Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1090: Sun Yuting's Questioning

As a large amount of black mist was swallowed by the Thunder Corpse Dragon, it became a nutrient for its own growth, and those dead creatures gradually lost their strength, and even when they moved, their joints became more inconvenient.

The door of the undead kept gushing black mist, but the belly of the thunder corpse dragon seemed endless.

How much death aura was swallowed by the Thunder Corpse Dragon, not a single trace of it leaked out, on the contrary, it made the death aura on the Thunder Corpse Dragon even stronger.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon became stronger and stronger, and the dead creatures became weaker and weaker. This made the battle of the Hell Knights easier. Facing those undead creatures was just one-sided slaughter.

If there is a dangerous place in the situation, Chu Feng will make up a sword in the air.

The black fog became less and less, and the death aura on the Thunder Corpse Dragon became stronger and stronger.

Finally, after the Thunder Corpse Dragon swallowed a large amount of the breath of death, there was no more black mist gushing out of the portal. After the Thunder Corpse Dragon swallowed the remaining black mist, the door of the undead had disappeared.

However, the Thunder Corpse Dragon kept rolling on the ground.

The people of the Hell Knights are a little puzzled. Could it be that the Thunder Corpse Dragon has swallowed a lot of death breath and eaten up its stomach?

But seeing Chu Feng's composure, everyone was very witty and didn't ask this sentence.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon is Chu Feng's pet. As the owner of the pet, Chu Feng doesn't worry about what will happen to the Thunder Corpse Dragon, so how can they overstep it?

After calming the Thunder Corpse Dragon with mental strength, Chu Feng decided to let the Thunder Corpse Dragon cross the battlefield.

"You can swallow all the creatures with a breath of death, but don't swallow life. If you need to eat life or flesh and blood to maintain balance, then come back to me."

The Thunder Corpse Dragon is not incapable of speaking, or unable to express its needs through mental power, but for the Thunder Corpse Dragon, it is not necessary to express its needs through words.

As a creature that relies on instinct to fight, there is no need to evolve without necessary functions.

Therefore, the Thunder Corpse Dragon could still tell Chu Feng's orders.

As a life resurrected from death, Thunder Corpse Dragon is very sensitive to the degree of recognition of life and death breath, and can naturally understand Chu Feng's request.

With the owner's permission, the Thunder Corpse Dragon hovered in the air, and flew toward the place where he felt the strong breath of death, looking for and killing his prey.

Is Chu Feng worried about the safety of the Thunder Corpse Dragon? Anyway, the vitality of the Thunder Corpse Dragon is very tenacious. It has reached the limit of today's world. Even if it is in danger, he can still ask for help.

After solving the undead gate here, Chu Feng's eyes fell on Sun Yuting.

I found that Sun Yuting left four deep injuries. With Sun Yuting's current strength, leaving four clearly visible injuries in the Legion of the Undead is not too unlucky, it is because she was a little distracted. .

Chu Feng used a rejuvenation technique to help Sun Yuting recover from her injury.

Facing Chu Feng's personal treatment, other members of the Hell Knights showed envy in their eyes, and they wished that the injured person was themselves, which was a supreme honor for them.

However, with the production of various types of healing potions, even the powers of the auxiliary system are constantly reducing their effects, and they now have very few opportunities for Chu Feng to treat them in person.

However, in the process of healing, Chu Feng found that Sun Yuting's mental state was obviously something wrong.

"If you have any questions, you can find me."

After Chu Feng left a spiritual transmission, he turned and left.

After the Hell Knights class returned to the court, Sun Yuting found Chu Feng alone.

"I want to ask, is the Hell Knights important to the city lord?"

Just after finding Chu Feng, Sun Yuting couldn't wait to raise her own doubts.

Chu Feng was a little surprised, but he was not too surprised.

Although Sun Yuting is inferior to Han Yunxiao and Zou Mengxuan's mechanism, she is not a stupid person. Even in an atmosphere like the Hell Knights, she might remain awake and discover something.

"Important." Chu Feng answered affirmatively.

"How important is it?" Sun Yuting was reluctant.

"The Knights of Hell is the sword in my hand."

"Like that sword thrown into an unknown passage?"

Sun Yuting smiled bitterly, "The city lord once used many swords, the Chiyan Golden Sword, the Black Iron Sword, and the Nether Cold Iron Sword snatched from the Knights of the Underworld, now they have been replaced with wooden swords.

The atmosphere became a little dull.

Is the sword important to Chu Feng?

Of course it is important. If there is no sword, Chu Feng's strength will be compromised. No one will think that his strength is too strong and give up improving his strength, so the sword is very important to Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng without a sword is also a strong man.

His strength does not come from the weapon of the gods, but from his own strength.

Therefore, the sword is very important to him, but not indispensable.

Chu Feng just said that the Hell Knights were as important as his sword, which he thought was a very appropriate description, but the fatal thing was that Chu Feng's sword was changed frequently, and he just lost one.

Just like that, Sun Yuting raised her own doubts bluntly. In her eyes, this is already a decision to die.

Even if Chu Feng killed her in a rage, she might not be surprised.

However, for her, there are more important things than life.

If she didn't ask her doubts, she wouldn't be willing to die.

"That wooden sword is actually more precious than on the surface. Among the weapons that have appeared on the earth today, although it is not the most powerful one, it is the most restrained sword against undead creatures. The reason why I lost it is Because there is a more important thing to confirm, and in my eyes, the Knights of Hell is more important than that sword."

Chu Feng's tone was very plain, but under this plainness it contained ruthlessness.

Sun Yuting could hear that what Chu Feng wanted to express was not how precious it was below the Knights, but Chu Feng bluntly stated that the Hell Knights were just a very valuable weapon in his eyes.

The wooden sword in his hand can be said to be the best one to deal with undead creatures in the world, but such an expensive sword, in order to achieve his goal, he did not hesitate to abandon it.

So, when he needs it, will he abandon the Hell Knights for his own purposes?

It was also the first time that Sun Yuting felt that Chu Feng, whom they had always regarded as faith, turned out to be so dangerous and terrifying.

However, when she thought that the current strength and status of the Knights were given by Chu Feng, she couldn't say anything to blame. Even if Chu Feng bluntly revealed that he formed the Hell Knights for sacrifice, there would be great A lot of people want to sign up.

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