Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3056: Get rid of it completely

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Mu Fengyun and her...

She is the daughter of Mu Fengyun, even if this is only a possibility of 50% or 60%, it will make the spirit of the East Emperor great.

At this time, he is no longer angry because he lost his son, but after he wants to live and catch the Millennium, it is likely to lead to the cloud.


"After sending a group of people to the past, you can live without the means of catching up on the Millennium. If you accidentally kill it, you must take out your soul. I have great use."

Even if Mu Fengyun has become a waste without any repair, as long as he is still alive, the nameplate placed in the East Emperor's Temple is not broken, he is like a throat, sleepless.

To deal with that man, you must seize his weakness.

The two in the holy world he can't move, and this one in the Xuantian world must be seized.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The order of the killing has changed. The East Emperor whispered: "It turns out that it is no wonder she can block your way. Lynn, let her live for a while, wait until she catches the wind." Send them father and daughter together on the road. From now on, never again

Someone blocked your way to the sky. ”

This wave of chasing troops was cleaned up in one go, and Mu Qian continued to follow the original plan to go north of the Xilian Mountains.

There are no fierce pursuits, and Muqian and Nine Nights naturally fill their feet and enjoy the time of the two of them.

A few days after the chase, the dawn of the nine nights sank and the atmosphere became cold.

Mu Qianxi was slightly stunned, and his soul was scattered. "Are you going after the soldiers?"


"It is the Protoss." Nine nights whisper.

The entire Xuantian world is far from the strongest of the peaks, and the killing of so many spiritual respects before nine nights, but far beyond the strength of the peak spirit.

This kind of atmosphere that does not belong to the mysterious world is naturally discovered by the hearted people. Nine nights do not want those **** guys to notice the embarrassment.

He whispered: "If you miss me, you will call me over! I will go and solve them first."

"Well! You are also careful." Mu Qian whispered.

The black figure disappeared like a ghost. In the void outside the Xuantian world, the nine nights suddenly appeared to make the face of the Protoss change.

"Sure enough, your breath of the nine nights, your conquest of so many worlds have not satisfied your ambitions? Even stared at the mysterious heaven." A head of a person slightly sinking.

Xuan Tianjie may not be the strongest than the major planes, not the biggest one, but it is a plane that collects the atmosphere. His Majesty is also particularly valued.

Other tattered worlds are occupied by His Royal Highness of the Nine Nights, and His Majesty will not be in the heart. Xuan Tianjie can't!

"You have too many words!" Nine nights cold channel.

The endless terrible power shrouded them in an instant, "Boom!" A loud noise, the void broke!

Mu Qianxi does not know what kind of war broke out between the nine nights and the sudden appearance of the Protoss.

She speeded up and swept past the Western Hills.


After the last batch of chasing troops was solved, the East Emperor seemed to have sent so many people without any pain.

These people are different from the previous group of people who are murderous and introverted. It is estimated that they will not rush to call her to kill and kill, but choose to observe secretly.

The East Emperor is not stupid. Even if the master is trained by the five-star forces for hundreds of years, it will be painful to give away the head.

They have not found Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qian’s unique and powerful soul has discovered them.

Mu Qiang’s face sank, “Even if they are not holding the purpose of killing me, they can’t be stared at them, they must get rid of them.”

“Hey!” The wind element is running, and Muqian speeds up and quickly reaches the northern edge of the Xilian Mountains.

The group of spirits is not vegetarian. It is closer, closer, and she will not be able to take them away after a while.

The hidden pharmacy, the agent that changed the breath, swallowed a few, the appearance and the breath changed, and became an ordinary boy.

This is very easy, but those are also masters of high hands, not easy to fool.

"There are people in front, and there are many people!" Mu Qiang's big eyes swept in that direction.

Mixed into the crowd, coupled with her easy to change the breath, even if their eyes are sharp, the nose will not be able to find her for a while.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The chase is about to arrive, and Mu Qian has hit a group of people.

Seeing that some of these talents are wearing, Mu Qian knows that they are soldiers of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty;

At the bottom of a valley, at least 200,000 soldiers are doing morning exercises there.

I have not got rid of the master of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, and this has fallen into the army of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty.

Obviously, this group of people is not easy to flick, and they can't stop her when they rush directly. But the next time, some of the masters will immediately discover her...

"You have finally come, this kid is not coming soon. This is scared, and said to follow me." A white man like a jade slowly came over.

The man's looks seem to be as ordinary as the one that is so versatile, but he has the charisma that the ordinary face can't hide.

"military adviser!"

"It turned out that this is the person who the military master knows!"

The patrol squad of this East Emperor rushed to let go, and Mu Qian’s confrontation with the pair of wise twins, four eyes opposite.

Mu Qian said: "Cousin, as long as I have a good experience, I will not give you a hindrance."

She strode forward and grabbed his sleeves.

"Don't just say that you can't do it, come with me!" He took Mu Qianji and strode into the barracks.

His identity is extremely high in this military camp, and even if Mu Qian is a strange face, no one asks. Those masters who followed Mu Qianxi completely emptied into the air. "The front is the military camp of the Zhenbei army of the Majesty. The atmosphere of Mu Qianxi was not found. If Mu Qiang dared to rush from here, it was estimated that he had been caught by the army. Go and find out if they have

Did not catch people of unknown origin. ”


Inquired about it, naturally there is no.

"It seems that Mu Qianyi did not run to this side, we went to another reverse to chase!"


Mu Qianxi followed the military division and was assigned a small position. General Zhenbei also believed in the military division's rhetoric.

He is the young master of the family aristocracy, and his cousin identity is similar.

He is now in a rebellious period, leaving home to follow his cousin to experience.

"Military division, you have to take care of this kid, take care of yourself. It is better to eat this fine skin and tender meat.

"Well! If she can't meet my request, I must send someone to tie him home." The military officer smiled.

All the dangerous breaths are far away, and Mu Qiansong sighed with a sigh of relief: "I have finally got rid of the cleanliness, then I will fly away from the sky." "You can fly, you don't know what your father is worried about." It’s going to relapse.” The person in front of me didn’t look at Mu Qian’s way.

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