Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Vol 3 Chapter 3057: Powerful internal response

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"What? He has relapsed, and now take me to see him." Mu Qian said.

"Do you know that you are nervous? I don't want to think about how many people are nervous before you? Don't worry! Your ghost doctor is still very powerful, and the medicinal herbs left are very good." The military division did not feel good.

"But in order to stabilize my father's condition, I have already passed the news that you are still alive and kicking to the righteous father." He said again.

"You...how would you mix a military division in the military camp of the Northern Army?" asked Mu Qian.

"I have been ah! Do you think that I am only a mercenary of the Twilight Mercenary, how is it possible?" The sergeant replied.

This military division is the partner of Yunxiao, Yin Sizhan.

"You are awesome. It is no wonder that even a sinless singer can do it for you."

One has force, one has a mind, and the perfect partner.

The ghosts only have money, and the ghosts are just a little naive, and the strength is a bit too big.

"That is natural. If it is not halfway to kill you, my boss will definitely win. Now there are some more variables." Yin Sizhan said.

"What is your mission? Need help?" asked Mu Qian.

"It's not necessary to help, but I suggest you stay. After all, you just suddenly disappeared, I will be suspected. I have been lurking for ten years before the East Dynasty dynasty mixed into the present position, do not want to be You destroy. Second, the place they least think of is the safest place. Even if you go to the North Palace dynasty, you will inevitably be stared at them.” Yin Sizhan stared at Mu Qiandao.

"Actually, I am also doing this." Mu Qianxi smiled.

So the Emperor sent people to the world to find the Millennium, how did he not think that Mu Qianxi was staying in the military camp of their East Emperor Dynasty?

He was in the town by the army's first think tank, Yin Shizhan, who was fragrant and spicy, and his childhood was very good.

Yin Sizhan was in a very high position in the military camp of the army, second only to the general, and seemed to be more prestigious than the general.

Although Xuan Tianjie is a world dominated by the strong, the writing test still exists.

I heard that when he was less than 20 years old, he became the champion of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. He was the first talented person and served in the DPRK.

This time, he was brought to the town as a military sergeant. He was also the idea of ​​waiting for him to make great contributions and return to the Eastern Empire as a great official.

"It's amazing. Others are all wild, and you guys have even mixed into the officialdom of the East Emperor Dynasty, and they are still mixed with the wind." Mu Qianzhen praised.

"That is natural, you don't look at who I grew up." Yin Sizhan proudly said.

"What is your mission? Pingyun Qingyun, the first person to become the civil servant of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, to be a super-powerful inside?" asked Muqian.

"Of course, this must be done. From the inside, the East Emperor Dynasty was destroyed. By the way, there are some important ministers who have the ability to do it. But what I have to do now is the two tasks that the righteous father gave me. The first task is to draw the town. General Peking University’s Heilongjiang, even if he is not allowed to join us, let him remain neutral.” Yin Sizhan replied.

"What about the second mission?"

"The second task, I will tell you when I am, I will not say it now."

It is not that Yin Shizhan does not believe in Mu Qianxi, but deliberately makes Mu Qianxi feel confused, let her brains want to go.

Who told her to let her father worry for so long!

Because of this task of Yin Sizhan, Mu Qianxi is also observing the general of Zhenbei.

She frowned slightly: "This is a loyal minister, but it is not so easy to win!"

"He is loyal to the East Emperor Dynasty, not the East Emperor. I can always wait for the opportunity, my patience has always been good." Yin Sizhan mouth smirked a smile.

He did not think that the opportunity came very quickly.

Because the great emperor was dead, the only woman of General Helian, who was married to the great emperor, returned to the northern border.

He Lianhuan saw his daughter's present appearance and could not believe his eyes.

Is this a thin woman really her daughter?

Mu Qianxi is also a bit stunned. "That is to say, I killed the son-in-law of Zhenbei General."

"Don't worry, maybe people think you are killing." Yin Sizhan said.

After Helianyue came back, he was seriously ill, and the royal family sent a refining pharmacist to treat her.

They shook their heads one after another: "Under the bottom, you can only hang the life of the great emperor, and there is no way to completely cure it."

This is the refining pharmacist in the palace, they can't do it.

He Lianhuan distressed her daughter, and she wanted to be a famous doctor in the world. They still have no way.

Yin Sizhan knows that the most powerful refining pharmacist is by his side, and Muqian said: "Some people have vowed to say that I don't need my help! So I am still quietly doing a salted fish cultivation around you. Interest is better."

Yin Sizhan’s mouth was slightly pumped, saying: “Herlian burns and loves the only daughter. I haven’t got much news because she has been in the Great Emperor’s House. I can’t start from this aspect. Now she was sent back because the big emperor died. I have encountered such a thing. It is indeed a good idea to break through this aspect and let General Helian owe me a favor!"

"I also asked the ghost doctor to help me. I used to say that I was too full." Yin Sizhan was very polite.

He knows that this is the quickest and most effective way to do this, even if his face hurts a bit.

He is a master who is good at calculations and knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

"Looking at the fact that you have taken me and really need me, this ghost doctor promised you." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"Army, you said that your cousin knows medicine?" General Helian was shocked.

"Yes! I heard that Miss Moon is ill, I hope to solve the problem for the generals."

Since the return of He Lianyue, General Helian has made people no longer call her a big emperor, but Miss Yue.

"Can this kid do it? Many refining pharmacists are helpless!"

"Don't the generals still believe in my judgment."

The generals also know that Yin Sizhan is so powerful that he will never do things that are not sure.

He said: "Okay! The refining medicine in the palace has gone back, saying that people will be sent regularly to deliver medicine. She should be able to live more than five or six years in the month."

Even so, he is distressed, but he has been dragging a weak body for five or six years.

If the daughter missed her, he was really afraid that her daughter would not live.

The famous doctor who came to know that he was coming to see He Lianyue was a little doll, and he was amazed.

They said: "I have always heard that the military master is a talented person, intelligent, but did not expect to ask a child like this to see Miss Yue."

"The age of this child is not as big as mys. It is estimated that there are not many years to learn refining medicine. How can I have this ability?"

"The military master is reading the wrong person this time."

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "A group of guys who rely on the old and sell old things is not good? I am young, and I have not studied medicine for a few years, but I can guarantee that it is not as good as me in the refining medicine. Is there any problem with my powerful ability to see Miss Yue’s medical treatment?"

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