Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1135: Reality is not logical

The air seemed to freeze at this moment.

On the wall of the entire southern fortress, these high-ranking officers were speechless.

Is this information humiliating their IQ?

"what did you say?"

A senior military officer grabbed the soldier by the collar and tried to fight, "Do you dare to fool us with this kind of information? Do you think the atmosphere is too serious, so tell a joke and humor?"

"Let him go!"

Sogda opened his mouth and said, the senior officer decisively let go of the soldier's collar. Although Sogda's position in the army is not high, his status far exceeds his rank.

In the war of encirclement and reorganization of the bear empire and mutant monsters, Sogda has always been at the forefront of the charge.

Among the fighting nation that advocates courage, such people are more respected than normal generals.

"Sogda, I..."

"I know this information is outrageous, but even if it is false information, it is valuable. What we should analyze is why the intelligence personnel we arrange in the West will pass back such a false information. What did they see there? "

Sogda said calmly.

"Sogda is right. Even if there is a mistake in intelligence, it is the responsibility of the intelligence department, not the messenger."

The one-armed old man agreed with Chuan Lingbing's point of view, "Check it again and tell them that at all costs, I must investigate the whole story clearly, say what I see, and don't have my own processing."

"Yes, sir!"

The messenger gave a military salute and ran away from here.

"Sogda, do you really believe in this kind of thing?"

Said a senior officer.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. The important thing is that our human army is fighting for us. That's enough."

Sogda's eyes were filled with relief.


Mi Empire, Hexagon Building.

"Rice buckets are just a bunch of rice buckets! Is it possible that the people who work in the intelligence department now have become pig heads. With such a high salary, we have raised a bunch of waste like you!"

A high-ranking military general of the Mi Empire slammed the copywriting in his hand to the ground in anger, felt uncomfortable, jumped up again, and stepped on his feet severely.

"I asked you to pay attention to the developments of the Star Crusade and the China War. What did you pay attention to? The Star Cross hadn't reached the border of China, but they surrendered collectively and returned to fight bugs? I tell you, even if It's a novel that is written like this, and it will be sprayed to the author to seal the pen. You dare to fool me with such a thing!"

Just a few hours ago, they received intelligence that shocked the world.

The Protoss took over the entire Xing Crusader in just three hours. The Western Parliament completely lost the control of the Star Crusade. It died dead, escaped, and surrendered.

All the changes happened in just three hours.

Such intelligence was enough to shock them.

They never expected that the infiltration of the Protoss into humans had reached such a level.

Although it is not pleasing to see Huaxia, they also know that if a war breaks out between the Star Crusade and Huaxia, it must be an unprecedented turbulence on the earth, and may even lead to a sign of the destruction of the earth.

At such a moment when the life and death of human beings are at stake, at a moment that may be a turning point in history, any slight movement is enough to affect the heartstrings of countless people.

But what information is this group of rice buckets giving them?

The Star Crusade was halfway away, and surrendered without even reaching the door?

Not to mention that after surrendering, they came back with the Star Crusade and became the savior of insects? Even the Protoss has been killed by them tens of thousands.

Do you think this is writing a novel?

"Knowing this is incredible, but reality is never logical."

An old man with gray hair and bloated figure walked into the conference room pushing a wheelchair.

"Do you believe that the Star Crusade will surrender to a Chinese man?"

The high-ranking general snarled, "If the subordinate is really so terrible, I am afraid that it is not only the West that has been infiltrated by her, but even the people around us will become Huaxia people. We will not follow Hua Xia is doing the right thing, knowing every day whether our soldiers will encounter the same things when they go out."

Such information is absolutely impossible for him to believe.

Even if the information is true, he does not want to believe it.

Not only is the intelligence too unbelievable, but what is even more terrifying is that behind this intelligence, it reflects the terrible degree of China's infiltration of Western parliaments.

If this information is true, what other forces on Earth are eligible to become enemies with China?

This is what makes them intolerable the most.

"Don't worry, there is one thing mentioned in the specific information, that is, an 11-year-old girl is followed by Chu Feng, and Chu Feng has touted that girl to the height of a saint. We The intelligence personnel of the People's Republic of China took this incident once because they did not believe what an 11-year-old girl could do."

Although the bloated old man in a wheelchair seems to be inconvenient to move, he speaks much more agilely than his body shape. "But in the information we have collected before, the Bright Church has also used similar excuses to treat this little girl as Saintess, and will not hesitate to pay for this, and the price of antagonism with China."

"Do you believe this kind of thing is true?"

"I have to believe that what era is now, no matter how we do not accept the era today, but we have to admit that the gods are real."

"But I would rather believe that the gods are fake."

The high-ranking generals mumbled gloomy eyes.

The so-called faith is actually a means for them to manage their own people.

It's just that when beliefs get out of control, it will lead to huge disasters, which will cause the divine power to overwhelm the imperial power.

But now, when believers realize that true gods may exist, their madness is simply hard to suppress.

That is to say, the technological strength in their hands is still ahead of the world, otherwise, the country would have already lost control.

"This is not the question of whether the true **** exists. What we have to consider is another question, that is, what is in this little girl's body that can alarm the gods and alarm the supreme existence."

The eyes of the bloated old man were strangely enthusiastic, "My instinct tells me that this little girl must have a very important secret in her body. It is definitely not just what the Protoss tells us, this little girl has the ability to assist in breakthroughs."

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