Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1022: Yi Qiuling's solution

After listening to Chu Feng's general description, Yi Qiuling also understood Chu Feng's crux.

Now Chu Feng is not without a solution, the best solution is to use his own small world to forge a **** like Tiandi Yin, but this approach is only treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

What's more, if you lose these insights and cannot return, can Chu Feng still control the world seal?

If he can't do it, Chu Feng would rather give up this path than lose his strength.

For Chu Feng, strength is only a tool to achieve his goals and wishes, and he will not be confused by strength. After his wish is fulfilled, it doesn't matter if he loses strength.

However, the tide of the times is rolling by, and people without power in the future cannot survive.

Chu Feng wanted to do too much, what he wanted to do was too dangerous, and he would never be able to do it without strength, even if he risked the danger of transforming the Tao in the future, he could not give up.

He cherishes his life very much because many things can only be done by living.

But in the face of some things, he can also take life as a bet.

Because some things can only be achieved on the front line only by taking life as a bet.

"Speaking of which, I heard that Gu Nanfei has gathered three flowers on top and five spirits in his chest, right!"

Yi Qiuling suddenly said, "His understanding of martial arts can be said to be the strongest among his peers. No matter what kind of exercises and secret techniques it is, he can write it down at a glance. If he wants, he can easily. It doesn’t seem to be an exaggeration to learn, and comprehend Dacheng, to reach that legendary realm with his realm."

"He is indeed a genius."

Chu Feng was a little surprised, why did Yi Qiuling suddenly mention Gu Nanfei.

Could it be that his solution to the problem lies with Gu Nanfei?

If this is the case, it would be impossible to solve.

"Gu Nanfei verified one thing, that is, the records in the ancient books. Many things are not deceptive, but they cannot be understood by later generations. Of course, I don't think this is because of the comprehension of later generations. The main reason for not advancing to the predecessors is the changes in the environment of heaven and earth, which caused something to be lost between the heaven and the earth, whether it is vitality or spiritual power, it is always a special kind of energy."

Yi Qiuling said, "Speaking of which, this kind of symptom of yours did not appear in the old days, and there is a solution, but no one can help you confirm it, you can only try it yourself. ."

Is Gu Wu's special technique?

Chu Feng also admired the wisdom of his ancestors.

For example, the innate sword qi he cultivated contains the principle of the great and simple.

Even if he cultivates to the holy rank in the future, he can continue to use it.

Of course, the best solution to the essence of wisdom left by the predecessors is actually to take the essence and discard the dross, absorb the essence of wisdom, and then merge it into its own path.

Innate sword aura is divided into two parts, one is sword aura, and the other is cast.

Of course, the essence of the cast body is also to better contain sword energy.

Chu Feng respected the unearthly seniors who created the innate sword aura, but that didn't mean that he would follow the guidance of his predecessors and practice the casting method in it.

Without him, just behind.

He is not mocking his predecessors, but the environment is different.

The predecessor's casting method was the method of the era of no power, or the age of weak power. With the development of the times, the method of casting must keep pace with the times.

Therefore, his way to show respect to this senior man is to absorb the essence of sword energy, and then combine his physical training methods to polish his body.

"What's the method you said? Sanhua Juding and Wuqi Chaoyuan. Although I haven't achieved great success with this method, I have already started."

As Chu Feng spoke, the embryonic form of three-color petals appeared on the top of his head.

The essence of Sanhua Juding is actually the integration of the three elements of spirit, qi and spirit, and finally achieves a state of mutual transformation and perfection. Although Chu Feng is not as high as Gu Nanfei's enlightenment, he has already achieved this aspect.

After accomplishing this, the boundary between martial artist, physical ability type and magical ability type was also broken.

Now for Chu Feng, it is normal to integrate these three methods.

But it is precisely because he has already started, that he understands that although Sanhua Juding is not completely useless to him, it has no magical effect. It can contain the Huadao in the early stage, and it will assist it in the later stage.

"It's not Sanhua Juding, it's Jindan Avenue!"

Yi Qiuling corrected.

"Jindan Avenue, does this kind of thing really exist?"

Even Chu Feng had some doubts whether the cultivation method of Jindan Dao was real.

In the future, those who cannot become supernatural beings are desperately studying the martial arts techniques, and many miracles have been created among them, but there is absolutely no relationship with Jindan Avenue.

Qi, blood and vitality are running as they like in one's body, why should they condense into a golden pill?

"The origin of Jindan Avenue is actually to contain its own Tao fruit."

Yi Qiuling began to tell secrets that Chu Feng didn’t know, “In ancient times, there was a saying about the broken void, but with the exhaustion of the vitality, the broken void is a legend. I have many seniors who have studied it very much. The method, even in the era without power, has made some great achievements. Among them, there is the ultimate pursuit of spiritual realm. Taoism is the product of combining ancient martial arts and Taoism.

When a person’s cultivating realm reaches the limit, his body will decay, and then a primordial spirit will gradually dissipate away from the heavenly spirit cover, resulting in the illusion of ascending. In fact, his body cannot accommodate the primordial spirit. According to the current view, those People should really have lost their souls. This has aroused more people's pursuit of this path, but at the same time it is also listed as a taboo.

But in fact, the vast majority of ascetics are not seeking to ascend to the immortal realm, but to stay in the world for a longer time, so some people proposed the path of double cultivation. "

"It's hard for the ghost of the tribulation to be holy?"

Chu Feng almost blurted out.

Let alone the mortals of the old age, even in the highest planes, no soul of any race can complete the existence of being separated from the physical body. Even the pure soul body life does not exist. In the later stages of cultivation, the physical body is opposite. The smaller the soul’s 垤堌, and even how much rebirth it can achieve, but completely free from the body, it will become a sourceless water.

The phenomenon that Yi Qiuling said was actually the pursuit of spiritual realm that people had to embark on in an era when they were unable to pursue the ultimate in the physical body, but that was ultimately a dead end.

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