Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3055: He saw it

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"Come on!" After guessing the status of the nine nights, they were scared to death.

Even if they have become the top strengths of the mysterious world, they clearly know that they have no power in front of this powerful man.

Escape, but also live.

Do not escape, one dead road, the soul flies.

"Hey!" They fled, but they were suppressed by a tyrannical force.

The power of invisible and innocent slammed them on the ground, one by one pale.

"Nine-night monarch, we...we don't really know...I don't know that Mu Qianxi is the person you protect, if you know... I know we must not dare to do it. I don't know who is not guilty..."

Nine nights cold road: "This monarch does not know what is not known to be guilty, only those who dare to hurt, have to die!"

Nine nights were next to Mu Qian, she was pale because of her exhaustion, her clothes were ragged, and there were many wounds.

How does this make nine nights not hurt? How to be angry and want to kill all of them?

Begging for mercy, useless!

Under the high-level spirit, there is only one head left without turning into a bone;

There are still half of the body left in the high-level spirit.

The nine-step spirits are already white bones.

The bodies of these peaks are still intact, and they are constantly fighting.

Because they are very clear, they will be their turn soon.

The nine-night monarch in the prison is really as cold-blooded, cruel, and not human.

The emperor of the East Emperor did not move for nine nights.

He is only a serious injury, but he has not become a bone.

He felt that he was in the **** of Shura and was scared to faint twice.

Every time he wakes up, he has to face such a terrible fact.

"Mu girl, we are also forced to do, is to be ordered to act. Today, if you ask the nine-night monarch to bypass us, we will not shoot you again, to make you a cow."

The nine-night monarch who knows the heart of the stone is useless. They can only ask the people in the arms of the nine-night monarch.

The guy who has always been high and then looks like a thousand cockroaches is like a cock, but now he whispers to her.

Mu Qianshao cold channel: "I don't dare to use the people of the East Emperor! You are still more assured of death."

They are wrong. For those who want to kill themselves, Mu Qian will never be soft-hearted.

At that time, the power of the nine nights was strengthened again, and the power of darkness madly swallowed their flesh and blood.

"Ah!" The emperor of the East Emperor called out with horror.

He saw with his own eyes that someone's body completely turned into a white bone, and disappeared.

At this time, the same is true of some of the peaks.

"I... I don't want to die!"

"I have been practicing for a thousand years, and I have to die like this. I am not willing!"

"Ah! Let's spare us!"

One after another, the bones disappeared, and the people who stayed were full of fear and collapse.

Nine nights are like not listening to the general, staring at the thousands of ambitions, so that Mu Qianxi concentrate on healing.

After the death of Mu Qianxi's injury was almost finished, except for the two of them, there was only one Emperor of the East Emperor.

"It disappeared and the bones disappeared."

This is definitely the most terrible thing he has experienced in his life. For the first time, he knows that there are people in the world who have such terrible power.

"I... my father is the owner of the five-star power of the East Emperor Dynasty. If you kill me, my father is absolutely...will not let you go." The emperor of the East Emperor trembled and said.

"The Eastern Emperor Dynasty, this King has never been in the eyes." Nine nights indifferent.

"I have the mark of the soul left by my father, I dare to kill me, he... he will protect me." He calmly said.

In his cognition, his father is the strongest.

Even if this person is terrible to solve so many spiritual respects, it is impossible to be the opponent of his father.

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights, let me come!"

The red-red light flashed, and the sword and the sword pierced the heart of the emperor's heart.

He wants to hide, he wants to stop, but can't do anything?

His face was as white as paper, and he could only watch the **** and desperate sword approaching.

"Hey!" Mu Qian's sword just pierced his flesh and blood, and the silvery light broke out and rushed to Mu Qian.

This deadly attack turned into nothingness in the nine songs, followed by an uncle who appeared in his early thirties in front of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi looked at the person in front of him, the three-dimensional three-dimensional, quite pretty, of course, it is compared with the emperor of the East Emperor.

Compared to nine nights, it is naturally a hundred thousand miles.

"Who are you?" The East Emperor saw the most dangerous existence here at first sight.

"A soul is only a part of the soul, this can easily pinch you, you still dissipate yourself!"

"A good arrogant guy, looking for death!" The East Emperor, who used to be the only one who used to be alone, saw the person with such a big tone for the first time.

The power of terror swept through, and was suddenly wrapped up by the power of darkness.

"Ah!" A scream came out, and this soul was shredded by the power of darkness and disappeared completely.

"Hey!" The emperor in the study suddenly stood up.

"A trace of the soul left on the boss was awakened, then ... and then killed? Who is it?" His face was gloomy.

"Just chasing a spiritual sanctuary, why did the old assembly push this place? And it was also destroyed. Who is behind her? The North Palace Dynasty, or... Mu Fengyun!"

The soul is shredded thoroughly, and the East Emperor can only feel the power of endless darkness. No one can feel the cultivation of the soul who killed the soul.

"I will send people to the Xilian Mountains immediately, go! Don't be hard-working when you meet Mu Qian, first observe in secret."

Losing so many people in the heart of the blood, even if the heart is angry, I dare not act rashly to let my people die.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The power of darkness dissipated, and the strongest life-saving cards of the Emperor of the East Emperor disappeared.

The blood has already dyed his clothes, and the sword of Muqian has entered an inch!

"Ah!" His screams hurt.

"Don't kill me, you kill me, my father will definitely see it, when the East Emperor Dynasty will surely chase you, never die!" The emperor of the East Emperor trembled.

"If I don't kill you, I will endlessly chase after the end. The result is the same, it is better to let you completely disappear!"

"Hey!" Lee arrow runs through the heart, blood is sprayed out, and the soul is completely swallowed up.

At the moment when Mu Qianxi killed the emperor of the East Emperor, the Emperor saw the scene before his son’s death and saw the appearance of the person who killed him.

It was a very familiar face. I saw it with my own eyes to know how much this woman is like Lin Biao, not right...

He actually saw the shadow of the two people on this face.

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