Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3044: How long can it last?

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There are many enemies and strong ones. Although the body and speed of Mu Qian’s body have great advantages, they still can’t find any benefits.

Although she was not seriously injured, she was a little embarrassed.

The North Palace said: "Millennium, have you changed your mind? If you promised to surrender to me in the future, all of them will listen to me. I can solve these people who attack you now."

"This is my world. To deal with these ants, I only need one idea is enough." He said proudly.

These guys of the Northern Palace dynasty only felt cold sweat on the back, and the North Palace was simply too cold and ruthless.

They naturally don't want to admire thousands of promises, or they are dead?

"On this level, I want to let me admit defeat. North Palace is absolutely, you are not the first day to know me." Mu Qianxi sneered.

"So! You continue to work." The North Palace is absolutely indifferent.

Mu Qian’s four elements of spiritual power broke out, and they were completely invincible.


This battle did not know how long it took to fight, and a group of people who were hit each other were exhausted.

Xiao Hongdao: "Master, all these guys have been handed over to me! You...you cheer for the other guy."

Xiaohong’s body was completely transformed into a fireball, and the body was turned into a thousand lines of fire.

The fire line compiled a cage and circled them all.

"The cage of fierce fire!"

"Hey!" In the face of this cage, they were trapped inside, and the crazy want to rush out but useless, only to be burned by the red flame.

This is simply too strange! Some of the princes of Yang showed a dull color on their faces.

Invincible said: "You lazy pig is a little bit forward! This is very useful."

Xiaomo ink also smiled: "Little red brother is very powerful."

"You protect your master, don't let the owner be bullied by that bastard." Xiao Hongdao.

This trick has its shortcomings, that is, after it has been displayed, it must maintain the cage and cannot help the master fight.

"This is still for you to say!" The momentary huge white cat rushed toward the air.

"There are some people who are in the way, so come and pack you!"

The North Palace never looked at the face of the little fire pig with a horror. "The guys who are with you are not ordinary, your artifacts are the same, the contract gods are the same, but they are underestimating them."

"I thought that the contract beast can take me? I am not without a contract beast." North Palace absolutely summoned his contract beast.

"You should wake up, nightmare."

The North Palace is the prince of the North Palace dynasty. He does not know a contracted beast.

Darkness, horror, and oppressive power erupted, and a dark brown-like unicorn appeared more like a giant behemoth.

It arrogantly lifted and lifted the chin: "Small, this time called me out, the patriarch may be very disappointed with you!"

"No! Grab this woman, the mother will be very happy." North Palace laughed.

"Dream!" Invincible at this time, the face showed a dignified color, this is a very difficult guy.

"Oh! Interesting, the first time I met such a beast, then I am not angry, this guy I want to swallow it." The nightmare rushed toward invincible.

"Boom!" The two forces collided, and the violent force smashed out and the space around them was distorted.

Xiao Momo said: "Invincible brother, you must be careful!"

The instinct of the beast tells it that the bad guy is dangerous.

"Dream! Enough the stupid cat to drink a pot." Xiaohong is also very depressed.

That guy is not a beast that does not belong to the beast, but a soul beast.

"This disgusting Bala's stuff has not been extinct, but also appeared in the Xuantian world, it is really suffocating!" Xiaohong screamed.

Mu Qiang’s cold voice: "The North Palace is absolutely, you are really hidden!"

"That's all you forced. If you are obedient, I don't want to expose so much so early!" Hey, the North Palace has never shot, and countless chills have shrouded toward Mu Qian.

Her speed is so fast that the teleportation can't be avoided, and the pupils of Mu Qian's pupils jerk.

"This is my world, so where do I want to appear? Where can I appear where I want?"

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi was bombarded and flew out.

"Bad man, I burned you!" The master was shot and flew out, and the little ink ink broke out.

The dark phoenixes swarmed, and the North Palace did not move.

One layer of power blocked the dark phoenix, and he waved his hand gently, and the little ink was swept away by a force.


The North Palace has absolutely smashed the Millennium and blocked it with the flesh, and it hurts it slightly.

The North Palace absolutely swept to Mu Qiang and raised his eyebrows: "Forget your body is so strong, then change a trick!"

The long gun with a sly killing smashed through the void, which is definitely beyond the physical defense ability of Mu Qianxi, she will definitely hit!

"Hey!" Here is her home, the speed that Mu Qiang is good at is useless, and can only be blocked by the shield of the Black Wing.

"Booming!" A burst of loud noise came out.

Blocked by the defensive artifacts, the attack on the North Palace never gave up, and the two uninterrupted hands began.

The power of terror slammed against the shield of the Black Wing, consuming the power of the Black Wing Shield.

He is the master of this world, and can use his own power without any consumption.

He is always the perfect combat state, taking the best advantage, very difficult to deal with.

Beigong laughed and said: "How many times do you say that you can block me? Millenium, give up! There is no change in hard support?"

Mu Qian said: "The North Palace is absolutely, the bureau you set up this time is indeed beyond my expectations. The matter is man-made. I will never compromise on you."

Her eyes were firm, and at the same time, the four elements of spiritual power broke out, and the majestic spirits burst out.

The defense of the Black Wing Shield is still there. She actively attacks and waves the Yanlong Sword.

"burning the sky!"

The North Palace’s long guns stabbed straight, and the ice and snow pistols collided together between the flames.

The ice and fire contested, and there was a big embarrassment in this space.

"Boom!" The terrible blast came out.

On the power of the artifact, it is naturally stronger than the sword of the dragon, and the North Palace is stronger.

This time, the sleeves of the North Palace were burned.

And the whole person of Mu Qianxi fell on the snow, and there were countless blood marks on his body, and the blood stained the white snow on the ground.

Thanks to this physical strength, it was changed to the body that had not been ravaged by the thunder. It is estimated that the bones are now broken and the station is not up.

Cracks appear on the shield of the Black Wing, and can only be blocked at most once.

The North Palace said: "How long can you hold on? Destroy this defensive artifact, I know that you have another stronger defense artifact. Just don't know when it will allow you to stay?"

In the blink of an eye, he once again approached Mu Qian, and the rifle swept toward Mu Qian with an endless chill.

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