Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1024: Hidden in the void?

There were no obstacles or accidents in the process of cultivating a virtual pill.

Even because the progress was so smooth, Chu Feng himself felt a little unbelievable.

The whole process was smooth and flowing, as if he had practiced countless times before, and now he was just reminiscing about his past cultivation process. The whole process was smooth and smooth, just as natural as writing his own name.

A large amount of Yuan Li was consumed in the Yuan Palace and entered Chu Feng's body to make up for his consumption.

Under the operation of Sanhua on the top of Chu Feng, the three elements of spirit, qi and spirit transformed each other to make up for their own shortfalls, but because Chu Feng's understanding of Sanhua Juding was not yet home, the speed of transformation was also limited.

After cultivating for about three or four hours, Chu Feng stopped practicing.

To some extent, this kind of cultivation is destroying one's body, cultivation base, and soul. If they don't have enough confidence, normal people would not dare to play like this.

Even Chu Feng needs some precious medicinal materials to make up for it after so long of cultivation, or spends time to make up for his own consumption, of course, the flesh and blood of a powerful monster beast is also possible.

After the cultivation, Chu Feng tried to mobilize a trace of the vitality of the middle dantian.

After this time the Yuanli entered the body, it immediately conflicted with the Yuanli in the body.

Even if the two sides were equally and profound, Yuanli became aggressive immediately after leaving Zhongdantian, and the two sides collided in Chu Feng's body. Fortunately, Chu Feng had been prepared for it and didn't hurt himself.

"Such power is useless at all!"

Everything is as Yi Qiuling said, the vitality of the middle dantian is useless.

In fact, it's easy to understand that you consume the energy in your body and punch a heavy fist. Is it possible that if this fist hits yourself, can your strength become your physical energy again?

This is impossible, even if it is a fist made by oneself, it will hurt oneself.

Zhongdantian's Yuanli is such a situation. Although these powers come from Chu Feng himself and from Chu Feng's consumption, they are not completely controlled by Chu Feng.

Of course, it is not bad, that is, this new force is very strong.

"If you are in desperate situation, using self-explosion is a good option."

Chu Feng laughed at himself.

According to this kind of training schedule, as long as you practice ten times, even Chu Feng himself can't bear the powerful power if he exposes himself personally. If he practices enough times, perhaps self-detonation can produce very powerful lethality.

"If you explode in your body, you might not have a way to survive, but if these golden cores explode outside your body, they might become a terrorist weapon that is more deterrent than a nuclear bomb."

Chu Feng didn't intend to give up this function of self-destruction.

There is also a prerequisite, which is that this force can be placed outside the body to explode.

That is to treat Jin Dan itself as a weapon of mass destruction.

"However, if the power of the middle dantian can be directly placed in the outside world without the connection between the body and the body, wouldn't it be regarded as a powerful means of combat?"

Chu Feng himself also understood the power of space. If he could transmit the power in his body to the outside world through space, he would undoubtedly have one more powerful means of lethality.

"But, the nemesis of space is life!"

Space-based superpowers are very rare, and the methods they possess are the most unpredictable, but the spatial ability is not without any restrictions. It is impossible to directly throw something into the opponent's body through space. , Otherwise, the space supernatural being will become a truly invincible existence.

One of the taboos of space transfer is life.

If life appears in a place where the space is distorted, it will become the target life form, and the life form that releases the space ability, the collision of life essence between the two.

Of course, even if there is no life, the teleportation of the space system supernatural person may hit the wall.

When teleporting, the space will be distorted.

This distorted object is air and water, which are inherently soft substances, which can easily be removed. However, if the distorted object is a wall, the wall will be destroyed directly.

This destructive force can actually be used as an attack.

The famous space system ability [Space Cutting] is a powerful ability.

But when you encounter the human body, you must be careful.

The difficulty of arranging the human body is much stronger than that of the predecessors, because the human body itself has a life magnetic field. If you want to break the human body directly with the power of space, it is equivalent to directly taking the lives of the two.

When there is a gap between the life levels of the two parties, the strong can obliterate the weak, and no matter what special methods the weak have, they can use this method to kill directly.

But the life level is not enough, and it is oneself that is dead.

So even if it was Chu Feng, it was almost impossible to guide the power in his body through space power. This was equivalent to using his life against himself.

There is no winning or losing, anyway, it's me who are injured.

"The correct way of thinking should be to empty a meridian in one's body and turn this meridian into a state of noness. When the power of the dantian moves along the meridian, there is no resistance, but the meridian near the middle dantian, They are all related to the lifeblood of the human body. If one is not careful, even I may be in danger of life."

Can't think of a solution for the time being, and Chu Feng no longer insists.

In the experiment just now, he was able to determine one thing, that is, the inner alchemy in his body has become an "anchor" existence. As the inner alchemy is strengthened, the danger of his transformation will be weakened.

His original goal has been achieved, and the current research is just to gain more strength.

This is Chu Feng's instinct in pursuing strength, but if he can't do it, Chu Feng will not go to the corners. There are many ways to improve himself. Before the bottleneck period is reached, the most taboo is to seek quick success.

"If the golden core in the body can be materialized, there may be special changes. It seems that it is also a good method to hide the golden core and hide it in the void like a yuan talisman! Look at the golden core and the yuan talisman. Is there a special connection?"

Chu Feng was already prepared to give up, but after another thought, he suddenly thought of his own Yuan Talisman method.

The reason why Yuan Talisman is powerful is not only because of the mysterious and unpredictable method, but also because it can be stored. A large amount of Yuan power is stored and released in a special way, just like a dam that intercepts floods. The power that can be issued will be immense.

"Hidden in the void? Where is this void?"

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