Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 110: We all kowtow

Chu Feng was indeed acting just now, and it was a famous trick in history.

But he was not acting for these villagers, but for his parents.

Parents are kind to others on weekdays, and their personalities are very kind. It is very difficult for them to accept the rules of the end times at once.

However, if they follow their own rules, they will not sit idly by and will use their parents' authority to suppress themselves and prevent themselves from doing cruel things.

So what is the fastest way for parents to accept themselves quickly? That is to make them sad.

Because of the influence of his parents, when Chu Feng was pushed into the blood-devouring ant colony in his previous life, Chu Feng did not despair of humanity.

But when his father died in front of him, he realized that he was not an independent individual. It may be right to stick to his own rules, but it is unforgivable to implicate his family on him. He cannot let his family take on himself. Consequences of behavior.

So when he noticed the eyes of these people, the mentality was born.

When Father Chu and Mother Chu saw Chu Feng fall, they only felt that the sky was about to collapse.

This is their child! They would rather die by themselves than have anything to do with their children.

However, because of their compromise and their persuasion, Chu Feng "dead" in the hands of these people.

When they saw the actions of Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi, hope was finally born in their hearts.

Although they don't understand these spells, since these spells are amazing, can they really save their son's life?

Chu Feng opened his eyes, then stood up with difficulty and looked at the surrounding crowd.

After these people were washed away by the current, their hearts were filled with fear.

Only then did they realize what they had done, they actually offended someone with superpowers, and offended three people at once?

Now they feel a little weak in their legs even when they run away, and they can't say how to beg for mercy.

After all, they almost beat each other to death just now, how can they beg for mercy now?

Zhang Ziqing pounced on Chu Feng and cried loudly: "You really don't know, you almost died just now?"

Chu Feng was also a little surprised at Zhang Ziqing's adaptable acting skills. He could only say that many women are born actors. He patted Zhang Ziqing on the back, then got up and came to Huang Mao with murderous intent.

Huang Mao knelt on the ground with a plop, tears streaming down her eyes: "This big brother, I didn't mean it! I really didn't mean it!"

"go to hell!"

A ball of flame appeared in Chu Feng's hand, burning it into a ball of fly ash in the wailing of Huang Mao.

Although it is a bit wasteful to deal with an ordinary person with a fire extinguisher, in order to make the murder scene a little better and less bloody, waste it!

Then, a group of flames flew out of his hand, burning the little brothers behind Huang Mao into coke.

"Xiaofeng! Stop it!"

When Chu Feng wanted to continue his hands, he was stopped by his mother.

Mother Chu's eyes were a little unbearable: "I know these people are some bastards, but their families are innocent. If you really kill them, what will their family members do?"

The loss of her son just now made her heart full of despair, and now she wants to kill all these people.

However, she couldn't let the family members of these people bear the pain of losing their loved ones, not just the pain, these people are the pillars of the family, and if they fall, it means that the family has fallen.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they kowtowed their heads begging for mercy: "Sorry, we are all people with wives and children. We are all just confused for a while."

"Yeah! It's not for wives and children, we won't be so cheap!"

"Just say that the surname Pan, he ruined Lao Wang's daughter yesterday, if it weren't for the fear that his wife and children won't be taken care of, we would have fight with him."

"We all kowtow to you, so please forgive us!"

"Yeah! We all kowtow."

For a while, everyone knelt down.

These people who had just yelled and killed Chu Feng just now looked like pitiful people, as if they had been wronged.

"When you just wanted to kill me, why didn't you consider that I had parents?"

Chu Feng asked sternly, "If it wasn't for me that I had some skills, would my whole family be killed by you? If you have old people to take care of, wives and children, you can just yell at others and kill them. Do you still have a face and knelt down? Do you think you are not the one who made the mistake if you knelt and kneel?"

To be honest, Chu Feng really stood at the commanding heights of morality this time.

If it weren’t for Chu Feng’s strength, not only would his family suffer, Zhang Ziqing would have no way to escape. However, these people knelt down and put themselves in the position of the weak, and felt that the other party had spared themselves for granted. .

It's so funny!

The perpetrator pretended to be pitiful to the victim and wanted to shirk the blame on the victim. Chu Feng did not expect that the original simple villagers would have changed so much now.

Hearing Chu Feng's accusation, everyone's eyes flashed shame and anger.

In their opinion, what Chu Feng did was simply throwing their cheeks to the ground, and then stepping on a few feet vigorously, which made them feel a great humiliation.

Only the strength they took in this demon did not dare to show it.

After Chu Feng finished accusing these people, his tone became softer, pointing to these people and saying to Zhang Ziqing: "Did you see their eyes? He still feels angry now, and feels that he is not wrong, as if he has made a mistake. People are me, because they are weak, so there is nothing wrong."

Zhang Ziqing's heart was also very complicated. Under Chu Feng's training, she broke through her bottom line time and time again and changed her own cognition.

However, reality has refreshed her lower limit time and time again.

She didn't doubt at all that if these people could find a chance to retaliate against Chu Feng in the future, they would definitely take action without mercy.

Just for the "face" that was lost today.

Not only Zhang Ziqing, but Chu Feng's parents, and the students behind him saw such a scene, and Chu Feng's last loud rebuke, something faintly subverted in his heart.

Can people really be so bad?

Chu Feng’s parents were even more pondering. If Chu Feng did not have super powers, if these two girls did not have super powers, if Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi’s abilities were not for treatment, if they were too late for treatment, what would happen today? Look like?

They didn't dare to think further.

In the end, Chu Feng took people back to the car and said, "Let's go!"

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