days ago, and they should let them look at each other on the 3rd.


On the other side, Mu Qianxi also took out the Yanlong Sword, and the red-red flame swept away with the power of destruction.

"A strong fire element!"


Can't help, can't hide, can only be burned by fire, screaming.

"How is it possible? Clearly... obviously just a fourth order!"

A fourth-order spiritual sac, with only one trick, let the fourth-order, fifth-order sixth-order mercenary of this Samsung mercenary regiment hit hard.

“Isn't the elemental spirit teacher only able to leapfrog the first order? Why?”

Their words have not been finished yet, and a cold wind hits, "Wind, broken!"

"Wind and fire double!"

"No! Still, the water element!"

The three-line, three-series elemental division, the third-order spike enemy is simply like harvesting leeks.

In front of her, the number of Samsung Mercenary Corps is more than just a figure.

They have a great misunderstanding of this woman, thinking that she is just a lot of money and no place to spend.

But did not expect to have such a terrible asset, it must be that one has the ability to keep the assets in hand!

A few strokes of Mu Qian’s tricks were solved by others, leaving only a single seedling of their head.

His gloomy road: "Damn! A fourth-order spiritual sanctuary, even if it is a genius three-line elemental spirit, I will be afraid that you will not be?"

He is already scared. Although he is higher than other mercenaries and reaches the level of the seventh-order spirit, his heart is still unfounded.

He took out a red scorpion medicinal medicinal and ate it. He quickly gained a level of spiritual strength... Two levels, and turned into a nine-level spiritual sac.

The mercenaries who had a few breaths left were delighted: "The strength of the boss has reached the ninth-order spirit, and this woman is dead!"

"Death!" He broke out the strongest punch and slammed into the head of Mu Qian’s head.

"burning the sky!"

"The water dragon is coming!"

The spirit of water and fire is all out, and the powerful punch is unbearable.

The double impact of water and fire, so that it is broken, there is no trace of good flesh and blood on the body.

"Hey!" Even the nine-order spiritual sanctuary is still being settled by Mu Qian’s two easy moves, and now it’s already less gas.

The Ghost Night Mercenary Corps also succeeded in keeping the film of the person killed. For a time, the greedy stalkers who were eager to move were also aware that they had a few pounds.

The daunting person went to the trading center, and in the presence of so many people to take the holy plant, it means that people have the ability to protect the holy plant.

Dare to seduce and rob the sacred plant, no doubt it is to find death.

"Finishing, starting!"

From the camp to the city of Xiyue City, the nearest city to the Xilian Mountains, there is still a distance from the famous mercenary city. This road is not calm.

Even if Mu Qian’s resolutely settled the first mercenary group, some people did not die.

After the Samsung Mercenary Corps, the four-star mercenary group was dispatched, without exception, all were resolved.

"The yuan is definitely out!"

"The Yuan is finally unable to withstand it!"


There were a lot of eyeliners in the dark, and they got an exciting news.

Also, it is a holy plant, even if the Yuan is a five-star force, it will certainly not let go.

"You are absolutely good, and you really shot."

After the war, I saw that Qian Qianguang was slightly sinking. "Sure enough, you are quite arrogant these days. You have beaten some garbage, and you don't want to forget too much. Yunxiao is very busy now, not by your side. You are a mercenary group, except you, no one can fight. I will let you go safe and go to the West Moon City."

"Little red, invincible, small ink ink!" Mu Qianxi was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and put three contract beasts that had caused them to suffer big losses.

"After knowing that you are, do you think I am not guarding it? Come out, this is the order of His Royal Highness, and I will not let him down."

The three contracted beasts, which are almost the same as Xiaohong invincible, appeared on the scene. Mu Qian said: "When I am going to clean up, you will deal with other people."

"Head, what kind of joke is this woman? She actually let the garbage deal with us." Some of the mercenaries of the Yuan mercenary group had a sly smile on their faces.

The mercenaries of the Ghost Night's mercenary group are ready to go, and they are not angry because of their disdain, because they are strong and fearful.

"Since you know that there is a holy plant in my hand, I will naturally arrange some helpers for them."

"Little moon, ink! Give it to you, help them kill the enemy." Mu Qianshen cold channel.

"Yes! But can you change the name! The little moon is too domineering. You used to call me the moon!" The name changed and disappeared unconsciously, making it particularly depressed.

"Thinking, I think this title is more succinct. I am the master, I have the final say, against the invalid!"

When is this time, this woman can still have fun chatting here.

The face of the war is gloomy. For him, there is no cloud. This one only knows that the woman who borrows external power is actually weak and not afraid.

Spiritual surging, the war was the first to attack Mu Qianxi.

"Boom!" His attack fell through.

"Oh! You have also broken through! It is useless to break through. You are not my opponent." Mu Qianxi waved the dragon sword and smashed the past.


The four elements of the spirit broke out instantly, the surrounding spiritual riots, the heart of the war far away, "when the ghost, the spirit of her can fight across the level!"

He is as good as Mu Qian’s, and he will not be able to win or lose.

I wanted to wait for other people to solve some of the ants and then help them, but I didn't think they were completely restrained, and it was very miserable. The two sacred people who shot the five-star mercenary group were also severely wounded.

As for the three-headed beast that he released, it is not used at all, and one has already become a captive in the Austrian.

"Hey!" The head of the Yuanshang Mercenary Corps was attacked by Mu Qian’s left shoulder, and the fire burned the black around the wound.

He hurried back and his body was unstable.

She said: "You can tell you the Prince of the North Palace, you want to be holy, you can change it with your own body."

She will not rush into the site of the North Palace, but now the West Mountain is her site, then she does not mind leading the snake out of the hole.

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