Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1015: The purpose of the Star Cross

"Then why do you continue to do this?"

Su Yuan and Su Yuyan were puzzled.

Chu Feng continues to harass in the Western world now. Such an approach is simply painful for the loved ones and the enemies.

Even if the plan of the Protoss to attack the City of Dawn was hindered, the damage caused by Chu Feng himself would have been great, and he was still reluctant to return to the City of Dawn. Wouldn't this allow the Protoss' wishful thinking to succeed?

"If I don’t do this, do I have to go back to fight the Star Crusade? We really did it. With the urine nature of the Western Parliament, they once again recognized our weaknesses. Willing to destroy the weakness of the global united front, then China will be held in their hands forever."

Chu Feng said coldly.

"But, if we don't abide by this bottom line, which country is willing?"

Zhang Ziqing's eyes were also tangled.

This approach of the Western Parliament is simply putting China in a dilemma.

If China goes to war, both sides will lose out.

If Huaxia didn't go to war, it would have been pinched by the opponent's weakness.

"You have to figure out one thing. Huaxia and the City of Dawn are not equated, and the City of Dawn and Chu Feng are not equated. My attitude does not necessarily represent the attitude of China."

Chu Feng shook his head.

Everyone was shocked.

Chu Feng has always maintained a good relationship with the military in the past, is it going to be destroyed now?

"What's more, will the Star Crusade really attack us?" Chu Feng asked back.

"Why not?"

Zhao Fan also had some doubts, "We are not in the City of Dawn now. It is their good opportunity to attack the City of Dawn. Even if we go back, they may not be able to fight!"

"War is not a fist battle, but an economic war."

Han Yunxiao suddenly said, "Even we don’t know how powerful the City of Dawn is. Whether the city lord can go back anytime, our enemy can’t be completely certain. In such a situation, it’s absolutely against the Star Crusade. It is very unfavorable, and if the Protoss wants to gain a foothold in the human world, it must support a group of human forces. The Western Parliament can also be said to be their only choice.

It seems that these Protoss may sell the Western Parliament, but the Western Parliament is still in the fattening stage, and it is not good to kill it in advance, which is not in line with the practice of maximizing their interests. "

Zou Mengxuan added: "Even if their purpose is to provoke contradictions between the East and the West, can even the high-levels of the East and the West fail to see things that we can easily see? Their actions will not only fail to provoke wars. , On the contrary, it will completely anger China, and it will also cause them to lose the trust of the Western world. Even the Mi Empire that they secretly communicated with them will lose their trust.

In this way, they can indeed cause a certain amount of casualties to the East and the West, but the consequences are too serious. It can even be said that the Protoss and the human race can go to full-scale war. Instead of doing this, they might as well pretend to be a good person. As we fight with the demons, the fisherman finally gains. "

After listening to the analysis of the two, everyone was lost in thought.

According to this statement, the Protoss really has no reason to go to war.

Unless they are really willing to abandon their operations in the human world, is it really worth it for this level of benefit? This matter is really worth thinking about.

"Is it for surprise? Let us think that they won't go to war with us, but suddenly go to war?" Tian Jing asked.

"It's impossible."

Han Yunxiao shook his head, "Now that the City of Dawn and the Chinese military have entered a state of full alert, they have dealt with and dealt with this matter according to the war at any time. Now only those elites like us are not in the City of Dawn, but they can. Go back at any time. According to the intelligence obtained by the enemy, we can return to the City of Dawn within 4 hours. The actual time will be even shorter.

In 4 hours, can the city of dawn still be unsustainable? Besides, it is no secret that the city owner has the power to change the terrain. Do you think they will not think about it? Even if Xingshi’s expedition is to be a surprise, the effect that can be achieved is minimal, but they themselves are likely to be wiped out. "

In this way, everyone is even more unable to understand the reasons for the other party's expedition.

Regardless of the current interests or the long-term plan, the enemy has no need to go to war.

So why did they start this war?

The Demon World may give up the consideration of interests for a moment of emotional excitement.

But the God Realm won't, at least won't lose reason on such trivial matters.

Since they were able to reach a settlement with the City of Dawn before, there is no need to go to war now.

"If you can't guess the other party's purpose, then treat it as the other party's purpose has been achieved." Chu Feng reminded.

Has the other party's purpose been achieved?

Chu Feng's words passed through everyone's mind like a bolt of lightning.

Su Yuan’s pupils suddenly enlarged: “Their purpose is not China, they want to use our hands to suppress the West, so that they can weaken the power of the West, so that they can control the West more smoothly in the future, since they have decided to If rooted here, they are absolutely unwilling to let themselves become tools in the hands of Western humans."

After hearing Su Yuan's analysis, a chill rose in everyone's hearts.

Compared with the ruthless demons, the methods of the Protoss are even more murderous.

On the surface, they very irrationally chose to expedition and travel far and wide to conquer the city of dawn, but their real goal is to use the hands of the city of dawn to suppress the Western world.

Once they succeed in such a plan, the Western world is likely to be in the bag of the Protoss.

"Then how do we stop them?"

Zhang Ziqing was a little anxious, "If the Western world falls, the entire earth will be opened up."

"Why are we stopping?" Chu Feng asked back.

Among the people's puzzled eyes, Chu Feng slowly explained:

"The war between the earth and the gods and demons is not just our own business in the city of dawn, nor is it only a matter of China, it is a matter that requires the resistance of all mankind. If all the faults are borne by the city of dawn, All heroes want me to do it, so this kind of earth is really impossible to bring."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone was silent.

Even if you know this truth, can China really betray the West?

If the Protoss really gains a foothold in the West, will it really become a time bomb in the future? If you have the ability to stop this, but let it go, wouldn't it play with fire?

"However, it is not so easy for the Protoss to easily control the West."

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