Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3045: Instant change

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"Master!" The small ink ink has been wounded but once again rushed over, and the flame was extinguished by the force of the cold.

"Hey!" The North Palace was so ruthless that the ink that was originally injured was this one, in order to stop him, it was even more scarred.

"Small ink!" Mu Qian's eyes became even colder.

"Hey!" This time, the North Palace seems to have to recover all the losses that were previously eaten by Mu Qianxi, recruiting and murderous, and wishing to crush every bone of Muqian.

Thanks to Mu Qianji, who owns the lightning quenching body and is tempered by various kinds of lightning, otherwise it is really necessary to crush the bones and ruin the bones.

Mu Qianzi was slightly sinking, and his body shape was sensitive to avoiding deadly attacks.

The disparity between the two sides may be able to make up for the advantages of the leapfrog battle. However, the advantage of the North Palace in this small world is that there is no way to make up for it.

The North Palace is vacant, and the spiritual power of the body is getting more and more horrible.

The cold wind whistling, at this time his spiritual power has soared to the peak state.

"Mu Qianxi, are you still not dying? Do you think that cold can help you? For this step, I have spent a lot of effort to ban the cold and prevent him from coming out! So don't hold any hope, give up. !"

"Damn! You have suppressed the white soul." She whispered.

"When are you? You are still worried about yourself! Next, you can only wait to die." North Palace never raised his hand, the gravity of this world is doubled.

This level does not allow Mu Qian to move, but it still affects her play. The situation is increasingly unfavorable to Mu Qian.

"There is no day!" The North Palace has a murderous murderousness in the eyes, and once again, it has worn the past toward the Muqian Cave.

The power of the monks rushed toward Mu Qian, and the royal palaces that were imprisoned in the cages felt that the scalp was numb.

It’s terrible, that woman is definitely finished.

"Boom!" A loud bang came out, and the Black Wing Shield blocked it. Even so, the snow at the foot of Mu Qiang collapsed instantly.

The Black Wing Shield has no power, and Mu Qiang has collected it.

Beigong’s mouth is slightly smothered: “Is it consumed? Is it good, is there any defensive artifact? Is it taken out? Otherwise I am afraid that you will be killed if you don’t have time to defend, and I will try to stay alive. I am a pity that someone like you will die."

Mu Qianxi was on the indifferent eyes of the above: "North Palace, you can control a world, the ability is not small!"

"That is nature! I will be the master of the mysterious world, will be the supreme supreme of the world, the son of the election, what is the control of a world?" The North Palace is full of arrogance, and some have expanded.

Mu Qianyi asked again: "Have you controlled the origin of this world?"

"What is the source? Mu Qiang, do you think that you can delay the time by saying something vain? I won't give you this opportunity." The North Palace has a flash of cold light, and it instantly approaches Mu Qianxi. The heart is squeaky and unrelenting.

The horrible snow and ice swelled, and the spiritual elements of the hurricane of the Millennium blew out to the extreme.

"Oh!" Although he left the strongest attack center, but because the power of the North Palace is too strong, the edge of the power also flew out.

"Hey! Hey!" There were a few more visible bone wounds on his body, and there was a long **** mouth on the delicate face.

The North Palace never looked at the seriously injured Mu Qian’s face, but he showed a happy smile. He smiled and said: “Ha ha ha! Mu Qian, you are more attractive than you are, but unfortunately not enough! not enough!"

A cruel smile appeared on his face, and a more powerful attack swept through it.

"I am the master of this world. You can't resist me. You can only be slaves."

Mu Qiang cold channel: "So if you are not?"

For a time, the North Palace felt that the foot was sinking and fell to the ground.

The ingeniously soaring spirit seems to have stopped, and the opposite is Muqian...

She... she...

The North Palace slammed into a hole, and it was a **** wolf, and there was an unprecedented spiritual power in the body, such as his own strength running to her.

Her white snow broke out behind her, giving him a sacred look that was all mysterious and powerful.

"What the **** is going on here? Mu Qian, what have you done?" The North Palace is absolutely stunned.

"Even the power of the world's origins do not know, but also want to become the master of this world, the North Palace is absolutely, you are too conceited." Mu Qianxi's indifferent road.

She is a man who controls the origins of the Three Realms. Even though the power of the Three Realms is weak, they are useless in combat, in some ways, such as invincible.

For example, before Muqian, I found the origin of this small world without knowing it. Because it is very small, it is naturally weak. She uses the power of the three realms to swallow it without any effort.

Controlling the power of the world, regardless of the use of the North Palace is the way to become the world's owner, and now the master has also changed.

This is the way she was forced by the North Palace to try to come out, just want to try.

If this method is not successful, only Crystal Ying will consume his own power to send them away.

Fortunately, success, Crystal Ying itself is incomplete and weak, she does not want her to waste too much power.

The four elements of spiritual power broke out, and it was her turn to attack.

"Boom!" The four elements of the spiritual power to cover the North Palace, the North Palace is very difficult to see, he also took out the defense artifact.

"Booming!" The attack was blocked, and the North Palace stared at Muqian: "What the **** did you do?"

"Why do I tell you? You just need to know that whether you are the Prince of the North Palace or the master of a world, I will never lose to you! I will pack you up and save Xiaobai." Waving the Yanlong 弑 soul sword, a teleport approached the North Palace.

The North Palace was gloomy and the hand holding the pistol was shaking.

There are countless guesses in his heart, but he feels that this is simply impossible. How can Mu Qianjun steal the control of the world from his hands?

How could he not think that Mu Qianzhen is the master of the three realms?

He controlled a world and sold it in front of Mu Qian, and wanted to succumb to her, and the result was self-defeating.

"Bang Long!" Before the North Palace, how to use the advantages of direct **** to unilaterally crush Mu Qian, how to crush him.

The gap in the level of disparity is not the advantage of the North Palace, so he can only be beaten!

The North Palace is desperately vomiting blood, and the above indifferent scorpions are already bloodshot.

He shouted: "No! I won't lose!"

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