Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1142: The Game Between the Sons

The voice of the yin and yang weird sounded again: "It's just to deal with an ant in a small area. So many people have to be dispatched. It seems that since the battle for the position, His Royal Highness has lost an infinite edge. It is no wonder that for such a long time, Didn’t break through the last line, no wonder, no wonder!"

The senior members of the Star God Clan in the conference room frowned.

When I first saw the performance of Shengzi, the two seemed to be in a group.

However, it is too over-installed now!

They still don't think that the two sides are really diametrically opposed, because this level of quarrel is too low-level and should not be on the table.

What's more, the time for Kaiyang Xing Shengzi to seize the position of the Shengzi has not been very long, and the position is not stable enough.

Kaiyang Xing Shengzi is still neither humble nor overbearing: "Capturing the true fire essence of the stars is a major event for the entire Star God Clan. It is not a fight for fame and fortune. If you just want to kill the human Chu Feng, I can cut within three moves when I ask myself. But watching Chu Feng's previous behavior, I am afraid that simply using his life as a threat is far from enough.

The reason why I have to deploy so many people is to let him see that we have the strength to overthrow this China, and in the face of the crisis of race survival, he can't help but refuse.

If he killed Chu Feng just for a moment of anger, but the real fire spirit of the stars was detonated by him, who could afford such a responsibility? I am not the brave and brave man of the Heavenly Power Star Son. "

In one question and one answer, he also showed an attitude.

That is, he will put the interests of the Star Gods in the highest position, even at the expense of personal honor and shame, but also to defend the interests of the Satellite Gods, and finally smoothly suppress his opponent.

As a holy son with a shallow foundation, with such an attitude, it is undoubtedly the fastest to gain people's hearts.

Many high-level members of the Star Temple have already begun to nod secretly.

No matter how they serve their own interests in private, but on the bright side, in this star palace, they must show an attitude of dedicating everything to the race.

This does not mean that they will really sacrifice everything for the ethnic group, because when they show such an attitude, the ethnic group cannot fail them, otherwise it will chill the hearts of the entire ethnic group.

Kaiyang Xing Shengzi showed his attitude.

In contrast, the son of Tianquan Xing was invisibly labeled "for personal honor and disgrace and harming the interests of the ethnic group". Even if everyone knows that he said this deliberately, there is no way to change the facts.

"That’s right, the stars’ true fire and spirit cannot be missed. In contrast, personal honor is really nothing. I fully support Kaiyangxing’s approach, and I am willing to add some more chips for Kaiyangxing here. Ensure the success of this operation."

At this time, a discordant voice came from the direction of the palace.

Kaiyang Xing Shengzi's eyes changed slightly, and Tianquan Xing's Shengzi slowly walked out of the partial hall. Obviously, he had been listening to this meeting from the beginning.

Guo Tianquan Xing Shengzi's attitude made him confused.

He was clearly discrediting him just now, but he didn't expect him to support him in turn.

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct it, admire it."

Although Tianquan Xing Shengzi's attitude is very low, Kaiyang Xing Shengzi is not willing to let go of this opportunity.

However, his opening made the senior officials of the Star God Temple seem a little unhappy.

The pattern and strength are lower.

"It's not that I can correct my mistakes. It's just that I still need to test the opponent's strength and character before I actually do it. You just decided to use so much power, isn't it because of my temptation?

Tianquan Xing Shengzi said blankly, "Originally, I planned to do it myself. I didn’t expect to do it for you. This also saves me from going to the earth myself. However, your information comes from me after all. Omissions are unavoidable. I came here to help you make up for the omissions."

Kaiyang Xing Shengzi's face changed slightly, and the situation turned upside down as soon as the opponent appeared.

The slander he had just turned into a flash point for the other party.

Moreover, Tianquan Xing Shengzi showed magnanimity and willingness to assist him, instantly creating an image of lofty structure and grandeur.

Now the situation in the conference hall has been firmly grasped by the other party.

The elder of the Star God Temple who spoke at the beginning also had some disappointments and regrets. He presided over the meeting this time in order to put Kaiyang Xing Shengzi on top, which was related to his future plans.

Unfortunately, the Son of Heavenly Power Star has more experience after all.

If Kaiyang Xing Shengzi couldn't fight back, then he would have to break his wrist.

Only with value can he invest.

"Since Tianquan Xing is willing to help, I can only say thank you in advance. Otherwise, if there is something wrong with this mission, even if I just lose a star, I may not forgive myself in my life. ."

Kaiyang Xing Shengzi Road.

Now the situation has been controlled by the other party, and this situation is also premeditated by the other party, and he has no way to find a way to break the game in an instant.

Since there is no way to crack it, he can only find a way to recover the loss.

The true fire spirit of the stars is definitely not in the hands of the people on earth, but his statement like this has invisibly shifted the responsibility to the son of Tianquan Xing.

If this action is successful, it is the credit of two people.

If the action fails, even if there are only some mistakes, it is that the son of Tianquan Xing has deliberately concealed it.

Of course, Kaiyang Xing Shengzi didn't dare to let the action fail, because he couldn't bear even a little responsibility.

But there were some flaws in the course of the action, and he could still bear it.

"Okay, then you must prepare according to what I said, don't compromise." Tianquan Xing Shengzi didn't seem to hear the meaning of Kaiyang Xing Shengzi, and said solemnly.

"Please speak." Kaiyang Xing Shengzi had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Go to the Seven Stars Sword, the Big Dipper Array, and then to the Star Soul Palace to invite the protection of the Holy Spirit, the best is the existence of the peak of the Holy Order. The total number of the star air force group is increased to a million. All must be proficient in the formation. Then ask the Holy Master to give the fixed astrology chart. If something goes wrong during the action, you can also ask the Holy Master to take action in a short time..."

The more Tianquan Xing Son said, the darker Kaiyang Xing Son's face became.

Is he helping? He is humiliating himself.

He did appear to be disregarding personal honor and disgrace for the sake of the ethnic group, but if he really did so much preparation, how much credit would he take?

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