Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1108: Kangaroo Land

"Don't you know where you are wrong now?"

Kangaroo mainland, in the camp built by Chu Feng.

Tian Jingduan sat on the main seat with Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua next to him. They were not dissatisfied with being robbed of the main seat by a woman, not because they were convinced of Tian Jing, but because they were indifferent.

Of course, they have not reached the state of not competing for fame and gain, and their hearts are like water. It is just that they follow the improved vision of Chu Feng, making them feel indifferent to this kind of children's behavior.

In the whole hall, except for three people who are sitting, most of the remaining people are standing. Only four people are **** with ropes. The pipa bones are pierced by iron locks. The dantian can also be smashed directly and kneeled on the ground. .

The earth has acquired some means about the two realms of gods and demons. The broken dantian is not an irreparable wound, but it will take a long time to repair.

"I'm not convinced, Xu Wei, I have been with you for so long, do you put me to death just because I played with a few women?"

A warrior kneeling on the ground shouted hoarsely, "Anyway, the survivors will eventually die, and what happened here will not be spread to the outside world. I just quietly caught a few survivors. Girl, they will be dealt with after playing, are you going to kill me because of these trivial things?"

The other three people also looked indignant.

"It's not us who did this kind of thing, why did you kill us together?"

"We are not convinced, we have to give an explanation."

"Tian Jing, you are unfair."

In the face of the four noisy people, Tian Jing spit out two words coldly:


It was almost like a substantive killing intent, and the four people who knelt down on the ground lingered in the entire conference hall were silent.

The murderous aura with the power of blood and evil engulfed the four people, making them tremble all over, not daring to make the slightest movement, their eyes were already filled with panic.

Even the other people in the conference hall, feeling the power of this huge blood evil, did not dare to speak.

Tian Jing was able to sit on the main position here, relying on her own strength.

Although no one dared to put forward rebuttal opinions, some people had some dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Of course, the women here hate the behavior of the four people very much. Although the other three people have put aside their responsibilities, everyone is a discerning person. Since the man dared to play with the female survivors and let the other three people know that the four must be Together.

Everyone even wonders if they are doing this for the first time.

More likely, they are already very skilled.

But there are some men who feel that such behavior seems to be no big deal.

It's already in the world now, and the place where everyone is located can be said to be a place outside the law. Even Chu Feng does not come here often, let alone sanctions their behavior.

If this behavior is exposed, it will lead to death!

However, the reason for their deaths was not playing with women, but because they failed to deal with the funeral. The reason for executing you was not because of your bad character, but because of your low IQ.

"Not convinced, are you?"

Tian Jing sneered, "There are also many women brought here. As long as you pay a little price, it doesn't matter if I accompany you to bed. Do you have to play with the survivors in order to satisfy your hobbies?"

"So what? There is no one here anyway."

The punished man was dissatisfied, "As long as you don’t say anything, even the people in this hall don’t know what’s happening here. After we play, we will naturally handle everything clean. Do you have to deal with this kind of thing? On the bright side, you think I don’t know that you are not a good thing yourself, but you are just a coquettish bitch."

Two of the remaining three people changed, but did not say anything.

When this kind of thing is on the bright side, their fate has actually been decided, because there are already more than 100 people here who know it, and as long as one person informs the city lord, the matter will become out of control.

So he was not defending himself at all, he was just venting.

"How do you think our power came from? City Lord Chu Feng, how do you think your power came from? Did you cultivate yourself? Without our relationship, you are qualified to appear here?"

Tian Jing scolded, "The city lord does not require our loyalty, but it does not mean that we can betray. Even our future depends on the city lord’s preferences. The city lord hates such behavior, and it is even more annoying than killing. Dare to disobey? Do you think it is very exciting to act against the preferences of the city lord!"

As she spoke, her tone became more and more fierce: "I tell you, the reason why I executed you is not because of moral integrity, nor because of the disgust of that kind of man as a woman, but only because of the preferences of Chu Feng that you violated. You have done what the city lord has explicitly forbidden. A group of people who rely on the lord to survive, where is the confidence to resist the will of the lord!

Tian Jing's words seemed to echo in everyone's ears, filling many people's faces with shame.

These words Tian Jing said are facts, but it doesn't mean they can accept them.

In many cases, the most difficult thing for people to face is the fact.

However, Tian Jing is now going to put the most shameful and darkest side of their hearts on the table and expose them to the sun.

They are just a group of people who can survive and grow with Chu Feng.

They are simply not qualified to resist Chu Feng's will.

"The reason why I want to execute the sentence in public is to give you a warning."

Tian Jing's gaze swept through everyone's eyes. Everyone involuntarily lowered their eyes wherever they went. No one's eyes dared to look at her.

This is the prestige brought by her killing during this time.

"The strong have the way of living of the strong, and the weak have the way of living of the weak. As a weak, you can dream of becoming a strong, but before you truly become a strong, you have to guard yourself as a weak, let alone try to go. Get involved in the world of the strong, and don’t try to imitate the behavior of the strong. You can indeed control the fate of the survivors here, but I can also control your destiny."

Tian Jing's words were like thunder and like the teeth of a poisonous snake, hitting their hearts fiercely.

Let them imitate the little pleasure gained by the strong, and they were smashed to pieces.

Tian Jing is right. They are not unable to play with women, but to find superiority in weak women, and to find the feeling of the strong from the weak.

It's a pity that in the face of the stronger, their strong demeanor is just an imitation.

"Well said."

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