Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1021: Meet Yi Qiuling Again

After returning, Chu Feng went to hell.

The seven tribes in the territory are now uniting to train their troops to prepare for future conquests on a broader territory.

In the highest plane, everything can be put down, and everything can be left to the servants to do, but only fighting is absolutely impossible to put down, even the fighting has given up work, that is the lowest race forever.

Even the royal family of the gods and demons can only be regarded as a true royal family if they grow up in blood and fire.

So for fighting, any powerful race will not reject it.

The seven major races also know that their racial abilities complement each other, and their combined combat power will be very powerful. However, their way to fight abroad has been blocked, and there is no leader with sufficient prestige to lead, so they can only fall into the The end of the civil war, in order to fight for the limited resources in the territory, continue to launch wars.

Due to its own racial advantage, or due to the superiority of the saint stone, the purple demon race occupies a dominant position among other races, but also because of the restrictions of the saint stone, the future is also locked.

The appearance of Chu Feng is to give a signal to the seven major races: "From now on, this territory has a new owner. You don't need to fight for the limited resources of the territory, we can go to a broader world."

For a few months after appearing and disappearing, this period of time is nothing to other races.

The time of the holy rank powerhouse is spanned by decades or even hundreds of years. A few months' time is simply the time to sleep, which is insignificant.

Besides, the perennial war between the seven major races now also needs to be run-in.

However, while training soldiers, he did not forget to follow Chu Feng's instructions to transport a large amount of resources in the territory into Yuanfu world through space channels, waiting for Chu Feng to discover them.

Among them, some gray dwarves looted by the Seven Clans.

Now Chu Feng's small world already has a complete weapon production chain.

What he sold in the Demon Hunter Guild was less than 10% of the total production.

It is not that he is stingy and unwilling to sell weapons to humans, but because the biggest role of weapons is actually to make up for the shortcomings of humans. For a Tier 5 warrior, the gap between Tier 6 weapons and Tier 8 weapons is not large. , As long as it is not damaged in the battle, the sharpness is only related to the craftsmanship.

Relying on high-level magic weapons to run wild, it is just a dream.

The sword in Chu Feng's hand was nothing more than a fine red flame sword. It was not that he could not refine a higher-level weapon, but that the weapon was enough to meet the demand.

With the improvement of strength, the demand for weapons is meaningful.

However, it was precisely because of Chu Feng's series of operations that the price of crystal nuclei rose linearly, and the purchasing power became very large, which to some extent prevented the phenomenon of the God Realm in exchange for crystal nuclei from humans through trading.

However, this time he inspected the territory, not for supervision.

Anyway, it won't be too long before he starts a large-scale war. If the seven major races don't train well, they will definitely be the ones who will lose their troops.

The main reason he came here was to curb the unity of man and nature.

Chu Feng didn't know if the realm he had realized was the unity of man and nature, but the feeling of spiritual fusion with heaven and earth made him feel that as long as he continued to cultivate, he would be able to integrate with the world.

However, he himself is not willing to do so.

Maybe he will become a **** if he merges with the world, but what Chu Feng is more willing to do is to be a person, whether he is a good or bad person, he is still more willing to be a living person.

After coming to hell, that feeling has been reduced a lot.

After all, **** is not his own.

The reason is somewhat popular, but that's the truth.

On the earth, because he is a creature born and raised on the earth, and when the earth is in danger, he can become the guardian of the earth, so everything on the ball will not refuse her, and he will even offer help on the initiative.

This kind of help is inconspicuous when facing the earth’s creatures. After all, the will of the world is not completely serving mankind. Every race has the opportunity to become the ruler of the earth, but when facing a foreign race, no matter when it is a move, it will be inspired. With more vitality, it is still possible to sense that the opponent is suppressed by the heaven and earth vitality, which is a manifestation of being favored.

In his own Yuan Mansion, let alone.

His will is the will of Yuan Palace.

But the underworld, this is the highest plane.

The volume of the underworld is much larger than that of the gods and demons.

Hell is also a part of the underworld. After Chu Feng came to hell, the feeling of natural fusion with heaven and earth gradually disappeared, but the control over himself was still there.

Here, he doesn't need to worry about fusing himself with the will of the world.

"But you can't stay here forever!"

Chu Feng was in distress, he could not stay in **** forever.

Although his foundation in **** has surpassed that of the earth, he is essentially more partial to the human race, or more partial to China, and he is not willing to truly regard **** as his home.

Moreover, it is impossible for him not to return to Yuanfu forever.

"You seem to be distressed now."

A clear and beautiful voice appeared in Chu Feng's ear.

Chu Feng raised his head, and the familiar shadow appeared in front of him.

"Yi Qiuling, have you come to **** again to find monsters to practice?"

Chu Feng was not surprised that Yi Qiuling appeared here. Yi Qiuling's whereabouts were usually uncertain, but from time to time she would come to **** to find masters to fight against, and by the way, check the results of the legion's practice.

"I can't find an opponent on Earth anymore. Where can I go if I don't come to hell? Your own methods are too special. If you don't hold the determination to kill you, there will be no nutrition in the battle with you."

Yi Qiuling said casually, without a bit of pride in her tone, she was just recounting the usual things, "But you came to hell, you shouldn't just sit here and chat for a while..."

"Well, it really isn't, it's just that something went wrong with my practice."

Chu Feng told Yi Qiuling about some of the problems he encountered during his cultivation.

Regarding the unity of man and nature, he didn't need to keep it secret.

What he really wants to keep secret is how far he has cultivated from his origin.

Yi Qiuling's IQ is very high, maybe you can help yourself figure out a suitable path as a bystander.

"...The best solution I can think of right now is to place my thoughts on things and use special treasures to carry my insights, but after I cut my feelings, can I still control my own power? Sooner or later we will go down that path."

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