Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 102: The weak and the strong

Feeling Chu Feng's gaze, the faces of the two young women were panic, but there was excitement hidden in their eyes.

Chu Feng's domineering seems to have a special charm, but they are used to following suit men and enjoying the wealth he brings.

However, men in suits can bring them money and things that money can buy, but they can't give them a different kind of enjoyment.

If Chu Feng really wanted to do anything to them, they would not necessarily refuse.

A vigilant look flashed in Zhang Ziqing's eyes, and there were two big beauties around Chu Feng. Isn't it necessary to hungry enough to attack these two coquettish bitches?

Remember that Chu Feng should be very picky!

However, Chu Feng didn't really have any interest in these two women. There was a private car with such a good performance beside him, so why bother to take a bus?

The reason why he didn't directly kill these people was mainly in teaching.

The man in the suit was full of fear: "You, what are you talking about?"

"You should have guessed it!"

Chu Feng cruelly revealed what he didn't want to think of in his heart, "Even if it is a big money, there should be only a few people whose brains are not easy to use. You just pretend that you didn't expect it, or subconsciously don't want to recognize it. Enjoy the feeling of being above as much as possible."

For some people, you can question their character, but it is best not to question their IQ easily.

This man in a suit is not ignorant of this dangerous world, he just tries his best to create an illusion that social order can be restored to himself or to the people around him.

As long as his acting skills are good enough, he can win over a group of people, and I will talk about things later, anyway, he is still the superior boss.

"You, don't talk anymore."

Chu Feng cruelly revealed what he didn't want to think of, causing the man in the suit to tremble, and his heart was filled with fear.

And several classmates also suddenly thought of what happened in the kitchenware factory before. The worker who had awakened the ability, the first thing after awakening was to kill his boss and then occupy the boss's woman.

Looking up at Chu Feng's approach, they already realized something.

Chu Feng said to Xu Wei's trio: "I must take their car, but these people will be handled by you. Don't have any burdens, and don't guess my thoughts. Start now."

As he said, he kicked the man in the suit on the leg, causing him to scream and lose the ability to escape.

However, he just started the barbecue casually, waiting for the three of them to make a decision.

The men in suits are full of humiliation in the eyes, but they are powerless, they can only let them distribute like goods.

The three classmates looked at each other. Although Chu Feng asked them not to guess his thoughts, Chu Feng is now their boss. Can they really ignore Chu Feng's thoughts? This must be Chu Feng's test of them!

Although I don't know what it will be like if I pass, but I think about it and know that it is definitely not a good thing.

Tian Jing looked at the two mature and coquettish women, then looked down at her figure, and said: "If we don't have a high-level old driver, then let the driver stay! The rest are all Drop it."

Although she and the two classmates are only making friends physically, there is no need to increase her love rivals out of thin air.

Without these two women, the two classmates would take more care of her.

If there are more people assigned, her role may be dispensable.

Although his appearance is quite beautiful and his figure is not too much to blame, he is still a lot worse than these two coquettish women.

The two women showed a pitiful look. Chu Feng was facing them now, so they looked at the two male classmates with pleading eyes, hoping to win their sympathy.

Xu Wei hesitated and said, "Leave them all down? Or, let's leave the boss down! All the rest will be accepted."

Tao Jinghua glanced at the off-road vehicle and said: "If I am not mistaken, this off-road vehicle should be able to seat 8 people. If you want to sit on one more person, you have to be hard-pressed."

The two boys really want to leave these two glamorous women behind. After experiencing the events of last night, their desire for women has become more exuberant, but they don’t want to leave the boss with the impression that they are silly It is also not clear whether Chu Feng is also interested in these two women.

Therefore, they did not dare to express their views directly.

A coquettish woman said charmingly: "Handsome man, as long as you are willing to take me, I am willing to do anything."

Just kidding, in this dangerous era, being left in the wilderness is definitely not a fun thing. What if you encounter danger?

However, her attitude made Zhang Ziqing hostile in her heart, and she looked at this enchanting woman with unkind eyes.

The man in the suit yelled, "Leaving us in the wilderness, what is the difference between this and killing us? You are killing people on purpose."

The driver said: "I, I can help you drive, my car is very skilled."

He knows that many people are resistant to killing, let alone killing, even if it is killing a chicken, not everyone can do it.

The appearance of these people is also the appearance of students. Although the temperament has undergone some changes, there is not much change in the end.

Tao Jinghua nodded, seeming to agree with him.

The man in the suit was overjoyed. He was about to take advantage of the victory and chase after him. He told them the consequences of breaking the law. He was frightened by his next sentence:

"If this is the case, then after we leave them, they will definitely hold grudges, or else just kill them!"

They have seen too many farewells in life and death these days, although they may not be able to muster the courage to kill, it is still too sad.

So they got into a quarrel like this.

Chu Feng cut the barbecue, then handed it to everyone, and then handed the driver a barbecue with a bottle of water, and said, "This is for you. It's for helping me drive."

Smelling the scent of barbecue, the driver rolled his apple, and then couldn't help saying: "I agree."

Although they have some food in their car, where is the smell of barbecue? What's more, Chu Feng seemed to be tempting, but in fact he was intimidating. After all, he just wanted a few classmates to decide their fate like goods!

Just now he saw the corpses of several zombies nearby. He couldn't guarantee which one would become a corpse after encountering a zombie in the wilderness if he refused.

Then, Chu Feng handed each of the three classmates a bottle of water and said, "For you."

What he meant was obvious. It is up to you to decide whether you want to eat these things yourself or use them to solicit people.

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