The sword air swept across, taking away the lives of the young man and his father.

The zombie virus serum has not been developed yet, so even Chu Feng can't save him.

Of course, even if it can be saved, he may not be able to save it.

Most people will not repent until they really feel the pain. This young man regretted it before he died, but if he was really saved, then he might still hate Chu Feng.

This is helpless, but this is the fact.

After solving the young man and his father together, the crowd onlookers was silent.

They now finally understand the necessity of the staff to isolate each of them separately. Once the young man's father becomes a zombie in the fortress, the safety of the entire fortress will be threatened.

However, the price of awakening them is the passing of a fresh life and the occurrence of a human tragedy. Presumably the young man’s father also regrets it.

At this moment, someone suddenly cursed at Chu Feng: "You killed someone, so you dare to kill someone! The police hurried over, he killed someone, quickly arrest him."

While yelling, his eyes were full of fear and jealousy.

Chu Feng swept across his face with cold eyes. If it weren't for this incident, he would have become a dead person. Of course, if it wasn't for the crowds here, how dare this person yell at himself?

Facing this stupid behavior, the onlookers shouted: "Do you know how many people this zombie would kill if this person didn't take action just now?"

"He saved your life, how dare you say that?"

"I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people."

Facing the accusations from the onlookers, he appeared undaunted: "Who said that this young man must die? He is just doing his filial piety. If this man came out, the young man might not be bitten by his father. It’s he who killed someone."

Everyone was stunned by this person's shamelessness. What kind of living environment is it like to create such a wonderful thing? It is simply pulling down the bottom line of all mankind. How many people's burden can be relieved by using this person's face as a city wall!

He was shameless anyway, so he might as well use it to build a city.

At this moment, a convoy stopped, some people in military uniform got out of the car, and then asked the whole story.

This lunatic came to the military officer frantically, pointing at Chu Feng, while shouting at the soldier: "He killed someone, he killed someone. We all saw it just now. Everyone saw it. We will kill him soon. !"

A young soldier looked at the corpse on the ground and asked him, "Are you talking about the ‘people’ on the ground?"

He specially added an accent to the word person, but he didn't notice it.

The lunatic said excitedly: "Yes, he killed the people on the ground. We have all seen it, so we will quickly kill him."


A gun sounded, and the young soldier retracted the smoking pistol and wrote lightly: "If there are people who make trouble unreasonably and affect the overall order, they will all be killed and executed immediately."

The lunatic who was madly accusing Chu Feng for no reason widened his eyes, and then fell to the ground feebly. The surrounding crowd immediately stepped back and looked at the young soldier's eyes with fear.

Killed, he actually killed someone?

The young soldier said loudly: "This is an extraordinary time. Every minute and every second there will be countless people die. Every boring thing of you delays us for one second, and it may prevent hundreds of people from getting rescued. , So you are murderers."

Hearing what the young soldiers said, some people felt a little dissatisfied, but they didn't show it in the end.

If it is in peacetime, the soldiers will bully as well. Anyway, the soldiers are protecting people. The ones they like to bully most are those who are dedicated to protecting others.

However, he can really kill people!

"I don't know how innocent you are, and don't care how many thoughts you have in your mind, but no matter what you think in your mind, now you must honestly cooperate with our work."

The young soldier continued, "If you are very dissatisfied with my behavior, you can go to the military court to sue me. I can accept your sanctions at any time, but if you want to disrupt public order and endanger public safety, I will be sanctioned. Kill you before."

"Remember, my name is Luo Xingyao. When you want to sue me, remember not to find the wrong person."

As he said, a ball of fire appeared from his hand and fell on the young man's body, burning the bodies of him and his father to ashes.

"Ability, the military's ability!"

"He is a superpower!"

The identity of the supernatural person gave Luo Xingyao a mystery, and in conjunction with his direct murder just now, it made everyone's hearts full of fear, and no one dared to speak up.

They can bully and bully good people because of the large number of people. When facing a person who has omitted the warning process and just shoots and killed people, how can they dare to speak?

Everyone in the team started to check one by one, and everyone was in order, without any confusion.

It can also be seen from their expressions and eyes that those who can cause chaos have been directly solved on the road.

At this time, Luo Xingyao saw Chu Feng, and then came to Chu Feng excitedly, and said: "It's you! Thank you for your last offer...well, in short, thank you for your help. If you need us, Help, just speak up."

He didn't know why Chu Feng insisted on giving all the credit to Gu Nanfei. He didn't want to take any credit, but the military still had to accept his love. After all, if Chu Feng didn't do anything, they still don't know how many people would die. .

Later, when Gu Nanfei introduced the exercises to them, he also mentioned Chu Feng’s name, claiming that without Chu Feng’s help, more people would have died during the experimental stage of the exercises, making them more admire this unwilling to leave his name. Unsung heroes.

Chu Feng did not reject his kindness either, but directly said, "I came here to find my sister. Where is the place where you register people here?"

Although he is unwilling to owe favors easily, it is about his sister and he dare not be sloppy in the slightest.

For my younger sister, she hadn't seen Chu Feng for a few months, but Chu Feng had been looking for her for ten years!

"No problem, the military will never treat anyone who contributes badly."

Luo Xingyao agreed, then turned to the staff and said, "Open the door and let go. Then he will walk with me. If anyone around him changes, I will bear all the consequences. As a supernatural person, Should be able to bear the consequences."

The staff immediately said: "We will let it go right away!"

No one questioned why they have privileges, and the dead bodies on the ground are the best warning.

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