Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3046: Jedi reversal

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The game that can win 100% has gone to a defeated situation.

This is undoubtedly absolutely unacceptable for the North Palace, which has long believed that he has won the prize. His pride has been crushed by the ruthlessness.

He wants to fight back in the Jedi. This kind of counterattack is completely desperate. Anyway, it is not his own life.

It is also gambling, Mu Qianxi is reluctant to destroy this body!

The dawn of Mu Qian’s dawn flashed, and the explosive power that came out was even more scary.

The two started playing again in this small world, and the battle became more and more fierce.


The North Palace was eventually defeated, and the body was imprisoned for thousands of miles.

"This place is also good for your prison. Before I can find a way to drive your soul out, are you here? Don't let the wind and the waves go with me." After an earth-shattering battle, Mu Qianxi was on the north. The palace is absolutely indifferent.

"How did you deprive me of control? How did you do it?" North Palace insisted on asking this question.

"It's just a small world. Why can't you do it?" Mu Qianxiao smiled faintly.

The North Palace is staring at Mu Qianxi, with unwillingness and embarrassment in his eyes.

He was the prince of the Northern Palace dynasty, and he was in charge of the supremacy of the Northern Palace.

This woman from the lower level does not end up with the recognition of the eternal artifact, but also has some ability that he can't understand.

Beigong said with a cold smile: "I really thought that if I shut me down, you can find a way to save the cold. It is impossible! You are not afraid of me looking for short-sightedness?"

"I am not afraid! You can't die in the North Palace! No matter what the realm is, you are not willing to die."

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be locked up like a prisoner.

He clenched his fists and violently jumped on his hands and shouted: "Dream! What are you doing?"

"Small you have lost, your mother has specially prepared such a good venue for you, you have not caught people, but you have to punish you when you go back!" A gloating voice came, the darkness enveloped the North Palace. Absolutely.

A white shadow swayed, and the invincible body was in front of Mu Qian.

"This beast is very difficult to entangle! If you can't beat it, you can't let you die? After all, your mother has devoted a lifetime of hard work to you."

They have to go, and Mu Qian has mobilized the power of this small world to ban them.

Unfortunately, useless!

"Little girl, even if you control the world, it is impossible to stop me! The power is too weak!" The nightmare screamed to Mu Qian.

The darkness tore a crack, and the North Palace disappeared in front of her.

Invincible wants to chase, but is surrounded by the end of Mu Qian!

"If the soul is hurt, don't be reluctant. That soul beast is very strong, hard to beat, what benefits do we not find?"

Was escaped by the North Palace, and Mu Qian was somewhat lost.

This small world is not an extremely strong cage. It really needs to be closed. It is estimated that it will not be closed for a long time. After all, this small world was originally discovered by the North Palace.

"Mu girl, forgive me!"

The North Palace has gone, but the others have not taken it away, and they are begging for mercy.

At this moment they have been greatly shocked, this one is even more terrible than the omnipotent Prince of the North Palace!

She can deprive a person of control over the world. What is the magical power?

They are short-sighted and have never heard of it.

"Just joined forces to besiege me, you played very enjoyable! Now beg for mercy? Do you think I will let you go with mercy?" Mu Qianqi raised his eyebrows.

Xiaohong’s whole body burst into a hot flame: “Master, it’s all burnt to gray.”

"You don't have to be so troublesome, let them kill themselves here. The North Palace will definitely send you in, you want to go out, but also go to the North Palace is perfect, I will not manage." Mu Qianshao indifferent.

Mu Qianxi healed them invincible, Xiaohong and Xiaomo Mo was subjected to trauma, and the invincible soul was traumatized.

She frowned. "The dream of a beast is a very difficult thing."

"That is that I have not recovered, and when I recover, I can pinch it!" Invincible and convinced.

"Yes, yes! I understand that it seems that I have to work hard to feed you invincible."

"Hey! The master is the best." Invincible and excited.

Xiaohong said: "I really don't know your identity, but I still have cute and cute!"

"You stupid pig, I am happy that you can manage it?" Invincible put on the tail.

After the end of the dangerous battle, even if one was injured, everyone was very happy and relaxed.

"Mu girl, we know it is wrong! We don't want to be locked up here, we will be willing to do it for you in the future!" Seeing the thousand miles to go, they panic!

"No! Who will believe your ghosts, if you feel lonely, I will send some people to accompany you."

Mu Qianxi already knows the situation outside, and the people left by the North Palace have stopped being ferocious.

It’s no better than breaking her army and expecting that everyone is injured now.

Even so, they did not retreat, they are waiting for her to come back.

"Do you let me play a little role?" Mu Qianyi whispered.

The crack in this world has changed from ten meters wide to one hundred meters wide, which just shrouded the scope of their battle.

So all the people fighting outside have fallen into this small world.

"Millennium!" The cloud that came in opened his eyes and saw Mu Qian.

The treatment of Mu Qian’s wounds did not look too embarrassing, and let the cloud sigh of relief.

"Mu Qianxi, you are still alive, His Royal Highness Prince?" The North Palace’s imperial family saw Mu Qianxi also very surprised.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly and smiled: “The North Palace is absolutely! Of course it was killed by me!”

"Mu Qianxi, you are nonsense!"

"You can kill Your Royal Highness!"

One by one gave up the previous opponent and rushed over to Mu Qian.

Mu Qianyi gently waved: "All are under! Here, you are not my opponent!"

"Hey!" All of them were lying on the ground, almost smashing the entire face into a serious illness.

The doubled gravity is unbearable to their bodies, and the powerful spiritual power is like a mountain topping, completely breathless.

"You... what the **** is this?" They looked so arrogant, this situation is simply incredible.

"In fact, I would also like to thank your Royal Highness Prince. If it weren't for him, I would not be able to clean up you so easily."

The enemy is no longer threatened, and countless healing needles fly out to heal their teammates.

Yunxiao does not care about his own injuries, but instead cares about the northern spirit of the mountain.

"That is the holy plant, is it true?" asked Yunxiao.

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