Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1124: Yiyi's Choice

The movement of the Star Crusade shocked the entire planet.

Huaxia is actively preparing for the war, and the Bear Empire is trying to get the most benefits for itself. The Mi Empire, which has been warned, has begun to investigate whether it has been infiltrated by the Protoss.

In the folks of China, some people complained that Chu Feng provokes them, or some people were startled and sweated.

"Chu Feng is still that character. He never looks at the enemy's strength when he provokes the enemy. Yes, his strength is really strong, but can he really be invincible in the world? Even if he can be invincible on earth, The supreme plane will sooner or later encounter an opponent who can check and balance him. If he continues like this, sooner or later he will overturn."

"Even if they roll over, it doesn't matter to you."

"Why don't it matter to us, aren't we from Huaxia? A person who has done something wrong requires everyone to bear the price together. Such a person has no responsibility at all."

"I think it is good to expose the intentions of the Protoss in advance. If the Protoss is not exposed now, it will be revealed at a more critical moment, it would be terrifying to think about it."

"But we need time to develop."


The Chinese folks have mixed praise and criticism for Chu Feng's approach.

But Chu Feng's current strength was enough to make him ignore public opinion.

In a separate room in the City of Dawn, Chu Feng leaned on a high-backed chair and said to the opposite Yiyi: "Now, analyze what will happen next."

In this room, there are only two people.

Yiyi lowered his head and whispered: "The Star Crusade is cruising, but you will definitely have a countermeasure, and we will win."

"carry on."

Yiyi swallowed, and said: "I don't know your preparations, but the entire Star Cross Army will definitely be wiped out."

"carry on."

Do you want to continue?

Yiyi has some doubts, should she deduce the specific situation on the battlefield?

However, she quickly analyzed the next trend.

"The Teddy Bear Empire is ready to move. It will take over the entire West. The West, which has lost the Star Crusader Legion, has no power to compete with Teddy Bear. From then on, the earth will lose one power."

After speaking, Yiyi raised his head carefully and saw Chu Feng's expressionless eyes.

"Yes, the Star Crusade will be annihilated. The West without the Star Cross will lose its power to protect itself. The entire Western world will be destroyed. The Teddy Bear Empire will take over the West’s mess, but no matter how well they do, There is no way to change one thing, that is, the Western world is riddled with holes, and human beings who have been hit hard have now lost another pillar."

Although he didn't want to admit that Chu Feng was also despising Western practices, but the West did have a very important position on the earth. This was a fact that he could not deny.

The most ideal process is to use the Western world to help the earth prevent a disaster, and then make a reasonable sacrifice.

But the most ideal process is no longer possible.

The entire Western puzzle country has been completely under the control of the Protoss.

Yiyi lowered his head, eyes full of unwillingness.

Why must there be war? Why must there be casualties? Why can the Protoss deprive others of the right to survive so easily? Why can they so easily destroy the homeland that others depend on for survival?

However, despite her unwillingness in her heart, she couldn't change the facts.

There are always more people who desire peace than those who desire war. Wars are often dominated by the will of a few people, but these few people can always affect the majority.

In this war, she was powerless to change anything.

All she can do is to protect everything around her as much as possible.

Any unnecessary kindness will only bring catastrophic consequences.

"Although I did not intend to save the jigsaw puzzle countries in the West, the earth just lost a pillar, lost a powerful force, and turned this force into a knife to attack itself. This kind of thing is still very important to the earth. Adverse."

Chu Feng's tone made people unable to hear the joy and anger, "But there is another possibility in your body, that is to minimize the casualties of this war, so that the western world will not be overwhelmed, and even the Star Cross Army will be transformed. The adult sword has become a weapon against the enemy. I can’t guarantee how many people will survive, but at least all the dead should die on the battlefield against the enemy.”


Hearing what Chu Feng said, Yiyi's heart was full of surprises.

If war cannot be avoided, it is good to reduce casualties.

If the casualties cannot be reduced, then at least those who have died must die on the battlefield, because the battlefield is the soldier's home and the best grave.

It is better to die on the battlefield against the enemy than to die under your own blade.

Yiyi's IQ far exceeds that of his peers, and even many adults are far behind.

Under Chu Feng's deliberate training, she can also be called an expert on national affairs with the depth of her view of the problem.

"Do you really have a way?"

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't speak any more, Yiyi asked again. Although he trusted Chu Feng, this kind of thing was still too incredible, and it was difficult for Yiyi to believe it completely.

"If it is me, then things will only go to a dead end. There is no way except to solve the war through killing, but if it is you, you have such a possibility."

Chu Feng stretched his finger to Yiyi's arm, "Use it."

His fingers moved to the crystal cross again, "and it."

"it is good."

Yiyi was about to remove two treasures that accompanied him, but was stopped by Chu Feng.

"I can't use them, but you can."


Yiyi was a little confused, "But, I can only use these two things to fight and heal!"

"No, you can do more."

Chu Feng shook his head, "The last time you went to the West with me, you already did more."

"But..." Yiyi's face paled.

Last time, she did do some things, but, but it was terrible.

Why can I have such a terrible ability?

"With your current IQ, you should be able to make a judgment. We don't have many choices."

Chu Feng sighed lightly, "The Star Cross Army will arrive at the border of China in 6 hours. At that time, I will kill all the members of the Star Cross Army. You must make a choice before that, indifferent, or Reduce wars as much as possible, or at least reduce wars between humans. You only have 6 hours."

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he was about to get up and leave, leaving Yiyi time to think independently.

But before he left the door, Yiyi's voice came from behind.

"No, I have already decided."

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