Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1088: Chu Feng's Wooden Sword

When Chu Feng's figure appeared in the air, the fear and trepidation in everyone's hearts were dispelled, and everyone's heart was filled with courage and passion. Now their city lord is by their side, what else is terrible?

But in this knight group, there is one person who is not affected by the group mood.

Should we be happy now?

Sun Yuting looked at Chu Feng's figure and her mood became very complicated.

In the past, Chu Feng was the faith of the Hell Knights, but now, she only feels a little sad.

She even wondered in her heart, what is the significance of the existence of the Hell Knights?

"Chu Feng!"

After seeing Chu Feng appear, panic inevitably appeared in the tone of the mysterious figure.

In this world, anyone who knows the existence of Chu Feng has never heard of Chu Feng's name but is still calm and composed.

"What about you here? Do you think you can still protect so many people?"

"If you don't try, how can you know?"

Chu Feng drew a sword from his waist, an unpretentious wooden sword, and swiped it towards the front.

"Chu Feng, you use this sword against me--no, what is this?"

The mysterious figure's voice at first contained some jokes, but then it turned into panic.

Where Chu Feng's sword gas swept through, hundreds of undead creatures stopped, their bodies turned into dust, and slowly fell to the ground. Under the sword, everything was dust.

This sword didn't carry any firework, but simply deprived the opponent of death.

Life is alive, and dead creatures also have dead aura. What Chu Feng cut through with this sword is the death aura of these dead creatures, allowing these dead creatures to return to lifeless bones.

It's just that these dead creatures can move because of the breath of death, and it's also because of the breath of death that they can continue to fight. Now that they have lost that breath, their bones have been drained by the breath of death, and they are lost. After qi, it naturally becomes dust.

More importantly, Chu Feng's sword directly caused a large blank space in front of the dead creatures, giving the Hell Knights a buffer and room to charge.

Chu Feng swung several swords in a row, and thousands of dead creatures were wiped out.

The Hell Knights, who had obtained a buffer from the sea of ​​undead, immediately began to counterattack. With the power of this buffer, killing these undead creatures was like cutting melons and vegetables.

The Hell Knights just made the Hell Knights like a sea of ​​undead trapped in the mud, but now they are divided into pieces by the Hell Knights, and then broken one by one.

If a powerful undead creature emerges, it is Chu Feng's head-on blow to meet the undead creature.

The Knights of Hell were also thriving, and entered their favorite link.

Chu Feng looked up at the black mist in front of him, frowning.

Even the door of the undead appeared, it seems that this time the enemy is not going to just feint.

This was in his expectation. After all, he had prepared for more than a month, so it was impossible for him to hone his experience.

What he really cared about was what was behind the door of the dead.

Is it really the underworld behind this door of the undead?

But if his deity enters, it will inevitably endanger his life.

"At least I have to confirm whether it is the underworld behind it."

Chu Feng's heart was filled with determination, and he walked towards the black mist step by step.

Hundreds of skeletons and zombies stood in front of Chu Feng, but Chu Feng just waved them slightly, and these skeletons and zombies turned into dust, but Chu Feng's forward movement did not stop at all.

His steps are like broken steps in a leisurely courtyard, but no one can stop him.

More and more undead creatures gush out from the black mist, but in front of Chu Feng's wooden sword, these undead creatures can't even complete the task of delaying time.


A loud dragon roar came out from the black fog, and a huge dragon bone head protruded from the black fog. The black flame was condensed in the dragon bone skull mouth. But before the death fire really condensed successfully, Chu Feng said again. The sword cut across.

The unpretentious wooden sword wielded unpretentious sword energy, but the skull dragon stopped its movements.

After a short while, the huge head of the bone dragon also turned into smoke and dust in the sky. With a light wave of Chu Feng's left hand, a breeze blew across, blowing away the ashes in the way, preventing it from falling on his body.

The bone dragon's body fully emerged from the black mist and fell to the ground.

However, this skull dragon was not useless at all. After falling to the ground, the huge body blocked Chu Feng's path, causing Chu Feng's advancement to stop for the first time.

But it was only a moment.

Chu Feng's wooden sword fell again, and the bone dragon's body was split in half.

At this moment, he has come to the front of Hei Mist.

"Town Lord, be careful."

"City Lord, there is danger there."

Seeing that Chu Feng wanted to go directly into the black mist, the members of the Hell Knights were filled with anxiety. Although Chu Feng's strength was very strong, who knew what was in the black mist?

That is the place where a large number of undead creatures emerge, that is the forbidden zone of life.

The black mist began to surging. When Chu Feng came to the black mist, the black mist formed a black sickle, like a sickle used by the **** of death to harvest life, trying to cut Chu Feng in the middle.

But Chu Feng's movement was still a simple swing of the sword.

A simple to the extreme sword passed, the black sickle turned into fog again, the black fog in front of him was cut in half, and a path was separated in front of Chu Feng.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Hell Knights looked even more crazy.

Even the intangible mist had to separate a path in front of Chu Feng.

No matter what kind of enemy, no matter what kind of obstacle, he only needs a sword in front of Chu Feng.

Under Chu Feng's sword, all obstacles had to be separated.

Chu Feng swung a sword horizontally again, and the black mist and the ground were directly separated by this sword. The strong breath of death collided with the power of the creatures, and finally disappeared invisible.

Those dead creatures hidden in the black mist also turned into dust under the aftermath inside.

Chu Feng strode forward, nothing could stop him.

After the black mist was dispelled, a dark and faint spatial passage in the middle of the black mist was exposed to Chu Feng.

The dead creatures who fought with the Hell Knights also began to madly return their aid. They must protect this death gate.

But when Chu Feng walked to the middle of the black mist, his actions exceeded everyone's expectations.

Chu Feng stretched out **** on his left hand and wiped it on the side of the wooden sword. Then, he threw the entire wooden sword forward, and the entire wooden sword sank into the space channel. This wooden sword that just helped Chu Feng cut through the thorns, In this way, it was swallowed by the space channel.

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