Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1089: confusing

"Behind the space channel is not the underworld."

Chu Feng often shuttles between the worlds. Although he is not very familiar with the internal structure of the underworld, he can at least distinguish the breath of the underworld and its approximate location.

He himself has an inseparable relationship with hell.

The wooden sword just now was cut by him from the branches of the tree of life. It incorporated his mental power and the power of blood. After entering the space passage, it was destroyed by the existence on the other side of the space passage.

There is a limit to the power that can be contained on the earth, but not on the other end.

Although the entire process took less than three seconds, Chu Feng was able to sense another world through the imprint of his mental power. He was certain that there was not any world he knew.

Not hell, nor underworld.

He also has a certain sense of the two worlds of the gods and demons, and he can confirm that the other end is not the two worlds of the gods and demons. He has also intercepted the space fragments of the Sea Emperor Holy Land and the Ten Thousand Clan Holy Land, and can be sure that the other side is not a Holy Land.

"Among the dead creatures that just appeared, there are a large number of Tier 7 existences. Just now, the skull dragon has reached Tier 8. Such a large number of undead creatures must not be able to accommodate a small world, or a small world can accommodate. The undead creatures will not be wasted easily in this form.

With the elimination method, only the most powerful and mysterious heaven among the four highest planes is left on the other end.

According to the rumors, the heavens follow the primitive jungle law of the weak and the strong. There are no large-scale forces in it, and even larger tribes do not exist. Everything follows the most primitive form. There are also some three realms who are unwilling to dispute to live in heaven. , If someone violates this law, they will be besieged by the whole heaven.

However, I have never seen the true face of the heavens. On the contrary, it is the mighty one who left the inheritor to me. His enemy is in the heaven. Is it possible that the enemy of the mighty one fights alone? If this is the case, I am afraid that the mighty one does not need to establish a legion, so to speak, the information I have obtained about the heavens in the past is wrong. "

If there is heaven behind this door, the information represented behind it is intriguing.

But behind the door of the dead is not the heaven, it represents even more complicated.

Only one thing Chu Feng could think of was related to this.

About 20,000 years ago, someone stole a part of the laws of the underworld, and the three-headed dog family in **** suffered as a result. The whole group was punished by the lord of the underworld, and the whole group was cursed as a whole, and even almost wiped out.

But fortunately, the shot of the mighty one retained the last blood of the three-headed dog of hell.

It is precisely because of this that the three-headed dog family of **** will follow the orders of the Mighty One.

The law of stealing the underworld, although I don't know what kind of consequences this caused, but I think it should be something that only the underworld can do, but it can be done by existence outside the underworld.

"The enemy, what is it?"

Chu Feng's heart was a little shameless, even now, he didn't even know the true face of the enemy.

But he didn't have time to contemplate. He dispelled the black mist and enveloped the land again. The battle between the Hell Knights and the undead creatures continued.

Before the surrounding undead creatures surrounded him, Chu Feng once again drew a wooden sword from Yuan Mansion.

Over the past month, he has done little preparation.

But the price is that the tree of life loses its source.

Fortunately, the source of life is strong enough. After the tree of life loses its source, it can also obtain compensation from the source of life. Now the tree of life can absorb and restore its source much faster than before.

Seeing that Chu Feng drew another wooden sword, passed from the undead creature to the surrounding, and rushed out, the original hanging heart of the Hell Knights was let go, and wholeheartedly plunged into the fight before him.

Immediately afterwards, the tattoo on Chu Feng's arm changed into a Thunder Corpse Dragon in the air.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon, who had been eager for a long time, was just summoned, and he was vomiting Snake Letters in excitement, and the black breath of death was vomiting in the Thunder Corpse Dragon's mouth, but he did not act rashly without getting the owner's order.

Chu Feng nodded, and the Thunder Corpse Dragon quickly turned into black lightning and rushed into the black mist.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon kept tumbling in the black mist, and the entire black fog seemed to boil. As the Thunder Corpse Dragon opened its mouth, a large amount of black air flow entered its mouth.

Following the actions of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, the entire black mist became chaotic.

The dead creature launched an attack on the Thunder Corpse Dragon, but the Thunder Corpse Dragon turned a deaf ear to these attacks that were not tickling enough, and let these attacks fall on itself. These attacks containing a lot of death breath fell on the Thunder Corpse Dragon. His body was like a mud cow entering the sea, swallowed by the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

Chu Feng felt the indescribable transcendence from the mental fluctuation of Thunder Eighteen.

"Speaking of it, the essence of the Thunder Corpse Dragon is still a dead creature. Although it uses the thunder as the main attack method, the reason why the later generations of the Thunder Corpse Dragon is terrible is because the thunder is the most terrible death thunder. , The death attribute is the essential attribute, and the thunder is only its weapon."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's eyes flashed with excitement.

His cultivation of the Thunder Corpse Dragon is mainly cultivated with his original power and a large number of crystal nuclei. In addition to a large amount of energy supply, the Thunder Corpse Dragon itself has very good talents, and the upper limit is very high, so he can give Chu Feng All of those resources were digested, and even if they were replaced by the Silver Wolf King, they would not be able to turn the things that Chu Feng gave them into their own strength.

However, during the 8 transformations of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, the Thunder Corpse Dragon's Thunder attribute became stronger and stronger, but its death attribute only slowly increased, as if it had become a vassal of Thunder.

Even if Chu Feng took the Thunder Corpse Dragon to **** to absorb the power of the water of the Styx, the growth rate of the death attribute of the Thunder Corpse Dragon itself was very slow, and compared to Thunder, it could only be regarded as a vassal.

But now, the Thunder Corpse Dragon seems to have found the best tonic.

"The Thunder Corpse Dragon that uses the Thunder Fight can already defeat the Ice and Snow Tyrannosaurus in a heads-up. If the power of death and the thunder is combined, how far will the upper limit of the Thunder Corpse Dragon grow?"

The innate talent determines the upper limit of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, but the acquired cultivation determines whether the Thunder Corpse Dragon can reach this upper limit.

Chu Feng spared no effort in training the Thunder Corpse Dragon. Now that he has better training conditions, he has even more expectations for the future of the Thunder Corpse Dragon. This will be his biggest help in the future.

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