Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 103: Open Yuan Fu

After the off-road vehicle set off again, a total of two people remained in place.

"You demons! You will definitely be punished."

"It's too much, I'm going to sue you."

The boss and bodyguard stayed in the camp, grinning at the back of the mother who left the off-road vehicle.

Tired of scolding, they sat on the ground, their faces full of despair.

At this moment, the man in the suit suddenly saw two bottles of water left on the ground, and there seemed to be two pieces of bread, which made his eyes shine.

Feeling the change of the boss next to him, the bodyguard followed his gaze, and his eyes were also bright.

Then, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

"Chu Feng, do you think there is no problem with their decision?" Zhang Ziqing asked.

The two male classmates finally got excited and left the two beauties at the price of the barbecue and water in their hands.

Although Tian Jing was a little anxious, but in the end he couldn't hold back the two of them.

After all, what they exchanged was the barbecue in their hands. Why did she stop it?

Of course, they couldn't kill people either. After all, the psychological damage was too great. Today they are still a little immature.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, don't care about these details, the first two people won't live long."

Zhang Ziqing was surprised: "What did you do?"

Chu Feng said: "It's not what I did, but someone left bread and water there. Although they were left for two people, there is no place in front of the village and no shop at the back. Who would not think about it? Swallow it alone? But the specific result depends on how loyal the bodyguard is."

The bodyguard is holding a baton in his hand, and should be stronger than the boss.

If he has any ethics and cleanliness, then things should fall into the hands of the boss, if he can be a little harder, there may be a chance to live alone.

As for the person who left the bread and water, it was Tian Jing.

He didn't bother to think about the true thoughts deep in Tian Jing's heart. He didn't have the energy, but her actions did meet his expectations.

If you can't help yourself, then you don't see and your heart is upset.

Tian Jing was sitting in the co-pilot now, and Chu Feng hugged left and right sitting in the middle. The two male classmates got their wish and squeezed with the beautiful woman, and then accepted the beautiful woman's fingering.

Because Chu Feng was also in the car, they didn't dare to make much movement, but this made the two male classmates even more ticklish.

Tian Jing saw this scene in the rearview mirror of the car, with murderous intent in her eyes, but it was well hidden.

Just after the off-road vehicle traveled for a while, the sky suddenly became overcast.

After sticking his head out the window and looking at the sky, Chu Feng ordered: "A thunderstorm is coming. Find a place where you can shelter from the rain."

He has become accustomed to the ups and downs on this road.

He was not sure if he continued to move forward, he would break down the car he had just acquired again.

If that is the case, then the gain is not worth the loss.

Anyway, the distance to go home is not much, and it’s not too late to leave after the thunderstorm has passed. It’s okay to leave at night.

At this moment, they saw a gas station, only when they approached in a pleasant surprise, they realized that the original staff in this gas station had become zombies, and by the way they also ate some people who stayed here, forming A small group of zombies.

After seeing the group of zombies, the driver was about to change a place, but Chu Feng ordered: "Stop!"

After hearing Chu Feng's order, the driver hesitated: "But there are a dozen zombies here. If we park here, we will all be in danger."

"If you don't stop now, people in danger will follow you."

Chu Feng threatened in a very plain tone.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the driver only felt a bit cold behind his back.

He suddenly thought of the zombies around the camp. If the zombies are solved by this person alone, then maybe he really has the ability to deal with these zombies?

Besides, if this person really can't deal with the zombie, he can also drive away from here as soon as the zombie eats the person.

When the car was not quite well, Chu Feng got out of the car first. Zhang Ziqing wanted to keep up, but Chu Feng pressed it lightly and stopped immediately.

"Who will win?"

The driver's heart is also full of tension.

Although in his opinion, this group of people is outright dangerous.

Is it that if you can really become one with these people, maybe you don't need to be afraid of the dangers outside?

However, when he took off his seat belt and opened the door to get out of the car, he suddenly found that the zombies in front of him had been dealt with.

"Quite soon, what happened just now?"

The driver only felt that his brain was blank. What happened just now? Why did he clearly see a dozen zombies alive, but within a few seconds of getting off the car, all of these zombies had fallen down. ?

He looked at Chu Feng with horrified eyes: Did he make the shot? Is this speed of shooting really human?

But if it weren't for him, who else could there be?

"Be optimistic about the car, don't let him have a chance to drive away."

Chu Feng instructed the three classmates, and did not hide his vigilance towards the driver.

His strength has reached the second-tier peak, and then refining the zombies just now, there are already signs of breakthrough, since he encountered a thunderstorm, he just took this opportunity to break through.

Gushu's practice method is very safe, at least most of the risks are controllable, so he doesn't worry too much. If the driver drove the off-road vehicle at this time, he would be too frustrated.

Tao Jinghua immediately said: "We will definitely be optimistic about the car."

Then, there was a heavy rain outside.

Chu Feng took advantage of this time to begin to unite the nine primordial spirits in his body. Because of his previous life experience, there were no obstacles to this breakthrough, and it was simply a natural process.

When the nine spirits gathered together, a small space appeared, which was the Yuan Palace.

Unlike the storage space made with the talisman of content, this small space belongs to a real world, or the framework of a small world.

Within this Yuanfu, there are unlimited possibilities.

When the familiar Yuan Palace was opened up again, Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a little excited, which marked that his strength had once again improved a step, and he was able to collect more materials and perform more. Supernatural powers.

As long as your luck is not too bad, you will come and go freely in most parts of the world.

However, when he was practicing, the team changed.

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