Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1075: Don't make claims

"So, what do you want to do?"

He Chongyin's expression did not change a little, "Is the yellow robe added to the body? If you really want to do this, no one in this world can save you."

"Haha, hasn't Chu Feng already done similar things?"

He Chongyin chuckled.

He Chongyin and Yu Dawen looked at each other, and unanimously kept silent.

Similar things have indeed happened.

Not long after the apocalypse broke out, Chu Feng had just arrived at the survival base, pretending to be delegating power at first, letting himself be emptied of all rights by several so-called deputy leaders and reaping all the benefits.

But when the real danger came, Chu Feng immediately, as the savior of the world, engraved an extremely firm brand in everyone's hearts, and the efforts of the six people only became wedding clothes.

Only then did they realize that everything was doomed at the beginning.

Later, Chu Feng's various behaviors also proved his correctness time and time again.

Chu Feng is a terrible person, with force, politics, buying people's hearts, even potions, refining tools, formations, all proficient, he is like an iceberg, no one knows how deep the sea is.

He will only show some power when needed.

But in addition to accomplishing his own purpose, he would never expose a little bit more.

"Actually, whether you agree or not is not as important as you think, and people like Chu Feng don't care too much about false names. The false names can be transformed into actual benefits."

Lin Xiuyuan said, "Under this chaotic situation, China needs a strong leader to lead China out of the predicament, whether it is the emperor or the emperor, or the president or the young commander? It doesn't matter, the most important thing is China needs a leader like this. Chu Feng is qualified to be such a leader. As long as he becomes a substantial leader, the name is not important at all."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Yu Dawen couldn't help asking, but just after the question, he regretted it.

Asking such a question, did he subconsciously agree with what the other party said?

Does Chu Feng really want to become China's leader?

"Association, all powerful survival base leaders, all powerful demon hunting groups are united, and this will form a huge force, an unprecedented alliance.

When the entire Huaxia is integrated, no one does not want to have more power in it, and no one has the heart to give up the opportunity to become the leader of the alliance. At that time, as long as Chu Feng does not let his impulse overwhelm his own reason, then He will definitely strive to become the leader of this alliance, and then find a way to become the real master, even the unique master.

If he gave up, it would be equivalent to independent of the entire Huaxia, and even the military would not stop such behavior, because the military also exists to protect Huaxia and unify the fragmented Huaxia. It is also the wish of the military that it is better to make Chu Feng the master of China than to make him an enemy. "

After Lin Xiuyuan finished speaking, he took a sip of tea, but almost choked because of his excitement.


After coughing up the tea, Lin Xiuyuan looked at them expectantly.

"The Huimeng matter has already begun."

If the alliance has begun to organize, then this event is almost unstoppable.

As the first group of people to follow Chu Feng, if He Chongyin and Yu Dawen give up this opportunity easily, what awaits them will be increasingly estranged from Chu Feng.

But, would Chu Feng really be like Lin Xiuyuan's will?

If it's someone else, then they really can't find someone who chooses to give up power under such good conditions.

This is not an attempt to usurp the throne, but the true desire of the people.

Whether it is a great person who wants to save the world or a careerist who wants to realize his ambition, there is no reason to resist this temptation. One step forward is the supreme glory, and one step backward is the abyss.

For a person who has been sane, there is no reason to refuse.

"When the alliance really starts, we will give you an answer."

After He Chongyin finished speaking, he made a please gesture.

"I believe you will make a sensible choice."

Lin Xiuyuan stood up and left decisively, without any muddle-headedness, unlike the old fox before.

"what should we do?"

Yu Dawen clenched his fists, his face was full of tension.

"Just ask."

"Ask? Who do you ask?"

"Ask the boss, Chu Feng."

"You got kicked in your head by a donkey?"

"You were kicked by the donkey! Whether this matter is successful or not, it is actually not that important. The important thing is that most of our current status and benefits come from Chu Feng. As the superior, Chu Feng, no matter what the day is. How to delegate power is his self-confidence. But we, as subordinates, are free to play and do what he has explained in our own way, but we must not advocate without authorization."

He Chongyin said coldly, "Lin Xiuyuan, the old fox, he didn't seek our opinions at all. He just wanted us to do something advocating, so as to split the relationship between us and Chu Feng, so no matter what the result is. That way, Chu Feng will never leave important things to us from now on, but he has to find someone to handle some things."

"Old fox."

Yu Dawen cursed, feeling a bit cold behind his back.

Only then did he realize that he was thinking too much.

Whether the alliance is successful or not is Chu Feng's business.

No matter whether they succeeded or not, they were Chu Feng's subordinates.

Even if they want to resist and want to go to Chu Feng to stay, their current status is still Chu Feng's subordinates, and they are all people working for Chu Feng. This is an indisputable fact.

At such an important point, if your subordinates make propositions, no matter what the result is? With Chu Feng's character, will they be reused in the future? Dare to leave important things to them?

If it is someone else, they may make such a choice in desperation.

But for a terrifying character like Chu Feng, they dare not bet that they are qualified to intimidate each other.

Besides, they have mastered the outside of the city of dawn, but the center of gravity of the city of dawn is inside the city.

In the city, there is Su Yuan.

So the reason why Lin Xiuyuan came to them this time was just one of the reasons to win them over.

His biggest goal was to cut off Chu Feng's wings.

As long as the number of people around Chu Feng is reduced, he must use some new people to fill the position of the elderly, and draw on the power of some talented people.

But they also knew that Chu Feng never cared about his inner loyalty in employing people.

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