Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1109: Guess what I will do?

The sudden sound made everyone in the hall tremble.

They don't hear this sound many times, but every time they hear it, they can feel fear from the soul to the body. This is the instinct of the weak when facing the strong.

If they do not feel ashamed, they will be relieved, so they can talk and laugh freely in front of Chu Feng like Lu Ming and Zhao Fan. It is a pity that they were recruited by Tian Jing because of sacrifice. Distressed.


Tian Jing and the three got up and bowed their heads slightly.

It's just that when the three of them got up, there was an unnatural tremor and slight leg weakness.

Chu Feng's current status is very high, but he doesn't like letting others kneel. Except for half kneeling during the military salute, the City of Dawn does not kneel.

Of course, with his status and status, there is no need to let others kneel to seek superiority.

He himself stood at the highest place, even if everyone looked up to him, they might not be able to touch his back, so why bother about whether others kneel or not.

The same was true for Tian Jing and the others. They knew that Chu Feng didn't like it, so they never knelt down.

The three of them knew that Chu Feng liked how others were not humble, and he was able to talk and laugh freely in front of him, but the three of them owed Chu Feng too much, which was really difficult for some strong people.

Chu Feng sat on the main seat and glanced over everyone.

"I know that there should be some of you who think that as long as things are handled cleanly, there will be no problem, but can you really handle things cleanly?

The martial artist can detect whether others are lying by sensing the blood and energy. Only professionally trained people can avoid it. Snow wolves have a very keen sense of smell. They may not know what you are doing, but once you enter outsiders here, I still know. , Do you still think that you can handle things seamlessly? "

"Don't dare, how dare we hide the city lord?"

"The Lord of the City is boundless, we dare not deceive."

"No, you dare."

At some point, Chu Feng's figure had appeared in front of the four people who were kneeling on the ground, with one foot on the head of the leader, and his head directly on the ground.

"You don’t just dare, you have even done it. Now there are 4 people and they can only shield each other. If things succeed, will there be 14 or 24 people shielding each other? Sheltering each other is actually nothing, even if you don’t. Justice and evil are used as standards to consider your actions, but as adults, you must at least know the consequences of your actions.

Since you are all very smart, you might as well guess what I will do? Let’s guess, what would I do if the Silver Wolf King told me that the breath of other humans came in here? "

No one dared to answer Chu Feng's question.

Under his aura, even thinking is a very difficult thing.

Everyone can obviously feel Chu Feng's anger. I made a mistake at this moment, and what awaits them is probably a ruined future.

"You said, what would I do?"

Chu Feng pointed at a wretched middle-aged man with a thin body.



Before the middle-aged man could say his answer, his head exploded like a watermelon.

Chu Feng then pointed at the next person: "For you."

The person who was named saw the tragic death of his companions, and his heart was full of fear, but under this fear, a strong desire to survive broke out: "The city lord will definitely notice the details of--"

"Obviously, you are also worthy?"

Chu Feng sneered, but didn't kill the person who answered incorrectly.

He pointed to Tao Jinghua and said, "You come and tell them."

Tao Jinghua coldly confronted the person who was named, and said, "As your status and status, you are not worthy of letting the city lord waste time on you. Since the people here have already done it, the city lord is only concerned about one thing, which is committing crimes. Has the wrong person been executed? If the answer is no, then the city lord will not waste time investigating in detail.

Because, as long as you kill all of you, no one will become a slippery fish. "

Tao Jinghua's words made everyone's heads chill.

A chill from under their feet penetrated through their bodies, making their fingers tremble coldly.

Will Chu Feng do this? they do not know.

However, there is no prison in the City of Dawn, because setting up a prison requires a lot of manpower and material resources. The City of Dawn is rich and there are many people. Unfortunately, their city owner has always been a person who doesn't like waste.

In the two years since the establishment of the City of Dawn, there have only been two people living in the City of Dawn as a prisoner, and one of them can move around freely in the city.

All people who make mistakes have only two results, one is forgiven, the other is to pay the price.

All errors that cannot be forgiven will only result in the death penalty.

In this world, human life is really worthless.

Even in the military regulations formulated by Chu Feng, those who use the lives of their subordinates to gain merit will be punished. In serious cases, there will be no chance to lead soldiers in the future, but this fact still cannot be changed.

The atmosphere in the hall became frozen, freezing a little bit cold.

They have no doubt that these words Tao Jinghua just said may really become reality.

If it weren't for Tian Jing to sit at this table, put the 4 people who made the mistake on trial and sentence them to death, then how many people would die when Chu Feng arrived?

They knew that although there were a large number of people in this entire hall, only three people were cared by Chu Feng.

Everyone else is not even a tool person.

"You can handle the rest by yourself!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, and his figure had disappeared somehow, and even the three people of Tao Jinghua also disappeared in the conference hall.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads quietly, looking at each other a few times, but they only saw the boundless fear in each other's eyes.

"Put it to death!"

An ordinary-looking woman gritted her teeth and came in front of the four people. Even the person whose head was directly stepped on the ground was under the control of Chu Feng's precise Yuan Li and was not killed immediately.

But everyone knows that if after Chu Feng came back, he saw that the four people hadn't died yet, then the life and death of the people present was really just between his thoughts.

The woman tremblingly drew out the short knife from her waist, and slashed it down at a person's neck.

Blood spurted out, but the head did not fall.

So, the ordinary-looking woman gritted her teeth and raised her short knife again.

One knife...

Two knives...

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