Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 109: Bitterness

"Brother Pan, take them quickly!"

Otherwise, the person who loses rushes to Pan's side, regardless of his age is older than the other party, directly bowing to him.

Big Brother Pan glanced at Zhang Ziqing with greedy eyes, and then looked awe-inspiring: "Please don't worry, everyone, no matter who is going to bully the folks, I, Pan Zhizhe, will never sit idly by."

Zhang Ziqing's face flushed. It was obvious that these people were going to smash the car, so why did Chu Feng bully people instead?

Is it wrong not to be bullied by these people?

If Chu Feng is really allowed to kill, none of these people will survive.

Chu Feng looked at Pan Zhizhe with a playful look, and said, "When I saw such a good car coming in, I didn't want to **** it, but wanted to smash it. It seems that you still enjoy being a landlord in such a small place. What a feeling!"

There is a saying that he would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. It is estimated that this person has become a master in the village because of his awakening of supernatural powers.

But he was afraid of going to a wider place, and his own power was nothing.

So the best way is to confine all the people in the village here, so that he is the only master here.

Pan Zhizhe showed a look of shame and anger. It is definitely not a good thing to be directly exposed to the thoughts in his heart. He angered: "No matter what you say, if you dare to hurt the folks, then you must be ready to die."

As he said, a white blade flashed across his hand.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly said: "The army outside is organizing the evacuation of people to the military area. There are a large number of troops there for protection, which is very safe."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the eyes of the villagers flashed a strange movement.

Chu Feng continued, "I am coming back this time to tell you the news, otherwise everyone will be trapped to death in such a place."

Hearing this, the eyes of the villagers moved more.

Although there are not many dangers in the village, they have encountered some dangers, and the insects outside have become very big. They doubt that these insects will suddenly start to eat people.

Now they heard that there is a safe place, of course they are very moved.

If you really go to a safe place...

Pan Zhizhe's eyes flashed panic, and he said loudly: "Don't believe him, he is just deceiving the crowd."

As he said, the white blade in his hand struck at Chu Feng with all his strength, with a fierce look in his eyes.

If these people are really allowed to go to a safe place, how can he maintain his position in the village? Therefore, the person who deceived the crowd must die.

However, there was a feeling of spinning around the world, and he only felt a pain in his chest, and he had been kicked to a place more than ten meters away.

She struggled to stand up, but the kick Chu Feng just knocked over his whole body strength, making him unable to move.

Chu Feng's actions surprised everyone. They didn't expect that a master like Pan Zhizhe could not bear Chu Feng's kick.

The onlookers dodged some gazes and prepared to retreat, but there were also excitement in their eyes.

What if Chu Feng really wanted to take them to a safe place?

"Is the safe place you just said is real?"

"Where are you talking about?"

"Why haven't we heard of it?"

Everyone started tentatively asking Chu Feng for news.

Although Chu Feng kicked someone away just now, the way he kept swallowing his anger when facing them just now made them feel a little emboldened, thinking that this person should be a good bully.

It was precisely because of this illusion that they didn't have much fear of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng pointed to a path: "Just go from this direction to the south, and the route the army organizes to evacuate will also pass through here. You might be able to run into the army on the road, and then take it with you and go to safety. Place."


"Do the soldiers really want to protect us?"

What Chu Feng said made everyone excited.

Now that they have a safe place and the protection of the army, why are they still hiding here?

And he was bullied by Pan Zhizhe.

Chu Feng said, "Of course it's true. I came back this time to pick up my parents and let them go there. By the way, let me tell you the news and let us go together."


"Xiaofeng is good."

Just as everyone cheered, Huang Mao's eyes suddenly showed a sullen look, and then shouted: "The road is so dangerous, why don't you lend your car to everyone? Drive the outsiders off and pull the people in our village."

At this time, everyone shouted together: "Yes! Your car can hold several people!"

"Knock out the outsiders and pull the people in our village."

Everyone felt that since you are willing to take us to a safe place, then you should be a good person, a good person! Of course it is best to bully.

After taking us away anyway, what does the life and death of outsiders matter to us?

Hearing the shameless voices of these people, Chu's father and Chu's mother turned pale with anger.

Are these people so innocent? Chu Feng was willing to tell them a safe place. This is love. With his skill, can you still survive if we leave?

Chu Feng came to the crowd and patiently explained to everyone: "Don’t panic, we can take few people at one time. Many people have tractors in their homes? All can take people. If you really have to sit My car will come back to pick you up after I send my parents."

I don't know who suddenly shouted: "Who knows if we can live to that time?"

Everyone reacted immediately: "Yes! We want to take the car, we want to go first!"

As he said, a **** hit Chu Feng's head.

"Xiaofeng!" Seeing that his son was in danger, Chu's father and Chu's mother shouted anxiously.

However, what they didn't notice was that Chu Feng's back turned to them with a grin.

The **** fell, and Chu Feng fell to the ground weakly.

"Chu Feng!"

"the host!"

Zhang Ziqing and Xiao Xi didn't expect that Chu Feng would fall down on this place, and they hurried forward to prepare for a treatment.

At this time, the crowd who saw that they had already killed shouted: "Kill them, grab the car!"

With that said, some hoes fell towards Chu Feng's body, while others were preparing to attack the people Chu Feng had brought, including Zhang Ziqing.

"Die to me!"

The powerful water rushed to disperse the crowd, and Zhang Ziqing anxiously came to Chu Feng's side, and Xiao Xi followed a holy light on Chu Feng's body to help him heal.

However, they were surprised to find that although Chu Feng's clothes were damaged, they were actually not injured.

Only then did they realize that Chu Feng's physical fitness was the best among everyone, and these people couldn't hurt him at all.

What was he doing just now? Acting?

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