"Management was originally a technique used to defeat the strong by the weak, or to reduce losses. It was born to make the most of human wisdom. Unfortunately, the more you understand the goal, the better the effect is. ."

When receiving the meeting of Huimeng, Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh lightly.

Many people don't like strategy, but in fact it is just because of fear.

Because tactics can defeat the strong with the weak, some people are afraid of being tripped by the weak, so they say: Under absolute power, all scheming and tricks are clouds.

It is a pity that even the Emperor Qin and Hanwu had never possessed absolute power.

In the future, there will be people who can crush all conspiracies and tricks with power, Chu Feng doesn't know, but he knows that no one can survive this sentence.

To crush all conspiracies with absolute power, that is what only successful people are qualified to say.

It's just that in order for things like tactics to work, they often need to understand the other party.

Of course, what humans know best is humans.

Therefore, the tactics of many people can only be used against human beings.

In an environment like the end of the world, countless people unite to fight the end of the world, but there are still many people who just want to take benefits from their own people and compete for limited resources in a limited territory.

At the open-air meeting site, Lin Xiuyuan stood on the open-air podium.

"...In this dark age, in this desperate age, we must have a strong leader who will lead us to a bright future. Our leader must be a person with strong power and wisdom-- "

"Have you said enough?"

Chu Feng's voice abruptly appeared on the podium, his voice was not loud, but when Chu Feng spoke, all the voices must be quiet, even Lin Xiuyuan did not dare to speak rashly at this time.

However, his eyes were full of fanaticism.

Today is the final moment of his one-month plan.

"Just say it! So many people get together, what are you going to do."

Chu Feng's face was expressionless, making people unable to see his joy and anger.

"We need to unite against this eschatology, against the common enemies of mankind—"

"Aren't we doing it already?"

Chu Feng coldly interrupted him again.

Already doing it?

Chu Feng's words interrupted Lin Xiuyuan's dead end. He had anticipated many possibilities. He thought that Chu Feng might pretend to give in at first, perhaps he would accept it reluctantly, or he would do his part after seeing the situation clearly. Take the initiative to provoke the main beam.

But he didn't expect that Chu Feng would react like this.

At this time, if he asked Chu Feng stupidly, he would appear stupid.

Fortunately, he was also prepared for unexpected situations.

This is a middle-aged man standing up from his seat and cautiously asking: "May I ask City Lord Chu, what you said we are already doing, what does this mean? We don't understand."

Chu Feng also knew this middle-aged man. When the Business League came to the City of Dawn to discuss the establishment of a branch in East China, he was by Lin Xiuyuan's side, called—

What was it called, Chu Feng forgot.

In fact, even Lin Xiuyuan's name, he only remembered this name when he heard it mentioned by Su Yuan recently, otherwise, he really couldn't remember this person.

Of the four people at the time, the only thing that interested Chu Feng was Xu Shuming, but he only remembered his name.

There are too many geniuses who have died, and Chu Feng is not interested in saving and training one by one.


Chu Feng said coldly.

Everyone's complexion flushed, and he didn't expect that Chu Feng would scold him in disregard of his image on such an occasion, just under the crowd.

Although there are only two simple words, he feels a great humiliation.

The important thing is that he cannot resist.

If he dared to scold him back, or showed dissatisfaction, he believed that Chu Feng would kill him on the spot without hesitation.

Among the representatives of various forces in the audience, some of them had already covered their mouths and snickered, but were afraid to let themselves make a sound. They could see that this alliance seemed not initiated by Chu Feng, but Chu Feng When it appeared, the rhythm of this alliance had fallen into Chu Feng's control.

"I'm stupid, I hope the city lord will solve the puzzle."

Lin Tianlang bowed his head, looking like he was being taught.

Seeing his posture, some people sneered at him, but some felt that he was able to bend and stretch, which is a personal thing.

Not everyone can bear such humiliation, but in front of Chu Feng, unless you have a good death consciousness, it is best to bear whatever humiliation it is.

"The Demon Hunter Guild, isn't it?"

Chu Feng's gaze swept across the auditorium, but anyone who was swept by Chu Feng involuntarily lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Chu Feng's fierce eyes, "The Demon Hunter Guild, there are rewards for killing foreign races, and killing the same race. The death penalty, the establishment of a survival base, there are rewards for blessing survivors, and if the survivors in the survival base are used as slaves, the leader will be sentenced to death. Isn't it already established?"

Is this what he said?

Is this also a joint? This is so special about herding sheep.

Chu Feng had no binding force on the members of the Demon Hunter Guild. There were no restrictions on joining or withdrawing. The only restriction was that they were not allowed to kill each other.

Every capable team will send a token, you can ask for help when you are in danger, and you can send the message back before you die, so that the guild can send a stronger expert. This is a new feature in recent months, but Even if it is a good thing for every demon hunter, it is not mandatory. Similarly, the guild has not issued any targeted tasks.

Such an organization is almost the same as a social welfare organization. Is this called a coalition?

"It turns out that the city lord said this, but I was negligent."

Lin Tianlang sat down, without the consciousness of being humiliated.

Lin Xiuyuan smiled and said: "The city lord is foresight and is a role model for survivors in the world. All missions issued by the Demon Hunter Guild have no personal gains. The resources allocated by the Guild to the various districts of China are not for profit. This It is something we should imitate."

"Then follow the example, what are you doing here stupidly?"

Chu Feng showed no mercy to Lin Xiuyuan.

The crowd in the audience couldn't help laughing and covering their mouths.

The old fox, Lin Xiuyuan, should have been able to dominate in such a meeting, but he didn't expect that Chu Feng would not play cards according to common sense.

"We need closer cooperation. We need not only to establish a united front, but also to truly unite the originally scattered China, so that we can clen our five fingers into fists."

Lin Xiuyuan simply explained his intention directly, "However, this requires a strong leader."


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