Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1125: Are there only two of you?

"When making a major decision, shouldn't you think carefully?"

"There are too few options, and the more you consider, the harder you choose."

"Fate is very unfair to you."

Chu Feng raised his head, as if looking at something.

"Fate is not fair to everyone."

Yiyi said firmly, "Since this is what I should do, then I have no reason to escape. No matter what others think of me, I shouldn't be afraid of my own abilities and strength."

"Well, let's go!"

Chu Feng walked to Yiyi's body and put a hand on Yiyi's shoulder.

"So fast?"

Yiyi was caught off guard.

"What? Do you want to prepare a farewell ceremony?"

Chu Feng tried his best to keep himself relaxed, but no matter how brisk his tone was, he still couldn't prevent his eyes from becoming heavy when facing such things.

"It's really not necessary."

Yiyi lowered her head, she didn't like many things, but she had to do it.

"By the way, how is your training with the bird corps?"

Chu Feng suddenly changed the subject.

"Those white cranes are very obedient, and the remaining birds are very obedient to the white cranes."

Speaking of this, Yiyi's eyes regained some light, "In the future, I will definitely create a bird army, so that everyone can ride on the back of a white crane and fly above the clouds."

"I am waiting for this day."

Chu Feng said softly, the space around the two began to twist and change.

Yiyi did not resist, only felt that his body appeared in a wilderness after a period of dizziness and maladjustment.

She watched her surroundings vigilantly, but found that a powerful breath was approaching in the distance.

"Over there, it's the Star Crusade. I'll be here in about three minutes."

Chu Feng pointed to the west, "It's up to you how much you can achieve."

Doesn’t it mean that the Star Crusade has 6 hours to reach the border of China? Why can we be here in an instant?

Yiyi was a little horrified.

She knew that Chu Feng was very long, but she didn't expect that Chu Feng could teleport here with herself.

You know, Su Yuan is also a space-type supernatural player, and can develop her own unique skills, but she knows that with Su Yuan's strength, she can only teleport a distance of 10 kilometers at most.

If you are taking people to teleport together, the distance must be reduced to at least 1/3 of the original.

The longer the teleportation distance, the heavier the discomfort it brings.

And when the space is distorted, there will be big fluctuations, which is unavoidable, and the fluctuations caused will become more violent as the distance increases.

Su Yuan had also experienced this feeling with her, but when Chu Feng took her to move, after the teleportation ended, the spatial fluctuation of the destination unexpectedly reached the point where it was imperceptible, and it only took less than a second. The time disappeared without a trace. This could be used to sneak in, and enemies with insufficient vigilance could not be found.

Only a few people in the City of Dawn knew that Chu Feng had spatial means.

But no one knew that Chu Feng's spatial methods had reached such a terrifying point.

However, the stronger Chu Feng's strength is, the happier Yiyi will be. Although her IQ far exceeds that of her peers, many adults are beyond the reach, but some children can't avoid thinking.

In her heart, the stronger Chu Feng's strength, the safer the City of Dawn, and the more people that can be saved.

After calming down, Yiyi was ready.

Soon, a group of legions with white armors and bright red cross patterns engraved on their chests and backs walked neatly towards the two of them.

Wherever the white armored legion passed, all the mutant monsters along the way fled far away.

Some mutant monsters will be lost by power after gaining power, and their minds will fall into a state of rampage, but as time goes by, it is difficult for such monsters to survive in difficult natural environments.

As long as there is a little alert to danger, those monster beasts dare not touch the edge of the Star Crusader.

Chu Feng used his mental power to scan, the vanguard's army had a total of 5,000 people, and there were still a large number of army groups distributed in different army formations.

The most powerful weapons on the planet are nuclear weapons and metal hydrogen bombs, but this is superficial.

Among other things, the Star Real Fire Spirit is a very unstable weapon.

Who knows if human beings will directly detonate the stars after being forced into desperation?

If human beings really have such determination, then the Star God Race is just a waste of water.

The people of the Star Crusade were getting closer and closer to Chu Feng. When they saw the figure blocking the road, they silently raised the knight sword in their hands. They didn't need to shout and scream. There were ants appearing in front of them. Just step on it to death with one foot. Is it possible to kill an ant and give a special order?

But as they approached Chu Feng, Chu Feng suddenly exploded with great power.

Chu Feng's feet turned into a sea of ​​blood, countless undead struggling in this sea of ​​blood, endless corpses stretched out their dry arms desperately in the sea of ​​blood, as if they were about to grab something.

The Star Crusade stopped, the scene like this didn't seem to be all illusions.

"Small bugs!"

The leading officer snorted coldly, and his body burst into holy brilliance. A huge Holy Cross appeared on his head and fell towards the sea of ​​blood under his feet.

But after the Holy Light cross fell into the sea of ​​blood, it was like a drop of kerosene falling in the sea, igniting a small spray, which disappeared with the waves.

This is the prototype of Chu Feng in the field of research, named Shura Blood Prison.

Although he had made some mistakes when studying the third faculty in the past and allowed himself to embark on another path, he never relaxed his research on the Asura Blood Prison.

This might not be easy to face evenly matched enemies, but facing opponents whose strength is far weaker than one's own, it is a big killer.

"Chu Feng, I didn't expect that Lord Chu would come to greet us personally, and he would ambush here so long in advance."

A woman with white wings on her back, with holy brilliance on her body, flew to the front of the vanguard of the Star Cross.

She looked around, her beautiful and holy face with some doubts:

"Are you only two people? Since we have predicted our course of action, why there are only two people? Does the Lord City Lord not come to fight, but want a peaceful settlement?"

Chu Feng nodded calmly: "Well, a peaceful solution."

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