"I thought your military would always maintain the old ideas!"

Chu Feng still admired Luo Xingyao very much. In troubled times, he had to use heavy codes. For those who thought the army would have no bottom line for them, it was the best choice to directly kill them.

Whether it's public or private, these people will not benefit anyone by living, but will only hinder others' lives.

Luo Xingyao's eyes were a little dim: "Because of my behavior, three consecutive chiefs have taken the responsibility on them, and they are all imprisoned."

Chu Feng said, "But this doesn't sound like a bad thing."

This means that his approach is actually supported by many people, and the imprisonment is not a punishment, and the army is not a group of rigid dogma. After a while and understand the current sinister situation, it will be fine.

Luo Xingyao said: "Yes, in the rescue team, after killing a few people, the efficiency will be directly improved. Therefore, the search and rescue efficiency of my team is the highest among all the teams, which is twice the average. There are already people. Start to imitate me."

Chu Feng nodded. In his last life, the army had undergone tragic lessons before it changed.

But when the army realized the importance of the iron-blood policy, it was actually unable to recover from the situation. It was already the limit to be able to maintain a general framework.

However, he also introduced Gu Nanfei to the army ahead of time, which changed his destiny trajectory, and also allowed some people to advance what they wanted to do.

This is like a butterfly in the butterfly effect. With a slight flap of its wings, it is possible to set off a huge storm in the near future.

On the way, Chu Feng suddenly saw a group of people on the side of the road kicking and beating a person, but the people on the side of the road seemed to be used to such a scene, and there were no onlookers.

Seeing people from the army coming over, they immediately scattered.

"It seems that you have no way to maintain public order in the city."

Chu Feng said to Luo Xingyao.

Luo Xingyao sullen before his eyes and said: "The number of troops in the army is limited. We must focus on more important things."

There are priorities. For the military, now is the best time to organize the evacuation of survivors from various places. The longer the delay, the higher the mortality rate of survivors.

Although security such as fortresses is also very important, after all, there are very few dead people. Before more people's lives are safe, these people can only make compromises.

Because of being taken care of by the supernatural powers in the army, Chu Feng quickly found out his sister's residence, causing a big rock in his heart to fall to the ground.

Just when Chu Feng couldn’t wait to see his sister, Luo Xingyao said: “Now we have developed a radio that adapts to this era, but it will take some time for mass production. You can come to us in two days. Want one, so that you can help each other when something happens."

Of course, it is to help each other. In fact, this is the favor that the army wants to return to Chu Feng.

Remind Gu Nanfei to give priority to teaching the army and to improve martial arts. They all helped the army a lot, so when Chu Feng had difficulties, they would help if they could.

Chu Feng did not decline either, and now is not the time to be a hero.

Although he doesn't need much help from others now, he might be able to play a big role in dealing with Long Ao in the future.

After Luo Xingyao left, Chu Feng and others found their sister's residence according to the address given by the army.

However, when they rushed to the place, they saw that their sister's temporary residence was surrounded by a large group of people.

The leader was a man with an arrogant face, in his 30s. A dog-legged man beside him said loudly: "A few little girls, don’t be shameless. We have tolerated you for a long time. I tell you, too. It’s just that Brother Tian has a good temper, otherwise, even if he is strong against you, I think who has a fart."

Hearing such a shout, Chu Feng's eyes were cold.

Xu Yan's familiar voice came from the room: "If we have an accident, you will bury us one by one."

Dog legs proudly said: "Do you think that Gu Nanfei must be able to protect you? Even if he is really capable, he is a person. I tell you, our heavenly brother has just joined an alliance of supernatural powers, but there are some in it. Eleven powers! Eleven!"

Another dog leg sang with him: "You should know what the concept of the status of the superstar is, what is the 11 high-ranking big people, just a Gu Nanfei?"

Hearing what they said, Chu Feng murmured to himself: "This is how the embryonic form of the Alliance of Supernaturalists has appeared."

Some abilities will protect and help as many people as possible like Zhao Fan and Teacher Su Yuyan.

But there are also some abilities who feel that ordinary people are a drag, and there is no need to bring them.

Even with some ordinary people around, it is for the convenience of doing things.

Of course, Chu Feng is actually the latter, but he will have a good impression of the former, and will help the former if he can.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for the supernaturalists to move towards a union.

It's just that the current alliance of supernaturalists is not mature, it can only be a small group.

Just as Gou Tiezi was about to continue threatening, Tian Ge suddenly took a step forward, letting Gou Tie Zi's next words swallow in his stomach.

Of course you can't let the boss say something bad, but since the boss wants to come out in person, they certainly can't steal his limelight.

"Xu Yan, Chu Xiaorou, and Qiaoqiao, my tolerance for you has reached the limit."

Brother Tian looked domineering, "I tell you, since you regard the so-called Gu Nanfei as the backstage, then I have to kill him, but at that time, even if you want to ask for mercy, it will be too late."

At this time, a person next to him also replied: "Gu Nanfei is just an awakened person from the Physical Skills Department. Facing our Elemental System, he does not have an advantage at all. After killing him, it can be regarded as a prestige for our Azure Dragon Society. "

At this moment, suddenly a hand was placed on Brother Tian's shoulder.

"Just now, you said you want to hit Chu Xiaorou's idea?"

When a voice with indifferent killing intent came from behind him, Brother Tian couldn't help shaking his body.

Even if he was a supernatural person, after hearing this voice, he instinctively felt scared.

However, the feeling of anger into anger quickly expelled the fear, and he sternly said: "Boy, what are you, dare to take care of Lao Tzu's business?"

"I am the one who will kill you!"

Then, a sharp sword aura swept across, Tian Ge only felt cold in his lower body, and then a lot of blood gushed out.

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