Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1076: Yin Yang Avenue

"Meeting? Interesting."

Chu Feng smiled lightly, "In this way, it's simply not an excuse for me to kill!"

"So why do you still disagree?"

Su Yuan asked puzzledly, "The power you control has already been discharged into another world, why would you refuse to control Huaxia? If you don’t care about Huaxia, that’s not justified. The Demon Hunter Guild is about to be made by you. The social welfare organization has indeed received a lot of returns, but you can obviously get more."

Su Yuan knew that if Chu Feng used the Silver Phosphorus Demon Clan, it was because they were useful.

Then Chu Feng helped Huaxia, it really didn't have any intentions.

If you really want to find a reason, then Chu Feng is also from Huaxia.

Chu Feng couldn't put the country above the family, but he helped China a lot when he could.

"No matter what the name is, it essentially allows me to control the entire world, but this in itself is the biggest reason for me to refuse!"

There was a glimmer of pain and loss in Chu Feng's eyes, "The world is mine, and the world is not mine. What's the difference?"

Su Yuan caught the pain in Chu Feng's eyes, and she was startled.

Why is he suffering?

The difference between the two?

Did he ever become the master of China?

This is impossible. This is not and impossible. A person's aura will change due to her position. She is very keen on this. Chu Feng hides it deeply, but she probably has never been in a high position.

The majesty of the superior is naturally cultivated.

But Chu Feng didn't explain, and she didn't ask further.

After an unknown period of time, Chu Feng slowly replied:

"The saint is immortal, there are more thieves.

"It is precisely because of the existence of morality that there is a distinction between justice and evil. With order, people will be aware of chaos. Because in this dangerous world, we cannot easily trust strangers, so those who live and die The friendship established between them is even more commendable; it is because of the unequal status of the strong and the weak that people aspire to be strong.

"The fairest thing about this world is that it is unfair to everyone. Only when there is a gap, can we catch up, and only when we have goals, can we have motivation. Crops need rain, wind and sun, and people need nutrition and Growth also requires setbacks. Life is too short to make people cherish more. All these are opposed to each other. When one side exists, the other side has the meaning of existence.

"It is precisely because I only have the City of Dawn in my hands, so the entire survival base of China, including the military, will regard the City of Dawn as a chasing target. To me, it is the same, the lives of 10,000 strangers. , The touch to me is less than a person whose name I can call, but because of this, the talents of Dawn City will cherish it.

"With comparison, the City of Dawn is the City of Dawn. But if I sit on the world, should I treat all the people equally? It's okay if I treat everyone equally, who will get it? Happy with my appreciation? What other feelings can make me feel like a person?"

Su Yuan was stunned. She didn't expect Chu Feng to say these things.

Because of the contrast, the city of dawn is precious.

Just for this reason, have to give up the world?

Is it just because of this?

But seeing Chu Feng's eyes, she felt strangely sad.

It seems that this man has experienced the most painful thing in the world.

No, only the death of the people who valued it will make people feel sad.

Isn't Chu Feng always in retreat? What has he experienced?

Chu Feng didn't plan to explain, because some things couldn't be explained at all.

Is it to explain that he was reborn from the future to the present, or to explain that he slept and dreamed of the future?

Does anyone believe it is the same thing, but his level of danger is raised by a human enemy by a level, that's for sure.

The current situation is already undercurrents, and he is unwilling to make the situation more muddled.

If it weren't because he was a rebirth, he would have seemed ecstatic in the face of this level of tactics, accepted the position of the so-called Huaxia leader, and really regarded himself as a savior.

However, human nature has never been only brilliant.

In the last days, never try to test human nature, nor question the darkness of human nature.

Chu Feng also found a few people who fought for him during this period, but he didn't bother them, because in the eyes of those people, Chu Feng was just the lord of the city of dawn and had nothing to do with them.

The barrier of time is really daunting.

Even Chu Feng seemed so weak in front of the power of time.

Especially in the process of contending with the time ability, Chu Feng felt that the time ability was terrifying.

When speaking these words to Su Yuan, Chu Feng felt that his understanding of yin and yang had deepened.

The avenue of yin and yang was the power that Chu Feng gradually realized after he had realized enough of the power of the source. He found that everything was opposed to each other.

When there is life, there is death; when there is water, there is fire; when there is sky, there is earth.

"All opposites are yin and yang."

After deepening his understanding of Yin and Yang, Chu Feng clearly felt that his understanding of the legislation has become more profound, but it just made him feel strange that there is no Yin and Yang origin in the origin.

He didn't feel unhappy about it either.

Now his strength does not need to force this.

"What do you plan to do with those people who force the palace?"

Su Yuan asked again.

It was not the first time that she asked this question, but Chu Feng had not given a positive answer, which made her feel very uneasy, lest Chu Feng do irrational things.

She knew that with Chu Feng's character, it was not surprising no matter how many people were killed.

"There won't be too much blood and sacrifice. After all, this will allow my enemy to succeed."

Chu Feng saw through Su Yuan's thoughts and simply comforted.

Su Yuan nodded, and said nothing.

The relationship between her and Chu Feng has long been inseparable. Chu Feng's decision is her decision. The only thing she can do is support.

Three days later, the alliance of the City of Dawn began. The forces headed by the Commercial League held a civil power congress in the City of Dawn. They did not hide the military, because they knew it was impossible to hide.

The reason why the speed is so fast is because the business alliance has been preparing for too long, and their preparation is too full.

A month ago, they had already begun secretly preparing for this matter, until they could not conceal the City of Dawn, they put this matter on the bright side. For the City of Dawn, they had been plotting for a long time.

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