Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1134: The turn of fantasy

Teddy Bear Empire, the southern frontier.

"I reject this act of taking advantage of people's danger. Our fighting nation should be upright. How can we wage war against them while they are in civil strife?"

Suogeda was carrying a 2 meters long profound ice giant sword, and his eyes were full of anger.

In front of him, there are several senior officers with more than a dozen medals on their chests.

"Sogda, I know you are upright, so we have never forced you to do those bad things. We have never taught you all the things that need dark means to solve."

A one-armed old man walked over. His height is only 1.7 meters. He is considered a short man among the fighting nations, but his majesty cannot be ignored.

All the senior officers bowed and saluted, respectfully welcoming the old man's arrival.

Sogda lowered his head and said, "I have always understood this, so I wondered."

No country, there is no dark side.

It is impossible for a country without darkness to survive in this world.

He understands this truth, so he never thought of expelling the darkness in the past. However, he even hopes that he will become a symbol of light and let people understand that courage is the biggest driving force for people's progress.

Darkness cannot be driven away, but human courage cannot be given up.

"According to the information we have obtained, after the Star Crusade marched, a large number of insects attacked the survival base in the West. Now the number of casualties has exceeded 500,000. This is only three hours of data, or we can count it. You don’t know how much you know. There are also some Protoss who have launched the massacre of humans. You should understand what this means."

The one-armed old man said, "It means that these gods do not put us humans in their eyes. In their eyes, we humans are chess pieces. No, even chess pieces are inferior to them. We Human beings are lambs. Now this war is not an internal struggle between humans. It is a war between humans and the Protoss."

"What? The bugs are coming so fast?"

Sogda was shocked. "They didn't take precautions when they set out?"

"Beware? The real fire of stars has come out, what else are they guarding against? I don't know how precious the real fire of stars is, but I know that in the eyes of the Protoss, real fire of stars is more precious than the value of our earth combined."

The one-armed old man said angrily, "As long as they can get the real fire of the stars, they can pay all the price, they can give up all the Western operations. Now, the entire West is smashed. You want to be honest, but now, I ask you, When the Protoss is dealing with our compatriots, do you still have to speak up with the Protoss?"

Hearing this, Sogda's heart also burned with flames.

He is not a pedantic person, he just puts courage first.

Now, it is not the time to be particular.

This is a war between humans and protoss.

"Please order the commander."

Sogda knelt on one knee, his eyes full of warfare.

"Our first task is to save as many people as possible from the sea of ​​suffering, and to delegate those survivors to our borders as much as possible. Naturally, someone will do this. Your task is to protect those troops. , Don’t feel humiliated by their methods. At the moment when human life is critical, we can’t worry too much. Time is life.”

The one-armed old man ordered, "For this mission, I will let Wufsky go with you. Our bear empire has concealed the existence of polar ice bears for a long time, and it should be used this time."

Is even the polar ice bear going out?

Suoghda's heart was full of shock. The Polar Ice Bear is a big hole card of their bear empire, and it will not be easily taken out when it is not critical.

Because its power is too strong, so powerful that it makes its allies feel scared and transform from an ally to an enemy.

But now, the polar ice bears are about to go out.

Is the situation really able to reach this point?

"The soldiers are very fast, prepare to set off in 15 minutes, the logistics problem will be solved slowly, let's go out first, and..."

The one-armed old man was giving instructions, and a soldier hurriedly came to the one-armed old man and shouted:

"Report, commander! The situation in the south has changed."

"What changes!"

The one-armed old man did not blame the soldier for his rudeness. Since the other party bothered him at this time, it must be a very important thing that happened in the south. Now every move in the south is affecting their heartstrings. No news is easy. miss.

"The Star Cross Army has returned and is fighting the bugs, and the Star Cross Army has announced that it will fight the Protoss and launched an attack on those Protoss. Tens of thousands of the Protoss have died in the hands of the Star Cross."


Such an unexpected turn shocked the entire military high-level of the Bear Empire.

"What happened? Didn't the Star Crusader have been controlled by the Protoss and went to attack China? Why did they suddenly return to fight the insects and start attacking the Protoss?"

A senior military officer has lost his temper. They waited for this opportunity and waited for so long. They did not expect such a shocking reversal now.

Several officers next to him were already scolding:

"It must be the people in the Western Parliament. Those people's hearts are really too dirty."

"Because they still brought their family members to us for help, I didn't expect that there would be such a back hand."

"Assholes, we may be happy."

Unlike those high-ranking military officers, Sogda was relieved:

"As long as the Star Crusade is still in the hands of our humans."

Although his national concept is also very important, his racial concept also occupies a large proportion when the country is not alive or dead.

Although the Star Crusade is also a huge threat to the bear empire, as long as he is still in the hands of mankind, it can become a force for mankind to fight abroad.

It was not a wise choice to go to war with the Protoss, but compared to the fact that the Star Crusade was under the control of the Protoss, he really didn't care about this little thing.

As long as we have a strong sword in our hands, why should we be afraid of powerful enemies?

"What happened?" the one-armed old man asked in a deep voice.

"This, this..."

Chuan Lingbing hesitated, some dare not say, "Although there is intelligence, it is still not possible to confirm the authenticity."

"I will judge whether it is true or not, just say it." The one-armed old man angered.

It's just a messenger who dares to question the authenticity of intelligence. Even if it is false intelligence, it does not mean it is worthless.

"Listen, I heard that they surrendered to Chu Feng."

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