Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 108: Smash the car

Chu Feng originally thought that all the old objects should be wooden boxes, but thinking about his parents, they are not the kind of conservative people, so it is not too strange.

After all, what matters is the contents inside, not the outer shell in which the items are placed.

He didn't even see what was in the box, so he went directly to Yuanfu.

"Okay, we can go now, I have a car outside."

After putting everything away, Chu Feng was about to leave with his parents.

However, just when they were going to the car, they were blocked by a group of people.

"I took my life back, but now I throw it away so casually?"

Chu Feng looked at Huang Mao and the group of people behind him with icy eyes. These people were either holding a sickle or a **** in their hands, looking as if they were unkind.

Huang Mao said triumphantly: "Don't think you can be arrogant if you have more strength. I tell you, if you don't kneel down and apologize now, today will be your anniversary of death next year."


Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, then his gaze fell on a thirty-year-old man beside Huang Mao, "Are you sure you want to make an appearance for your dog?"

Because he spends too little time at home, even most of his vacation time is spent in part-time work, so the people in the village are not familiar with each other and do not know the identity of the other party.

This person's gaze glanced at Zhang Ziqing intentionally or unintentionally, and the look of desire appeared in his eyes, but it was well concealed.

Huang Mao was irritated: "How dare you scold me?"

This is weird. You are going to kill people. Can't you let others scold you?

Father Chu said to the people around him: "Everyone is folks, and I have never done anything to offend everyone on weekdays. The clinic opened by my family has also helped many people. What are you doing? meaning?"

Chu Feng's father is a farmer, and his mother is a doctor. Although he is only a small clinic in a village and town, he has also helped many people. She knows that many people are reluctant to spend money. When they are sick, they just pass the medicine. The price has been pressed down again and again, even down to the cost price.

However, now these folks are holding the guy at them.

The man next to Huang Mao said: "You hit my cousin, do you think that's all it takes? Which hand touches my cousin, cut this hand off."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, "What if I refuse?"

The man said: "Then I can only do it myself."

And Chu Feng glanced at the villagers around him and confirmed: "Before we do, I want to confirm you one last time. What do you mean?"

Huang Mao pointed to a vehicle not far away and shouted: "This car is yours, right!"

Chu Feng nodded, he somewhat understood: "It's mine."

On weekdays, every time he went home, the villagers were very kind to him. After all, he was regarded as the most promising one in the village, and he was able to raise his head in front of the neighboring village.

Among these people, many of them were people who he had visited for dinner or came to his own house. Everyone helped each other when building the house. They helped each other on weekdays, but they didn’t expect this. People will actually become like this.

Huang Mao watched Chu Feng admit it, and his eyes showed joy: "Do you hear that? He admits it, he admits it!"

At this time, the villagers all rioted:

"Chu Dingguo, you are too much, you want to leave the villagers and go by yourself."

"That is, we are all folks, and we help each other on weekdays. Now this world has become dangerous, you just want to leave alone as a family!"

"Your son is promising and has a car, so he is thinking about not taking care of the folks?"

"The world is going down, and people's hearts are not old!"

"Everyone, judge, what should this kind of person do?"

"Kill them, kill them!"

The wave of condemnation overwhelmed one wave after another, and even the students and nuns who remained in the village were a little bit confused.

After all, people who can face the accusations of the masses are a minority of the minority. Even if they are better than ordinary people, they are still a little frightened to see such a scene.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Zhang Ziqing couldn't help but said to Chu Feng: "Is this the simple villager you call?"

Even Chu Feng felt hot on his face.

He seldom talks nonsense, but when he mentions his hometown, he can't help but say more. After all, in his own impression, they are still very nice.

I thought that these people who were originally simple in nature needed a process even if they turned bad, but I didn't expect this process to be advanced by myself.

Father Chu sighed: "Everyone is peaceful on weekdays because they all know that they can't be isolated alone, and everyone's living standards are similar. If you are diligent, you will live better. It is not a lazy person who can't live. People who are fun are responsible for themselves."

"Xiaofeng went to a prestigious university because he was vying for himself. Everyone was honorable when he said it out, so they were all kind to him, but ah! Once he surpassed others by too much, or which one made a fortune, everyone felt uncomfortable. Now, why you have such a good life, why you can live better than us."

To put it bluntly in this situation is to not see others well.

They allow you to live a little better than yourself by your own efforts, but if you exceed them too much, they will find ways to pull you to the same level as them.

On weekdays, they might hide this jealousy in their hearts, but now they only show it happily.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm but still reluctant to do anything, the elder brother next to Huang Mao shouted: "Everyone smashed their car!"

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes lit up.

They are still somewhat resistant to killing. After all, it is not a heinous person who is going to kill, but if it is just smashing a car, it will be fine.

So they picked up the **** and smashed it towards the off-road vehicle.

"Wind barrier!"

Chu Feng portrayed a wind barrier, but he didn't use it on himself, but on the car.

These people who wanted to take a taxi only felt that the **** in their hand hit a hard invisible wall, and then a strong rebound lay on their body, and everyone turned their backs on their backs.

Seeing the strength of the crashing car bounced back on their body, everyone was panicked. After all, this was something beyond their knowledge and awakened their fear of the unknown.



"My arm!"

"my leg!"

"what happened?"

"Hex, he knows sorcery."


"Don't panic, everyone, with Brother Pan, Brother Pan will definitely be able to clean him up!"

Hearing someone mentioning Brother Pan, the crowd who had originally wanted to escape suddenly seemed to have found the backbone, and then looked at the person in front of Huang Mao with expectant eyes.

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