The off-road vehicle started slowly and left the village.

In the end, Chu Feng still didn't kill those people, not because he was kind to those people, but because he didn't take the lives of those people in his eyes.

Anyway, a person with that kind of personality can't live anywhere, so why does he destroy his image all at once? As long as you kill those who want to do something to your parents, it doesn't matter whether the remaining group of trash is dead or alive.

And what he looked down upon was not the character of these people, but the IQ.

He bows down to someone who is a little bit powerful, or even abuses girls, but dared to show them a clear way and wave a **** at someone who tells them a safe place. Such people are very common, but common does not mean reasonable.

In his opinion, this is a manifestation of a diseased brain.

To say that Chu Feng was angry with those people, there was really not much.

After 10 years of fighting in the last days, he has seen through the warmth and coldness of all kinds of human feelings. Some things have seen too much, and he is numb. If it is not for the parents to see this, to prevent their personality from causing themselves Influence, he didn't even bother to talk nonsense.

There is no words all the way, only endless silence.

Everyone has everyone's thoughts in their hearts, but after comparing with those people, their impression of Chu Feng deepened again.

They used to think that Chu Feng was the kind of cruel and ruthless person, very dangerous, but compared with those simple villagers, the sense of security that Chu Feng brought to his own people was simply safer.

In fact, the object of his indifference was outsiders. Those villagers picked up the **** and hit their own people.

After having such an idea, let these students have any ideas in their hearts, but there is a consensus that they trust Chu Feng even more.

Seeing that it was getting late too, Chu Feng chose a residential building as a temporary residence.

Don't worry about the original people in this residential building coming back, because there are a few zombies entrenched here, locked into the house by the locked doors and windows.

Chu Feng had confiscated a few tents in the previously abandoned refuge camp, but there are decent houses to live in, so why choose to live in tents?

"Before going to bed, everyone arranges the work of the night watch."

Chu Feng took out a mechanical watch and put it on the table, "In order to prevent some people from sleeping when they watch the night, and then hurt everyone, so every time you watch the night, there must be two people. After you find your partner is asleep, Must wake up."

Electronic performance is no longer available, so he has prepared a mechanical watch long ago, and it is clockwork.

He is indeed very vigilant about his surroundings, and as the Thunder Corpse Dragon wakes up, he has more defenses.

However, the work of vigilance can't be done by the boss!

Let's not talk about the boss's prestige, let's just say that if Chu Feng has something to do, or is not by their side, will they be eaten by monsters in their sleep?

After finishing the work arrangement of the night vigil, Chu Feng began to explain the simple trap layout techniques to everyone.

However, the traps he teaches are all based on alertness. When you are not proficient at the beginning, it is easy to injure yourself with hurting traps.

Everyone listened very carefully because of their own lives.

Before falling asleep, Father Chu called out Chu Feng alone.


Chu Feng gave Chu Feng a meaningful look, "What's going on today is that you are acting!"

Chu Feng nodded without denying.

Although his clothes were broken, there was no injury on his body. If this can be explained by treatment, it would be unreasonable to have no blood stains.

But he didn't have the need to justify, because the focus of this matter today is not whether it is acting or not. Even if he is acting, are the villagers also acting?

"I understand what you mean."

Father Chu didn’t get too entangled in this matter either: “I know that your child is very opinionated. If you really reason with you, I might not be able to tell you, and if I really move you. , I don’t know whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing. I know you have a bottom line, so I can rest assured about that. So no matter what you decide, your parents will support you."

In this world, persuading people to be kind and persuading people to die is actually very close.

If his identity as a father really caused Chu Feng to be restrained, maybe he would harm his son instead.

Chu Feng only felt that his eye sockets were a little moist. He has changed a lot from his previous life, but his parents have not changed at all.

They didn't ask themselves why they became so cruel all of a sudden, they just trusted without reservation.

Father Chu continued: "Xiaofeng! I won't say much about anything else. I just want to remind you that if you have the ability, think about the future, think about where you and Qingqing live, think I think if you have children, how do you want them to grow up."

Chu Feng only felt a little dazed.

He originally had a lot of rhetoric to deal with his father, but under these few words, he appeared so pale and weak.

He lived in hatred in his previous life, and every extra day he lived was his luck. But in this life, since his family is by his side, he naturally has to plan for the future of himself and those around him.

Father Chu patted Chu Feng on the shoulder, then returned to the room, leaving Chu Feng alone to think quietly.

After the dark night, the dawn came.

As if nothing happened, Chu Feng still maintained that cold face to everyone, which was daunting.

After breakfast, everyone started on the road.

The driver dared not let Chu Feng drive again, otherwise, what value would it have?

Sitting in the back of the car, Chu Feng’s goal in his heart gradually became clear and firm: “I want to build a huge survival base, and then I will become a rule-making person. Even in this dark end world, I will develop A place that can shelter your family from wind and rain, and the darkness of the outside world is not allowed to enter."

This seems to be a very simple goal, but only after 10 years of catastrophe in the last days can we understand the cost of accomplishing this goal and what difficulties and obstacles will be encountered during the period.

From a small village to a large country, people always habitually reject people who are different from themselves. If you don’t want to accept social rejection, then you have to accept social assimilation.

Anyone who wants to go upstream in such a big environment, even if they just want to protect themselves wisely, is a very difficult thing, because your enemy is the entire environment.

Chu Feng is still very weak and it is difficult to build a pure land.

However, if he doesn't dare to set even bigger goals in his life, what is the meaning of his life?

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