Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1016: Solution

Chu Feng knew that the future Western Jigsaw National Alliance was the first to fall.

Although it is still a human regime on the surface, it has long been disintegrated by the Protoss in secret.

Even when the human regime and the Protoss regime were handed over is an unsolved mystery.

Considering that there are too many enemies facing human beings, the Protoss has not quarreled with humans on the bright side, so human nations have turned a blind eye to this matter.

My house hasn't been cleaned yet, so where can I take care of foreign affairs?

Now Chu Feng discovered this matter early, but it doesn't mean that he can solve it. Even if he solves this matter, the future plans of the Protoss will become even more elusive.

But there is one thing he can do, and that is to expose the purpose of the Protoss.

As long as the other party's behavior is exposed to the sun, what is terrible?

"Since there is no way to prevent the Protoss from replacing human power, then we can only follow the flow of the boat and expose the Protoss' plots in a fair manner and see how many people are willing to continue to be the running dogs of the Protoss. Those who do not want to be the running dogs of the Protoss will naturally rise up. Resistance, so that part of the power of the Protoss can be consumed in advance."

There was a chill in Chu Feng's eyes, "In addition, I will prepare some gifts for the Protoss."

Although I don't know what Chu Feng wants to do, everyone can only show trust.

In addition to trusting Chu Feng, they had no other choice.

After the team of the City of Dawn persecuted a few more production bases, many people in the West became panic. In some places, demonstrations against Eastern China have been launched.

However, in some places, demonstrations have been launched calling for the withdrawal of Western troops.

Especially those survivors whose survival bases were destroyed and finally escaped a life.

They have seen with their own eyes that the terrifying power of changing the terrain is really unwilling to be an enemy of a demon like Chu Feng. What does it matter if they can survive and bow their heads to the enemy?

Even many people have taken refuge in the Protoss either overtly or secretly.

In their eyes, as long as they can survive, it doesn't matter if they are willing to be slaves.

They even naively believe that as long as they are qualified as dogs, they can truly become a member of the Protoss.

When Chu Feng and his party entered the Western world for the second time and raged for more than seven days, some news came out from the City of Dawn that a Protoss attacked the Demon City and caused some casualties to the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race.

However, the Silver Phosphorus Demons fought back and repelled these enemies.

The City of Dawn, who is familiar with the road, entered a state of alert.

But this time, the state of martial law is somewhat different.

"Chu Feng has destroyed more than 60 survival bases in the West, causing a quarter of the population to be displaced. These survivors ran away on Western lands in search of new shelters."

"The Teddy Bear Empire announced that as long as they are refugees who obey the arrangements of the Teddy Bear Empire, they can live in the survival base of the fighting nation, but these people must use labor in exchange for what they need."

"China's legion has rushed to the vicinity of the city of dawn to support, demonstrating its determination to fight the Protoss to the death."

"Chu Feng no longer hides his deeds and starts to kill in the West. Unless the Star Crusade really retreats back, Chu Feng will destroy the entire West!"

This behavior of changing homes aroused the fighting will of many residents of the City of Dawn.

When they think of the City of Dawn, they can even change homes with the entire West, many people are excited, and even many people call the city lord not to return, and that the entire Western country must be wiped out.

During the battle between the Star Crusade and the demons, Chu Feng destroyed the walls of 15 survival bases one after another, and killed more than 10,000 members of the Star Cross. The members of the Crusade were even beheaded by Chu Feng. Knowing how much, the entire West was devastated under Chu Feng's ravages, and Chu Feng seemed to have abandoned the City of Dawn.

Chu Feng's crazy behavior made the entire Western Parliament go crazy.

"What the **** is Chu Feng doing? Does he really want the City of Dawn?"

"What are the Star Crosses doing? Are they no longer home? We have sent so many people to convey our orders, but why have they still not retreated?"

"No, the Star Crusade has betrayed, they have betrayed."

"We were deceived by the **** Protoss. The Star Crusade is basically the same as the demons of the demons. It is a plot of the Protoss, a plot of the Protoss to control our humanity."

The madness of the Western Parliament has also caused rumors in the Western world to fly in the sky.

The Teddy Bear Empire also began to fuel the flames, making such rumors spread throughout the Western world.

The so-called Star Crusade is basically a war weapon created by the Protoss to control the Human Race, but all humans who join the Star Cross have lost their self-awareness and become the puppets of the Protoss.

Mankind should have united the front to resist the invasion of foreign races, but these Protoss use their own mind-controlled legions to attack the City of Dawn. This is basically a deliberate conspiracy to provoke war between the East and the West.

Similar rumors spread rapidly in the Western world, and countless humans fell into panic.

Many survivors went desperately to the territory of the bear empire.

The Bear Empire also specially sent some people to guard these survivors who went to the Bear Empire.

Of course, after these survivors went to the Bear Empire, most of their fate was to become miners or slaves to the bottom level, but they were very lucky to survive.

Some people asked the Teddy Bear Empire to give them preferential treatment at the level of international prisoners of war, and as a result these people died unexpectedly.

The Teddy Bear Empire does not have time to do the ideological work of these people slowly.

Stay if you are willing to work, get out if you don't want to work, it's that simple.

Now the entire Western puzzle country has fallen into chaos.

Some people who still have illusions about the Star Crusade have never received the news that the Star Crusade successfully killed these invaders, so their illusions have gradually shattered.

Even the Star Crusaders themselves felt a little bit unstoppable.

The members of the Star Crusade who stayed near the city of dawn are now in a difficult situation. If they continue to attack, the flames of war will become more and more intense, but if they retreat now, they are sitting firmly in the east and west. Charges of war.

"Chu Feng, if you are really a smart person, then you should be able to find a way that is good for everyone in this situation and give both sides a step down."

When Chu Feng breached a survival base again, someone risked his death to convey the news to Chu Feng under the orders of his superiors.

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