Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1025: Supernatural Seed and Gold Core

In the past, Chu Feng hadn't thought about the issue of hiding in the void, he was also looking for the location of this void.

Especially after entering the place of inheritance of the Mighty One, after his own Yuan Talisman method was directly sealed, his pursuit of this aspect has never stopped.

Since the Mighty One can seal the void in his body, what about the enemy?

Chu Feng never believed that there were invincible methods in this world.

And the one who knows you best is often not yourself, but your enemy. The mighty person had enemies at the beginning. If the enemy develops targeted methods, how will he respond?

Chu Feng is not the kind of person who makes plans and then moves, and starts to act after he has prepared some things, but he still needs to beware of some basic preparations.

In the future, he has seen too many people overturning ships in the gutter, and he himself has killed many enemies more and more. He has experienced more of these things, and thinking about some problems has become instinct.

Where is the Yuan Fu hidden?

This is actually a mystery to Chu Feng.

Yi Qiuling also learned some ice and snow elementary elements, but she couldn't hide it in the void, nor could she refine the heavens and earth and everything into the most essential elemental power to absorb in her own body.

There are some methods that Chu Feng can impart to others, but there are some methods that only he owns.

The means to hide in the void and refine everything are owned by Chu Feng himself.

The mysterious ancient book is not so much a complete inheritance, but rather an instruction to use his abilities, telling him how to use his power correctly.

It is precisely because of this that he can safely spread some methods.

Anyway, the core things are here, what should I worry about?

"Why do I feel that all these things are very familiar in the process of condensing the inner alchemy? It seems that I have done these things before, but I have forgotten them, or I have been doing this kind of things without realizing it?"

Chu Feng closed his eyes and began to reflect on what he had learned.

Soon, he thought of the problem.

Yuan Ling Dao Body and Nirvana Sword Body!

Supernatural powers are exclusive to the holy ranks. Before they truly reach the holy ranks, they cannot control the real supernatural powers. This is in the mysterious ancient books but has such a method that allows people to condense the seeds of supernatural powers in advance.

The price of condensing the seeds of supernatural power is also his own cultivation base.

However, compared to the so-called golden core, the cost is much reduced. For ordinary people, this may be a burden, but for Chu Feng, who has the ability to refine all things, it is nothing at all.

"I haven't used the Primordial Spirit Dao Body for too long, and I almost forget its existence."

Chu Feng hadn't encountered an enemy who could be on the stage for a long time, so he hadn't used many of the methods of pressing the bottom of the box for a long time. The Yuan Ling Dao Body could assist in cultivation, but it was a very good supernatural power.

However, Chu Feng does not need to assist in cultivation now!

Now think about it, the essence of the Yuan Ling Dao Body and the so-called Jindan Dadao are essentially the same.

"Try combining the power of the Yuan Ling Dao Body and the Golden Core!"

A very crazy idea emerged in Chu Feng's heart.

Chu Feng didn’t know the essence of the magical power seed very well, because he only refined it according to the methods in the mysterious ancient book according to the gourd painting. Even if he had used the Nirvana Sword for several years, he only mastered the use of it. The method did not really comprehend the essence, or essence, of the sword body of annihilation.

The gap among them is of course Dao Jing.

Now, Chu Feng poured part of the power of the supernatural power seed into the middle dantian, where Chu Feng's Xu Dan was located.

The two forces collided together and did not change drastically. Instead, a sense of harmony was created. The two sides were so closely integrated together, and a strange change occurred.

The power of the virtual pill in Chu Feng's body quickly passed away, and the seeds of the Yuanling Dao body's supernatural powers continued to strengthen.

It seems that the virtual pill in his body is for the Yuanling Dao body itself!

"It seems that the virtual pill is not useless, at least it can be used as a raw material for magical power seeds to help me strengthen the power of magical power financing. Maybe in the future, when I condense real magical powers, I can also..."

For Chu Feng, being able to find a way to use a brand new power was also a surprise.

The Yuan Ling Dao may not have a great effect on him. It is because his enemy level is not high, but he will definitely be able to play a big role in the future. Sooner or later he will embark on the road of conquest.

In the future, the most indispensable thing he lacks is the enemy, and what he lacks is always strength.

But in the process of research, Chu Feng was stunned.

When the two forces collided, Chu Feng felt that he had faintly opened the door to a new world. No, it didn't open the door to a new world, but discovered a door that had already been opened.

The virtual pill and the supernatural power seeds mingled, and the Yuan Mansion's vitality replenished Chu Feng's body.

In this process, it seems that all power has passed through a node.

Chu Feng’s wish was to be immersed in this intersecting node, feeling that there was a bridge between his body, soul, and the existence of Yuan Mansion. It was a bridge that had existed a long time ago, but was not discovered by himself. bridge.

No, this is not a bridge, it is a world of its own.

After he had such thoughts in his mind, Chu Feng suddenly sensed the Yuan Talisman he had condensed.

【Strong Sun Symbol】【Golden Light Symbol】【Strengthen Yuan Symbol】【Cleaning Yuan Symbol】……

These Yuan Talismans lie quietly somewhere in the void, and as long as one's own mind moves, they can release the power of these Yuan Talismans and bloom with powerful power.

Chu Feng didn't expect that the so-called emptiness that he had been searching for "concealed in the emptiness" would be found by himself in such an environment. The location of these Yuan Talismans was indeed his physical strength.

"It is said that a human body is a universe. I thought the universe in my body was Yuanfu. I didn't expect that this is the world that really belongs to me, a pure world."

"Mysterious ancient books, before the inheritors can comprehend such a high level, they can directly use techniques to let the inheritors use the power of the inner world in advance, which is simply amazing."

"It is equivalent to skipping the stage of enlightenment, directly using the law and origin, and enlightening through use."

When Chu Feng understood the essence of the void, he was even more shocked by the editors of the mysterious ancient books.

Such a method is really wonderful.

Chu Feng couldn't imagine how high it would take to stand to create such a terrifying inheritance, and what level of height the mighty one who left this inheritance had reached?

How did such a mighty person fall?

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