Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 101: Off-road vehicle

After experiencing what Chu Feng said just now, this meal was a bit unpleasant.

However, what Chu Feng said left an indelible mark in their hearts.

For modern people, changing jobs and bosses are all things that are accustomed to. The change of this kind of concept takes time and time and will not change so easily.

Therefore, Chu Feng knew that blindly using profit or power to guarantee loyalty is a very inefficient behavior. In this end of the world where there is milk is a mother, he betrayed for a few bites and beautiful women, and even killed his boss directly. The examples are countless.

If he finally recruits or trains his subordinates and lets him run away with them, then why does he spend this energy on recruiting and training? Even if it is killed, it cannot make up for the loss!

Recruiting people is troublesome and troublesome.

What's more, a boss who often changes hands, will anyone be willing to follow him? No matter how strong it is, but can't protect the boss under him, what is the value of following?

The three questions he raised are like three vaccinations. If the other party can really meet these three conditions, it means that his boss has failed too much. Then, what revenge is he, and why should he fight Long Ao? Fight? Just find a corner to eat and wait for death.

With Long Ao as the enemy, then one must raise the requirements of oneself, in any respect.

While eating breakfast, Chu Feng set up a barbecue beside him, which he searched from the kitchenware factory, and it just came in handy now.

Just when they were eating breakfast, otherwise a buggy stopped.

"There is food here."

When the car window was rolled down, a woman's surprised voice came, "And there is actually a barbecue."

Then, three men, two women, and five people got off the off-road vehicle and looked at Chu Feng's barbecue with their eyes bright.

Xu Wei and the three people suddenly became vigilant. They had just experienced a **** incident caused by food last night, and now they encounter people who are greedy for their food and have to make them take it seriously.

A man in a suit with a big belly took out a stack of money from his briefcase, then threw it to Chu Feng, and said proudly: "These are the prices I paid for your barbecue. I don't need to look for the extra. I don't need money. ."

The visual impact of a large stack of RMB is very powerful, and Xu Wei's breathing suddenly increased.

They don't blame them. After all, seeing money open has almost become people's instinct. Seeing so many renminbi is still indifferent, only people who are used to it.

Chu Feng looked at the renminbi in his hand and said with a smile: "It's just right, I just need it."

With that said, he threw the stack of money into the firewood pile.

The flammability of banknotes is very good, making the firewood more prosperous.

When Chu Feng said that it was just necessary, the man in the suit showed a triumphant smile, and the woman next to him was even more admired by him.

Using money to open a situation has always been his favorite thing, and what he enjoys most is how others bow down after seeing a large amount of money.

However, his eyes were dull the next moment.

The other party actually threw his money into the firewood pile? What is this operation?

The next moment, his face was full of anger: "What do you mean? Are you humiliating me? Or do you think I gave you fake money?"

Chu Feng looked at the burnt paper currency and said seriously, "White Ash, it's real money."

His attitude angered several people even more, making them almost ashamed.

"Do you know how much damage your pretence has caused you? Do you know how much money can buy?"

"I tell you, even if you go to the fortress, there is a shortage of supplies. Without money, what do you buy from others?"

"Look at you so poor, dare to look down on us?"

Seeing the desperate appearance of a few people, Chu Feng felt a little funny.

The shortage of supplies after arriving in the fortress city was indeed real, but the collapse of the currency was also completed in a very short time.

Even if you take the money for the whole car, you can't buy much.

However, if you want to take advantage of this opportunity to defraud supplies from others, then you have miscalculated. There are indeed people who have a bad brain and exchange supplies for money.

But if you change too much, you have to make good equipment that is attacked by groups.

Since you can cheat so many supplies from one person, have you also cheated a lot of food from others? Or other supplies, even women?

After all, money only takes up very little space on your body. Who knows how much you changed? Then, under the fluke of greed and lawlessness, many people will unite and take risks.

Although Chu Feng is not afraid of things, he is not a person who likes to ask for trouble.

"I think your money is very useful! It's very good for burning fire."

Chu Feng still looked serious.

This almost blatant provocation completely angered the man in the suit. He greeted the driver and bodyguard behind him: "Teach them a lesson."

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Two screams sounded. Of course, it was not Chu Feng who screamed, but the driver and bodyguard.

It was just a meeting, and they fell to the ground hunched over.

Chu Feng retracted his foot, he was indeed deliberately provoking just now.

I am worried about not having an off-road vehicle! Immediately someone came directly to the door, and if they started snatching directly, it might leave a shadow on the hearts of these little Mengxins around him.

However, since the other party doesn't know what is good or bad, then you don't have to be polite.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The man in the suit stepped back two steps. Chu Feng’s skill is higher than he thought. Of course, the two men behind him are actually not very good at fighting. When they bully people, most of them rely on their own power. Let the bullied person dare not resist at all.

Now that he encountered a situation where his own power was useless, he finally began to be afraid.

Chu Feng said: "As the price you just offended me, I immediately confiscated the car behind you, and it was just a mental loss fee for me."

The man in the suit said angrily: "Don't even think about it!"

However, Chu Feng strangled his throat, with murderous in his eyes: "When did you have it? I was asking for your opinion. I was just telling you."

The man in the suit said with horror: "No, don't kill me. I am the boss of a listed company, with assets of several hundred million, and there are many people under my hand. When I return to the company, I will definitely repay you."

Chu Feng sneered: "Don't you think that this world will still run as before! Or do you naively think that all of your things belong to you?"

With that, his eyes fell on the man brought by the middle-aged man in the suit.

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